Is Shazam stronger than a God?

Shazam Needs This Power Boost Now More Than Ever Fans had believed Shazam couldn't match the gods, but given he has a slight upgrade on their iconic powers, he may yet be able to free himself, once again proving that he's Earth's Mightiest Mortal.
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Can Zeus beat Shazam?

It has been already answered, In which Shazam has won the match many times via pure magic. Out of Two, Zeus Claps Both Of Them. Until Shazam and Superman decide to Merge up together. It would be Closer but Zeus is would still win as he separated the Source.
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Who can defeat Shazam?

Shazam is very powerful, but he just doesn't stand a chance against an Odinforce and Power Cosmic enhanced Thor. Shazam would put up a good fight for a bit, but Thor would be able to overpower him and take him out.
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Can Shazam beat Thor?

There is no clear answer as to who would win in a fight between Shazam and Thor. Both are incredibly powerful superheroes, but they have different strengths and weaknesses. Shazam is faster and more agile than Thor, while Thor has greater strength.
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Is Shazam as strong as Zeus?

One of DC Comics' most famous Olympians, Zeus, is key to the origins of such superheroes as Wonder Woman and Shazam, with his power residing in both heroes. The Wizard Shazam, however, is now a near-equal to the Old God, whose power he famously gifted to Billy Batson.
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How Powerful Is Shazam?

Can Shazam beat Thanos?

1 Thanos Couldn't Stand Up To Shazam's Might

Thanos is one of Marvel's greatest villains but that doesn't mean he's dangerous to the most powerful DC heroes like Shazam. Heroes like Shazam and Superman can lift tens of thousands of tons; Thanos tops out at much less than that.
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Can Shazam lift Thor's hammer?

Captain Marvel, aka Shazam, is one of the most powerful heroes DC has to offer. He's on Superman's level, though Shazam's powers are derived from magic. However, being powerful is not what makes Shazam worthy of Mjolnir. In fact, Shazam is not the one who is worthy of the hammer; Billy Batson is.
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Is Shazam as strong as Superman?

Shazam is in a similar strength class as Superman, but he can also command lightning. Shazam's magical powers give him a clear advantage over Superman whenever they meet in battle. The two heroes have fought several times, and Shazam almost always takes the win unless outside forces are at play.
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What is Shazam's weakness?

Shazam's greatest weakness is mind control, which turns him into a living weapon with no one to stop him. This weakness harms others more than Shazam himself, as he is physically invulnerable. If a villain gains control of Shazam, he becomes the deadliest member of the Justice League.
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Could Black Adam beat Shazam?

Shazam and Black Adam are completely even when it comes to power level. The reason Shazam wins their battles is simple: he's able to take advantage of Adam's weaknesses as a person to win. If Adam was able to control himself better, something that has improved in recent years, he could easily beat Shazam.
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Can Shazam destroy Superman?

If Shazam wanted to kill Superman, would he be able to do so? Yes, Shazam could kill Superman. To be honest, there are a good number of characters that could kill Superman if they wanted to. I think his friends and allies, if they were to betray his trust, would stand the best chance.
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Can Hela beat Shazam?

In both the MCU and comics, it's a stomp for Hela.
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Can Wonder Woman defeat Shazam?

Wonder Woman's power level surpasses that of Shazam, despite his gifts from the gods. While an arm-wrestling match may not be the definitive test of their abilities, this showdown suggests that Wonder Woman would likely defeat Shazam.
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Did Billy become a god in Shazam?

Billy was then summoned to the center of his powers and learned that he was in fact the God of Gods. The Wizard that originally gave Billy his powers informed him that, because of Darkseid's death, the connection to the gods inside of him was severed.
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Can Hulk lift Thor's hammer?

The simple answer is no. Yes, Hulk absolutely smashes Thor to the ground with Mjolnir, but, he's holding both Thor and the hammer. Hulk wouldn't have been able to lift Mjolnir by himself, but since the God of Thunder had a firm grip on it as well, he was able to use it as a weapon against his teammate.
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Can juggernaut lift Mjolnir?

After bashing Thor with an entire stone pillar, Juggernaut managed to separate Thor from his hammer – but was unable to lift it as a selfish brute like him was unworthy of its power.
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Can Loki lift Mjolnir?

Loki is confirmed to be worthy of lifting Thor's hammer, Mjolnir, for the first time in official Marvel canon. In The Immortal Thor #5, Loki confidently catches and wields the hammer, showcasing his growth and heroism.
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Can Black Adam beat Thor?

Ultimately, pure strength and speed will win the fight of pantheons, with the gods-given power of Black Adam simply being too much for Thor. Black Adam has speed on the level of a Kryptonian or even the DCU's version of The Flash, which is simply too much for Asgard's former prince.
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Is Hercules stronger than Thor?

While Hercules may have the strength to literally destroy Thor's body, Thor can technically do the exact same thing to Hercules. The Olympian and the Asgardian are evenly matched in terms of both strength and durability.
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How can Groot lift Thor's hammer?

During a Vudu Viewing Party for Avengers: Infinity War, co-directors Anthony and Joe Russo revealed a key difference between Thor's hammer Mjolnir and his new ax Stormbreaker: the latter doesn't require worthiness. That's why Groot was able to lift the ax, not because he was worthy but because he didn't need to be.
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Could Shazam beat Darkseid?

The problem with Shazam fighting Darkseid is that even though his powers make him smarter, Billy still makes mistakes. Darkseid is known for capitalizing on his foes' weaknesses and if he gets his hands on Shazam, he might be able to invade the Rock of Eternity and steal its power.
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Can Shazam beat Aquaman?

Aquaman can hit extremely hard as he was knocking parademons out/killing them with one or two blows, but Shazam has an extreme durability that may be able to withstand the power of the King. If Aquaman is going all out he may be able to overwhelm Shazam quickly but that may be reaching.
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