Is Superman weak to Vibranium?

It turns out, Marvel's Superman isn't just weak against Steve Rogers, but vibranium is his kryptonite.
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Can Superman beat Vibranium?

Superman can break Vibranium, but he can't break Adamantium. The Hulk holds a planet together, so in physical strength he is similar to Superman's, and the Hulk can't melt adamatium, plus the sun can't melt this metal either, so we have no evidence that Superman's heat vision can do the job.
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Can Superman melt Vibranium?

Superman heat vision has been shown capable of cutting through something that was said to be as powerful as the event horizon of a black hole. It probably couldn't burn through vibranium. But you can heat the metal to a soft red point, and it can also be melted. So Superman could melt vibranium with his heat vision.
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Who can destroy Vibranium?

In Age of Ultron, concentrated energy blasts of sufficient heat and power are also shown to be effective against Vibranium. Thor's lightning, Vision's Mind Stone lasers and Iron Man's repulsor beams were able to melt Ultron's body when used in combination, meaning that high enough temperatures can break Vibranium down.
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Can Superman break Captain Shield?

Superman is one of the strongest characters in any comic book universe, but even he cannot break Captain America's shield with his immense strength. While Superman is easily one of the strongest characters in any comic book universe, even he can't break Captain America's shield.
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Can Superman break Thor hammer?

No. Thor's hammer is extremely durable. We've seen Superman hit with things before that didn't break. The only way I see a fight with Thor & Superman ending with Mjolnir broken is if Superman punched it as hard as he could while Thor was swinging it as hard as he could.
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Can Thor's hammer destroy Captain America's shield?

Ultimate Captain America uses a shield of pure Adamantium, although that metal may not possess the same properties in the Ultimate Marvel universe as it does in the mainstream Marvel Universe. The shield was destroyed when Gregory Stark smashed it with Thor's hammer, though Captain America would wield another later.
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Can Thanos break Vibranium?

Although vibranium is susceptible to damage, it's depicted as the most durable material in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The fact that Thanos possesses enough power to beak vibranium is a testament to the strength of the Mad Titan, but more importantly, the weapon itself.
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Can Hulk rip Vibranium?

Can the Hulk break Vibranium? Dr. Bruce Banner discovered that during a previous Chitauri attack, the Hulk had been able to smash through the Vibranium plated Chitauri ships without any effort. Because of this, he discovered that Vibranium turns brittle when exposed to gamma radiation.
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What if Iron Man have Vibranium?

Originally Answered: Would iron man be a lot stronger if he could make his suits with vibranium? Yes, most certainly. And thats true of any better substance or metal, he would be quite better off due to its power and protection.
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Can Superman destroy Black Panther suit?

Short answer: Not enough. Superman is ridiculously powerful, capable of bench pressing the Earth for days, without tiring. A full-power punch from someone that strong is going to overload the suit, and would likely kill Black Panther.
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Can Wolverine cut Superman?

With only four exceptions, Wolverine would never be able to cut through Superman skin, with his adamantium claws. Those exceptions being: Superman was mostly drained of his stored energy. Superman was exposed to red solar energy.
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What metal can Superman not break?

Probably proto admantium which is pretty much the strongest metal in the Marvel universe and is what Caps sheild is made of.
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Would Superman win against Hulk?

Even in the few times he's faced Superman, the green monster has lost. It's no fault of the Hulk's, but Superman is called Superman for a reason. Unless he had kryptonite or a magic-user by his side, Hulk would usually fall to the DC Hero - although, he'd put up a hell of a fight. Superman wins.
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Who can Superman not beat?

Without help, he'd get beat by them.
  • 6 Wally West Is Much Too Fast For Superman.
  • 7 The Highfather Has Access To The Source. ...
  • 8 Brainiac 5 Knows Superman's Every Weakness. ...
  • 9 Star Boy's Gravity Powers Are Too Much For Superman To Handle. ...
  • 10 Element Lad Could Easily Take Away Superman's Powers. ...
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Can Captain America beat Superman with Mjolnir?

Basically, he could. It is definitely possible because if Superman was exposed to kryptonite beforehand, he would not have his powers. This would allow anything to be able to beat him. However, Superman would beat Captain America with Mjolnir if he had his powers (which he usually has).
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Can Hulk break Wolverine's bones?

Hulk's inability to break Wolverine and his adamantium claws isn't an indictment of the green monster's strength but more shows how strong Wolverine's metal-coated bones really are.
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Can Wolverine stab the Hulk?

While Wolverine doesn't always win their fights, he also doesn't always lose them and more importantly, he knows what it takes to fight the Hulk. His adamantium claws are one of the few weapons in the Marvel Universe that can consistently pierce Hulk's skin and Wolverine has no problem going for Hulk's head.
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Can Spider-Man stop Hulk punch?

Fans know Spider-Man is strong, but Marvel confirms Peter Parker has the strength to not only survive a Hulk attack, but take him down too.
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Can Wolverine cut Vibranium?

Because without altering any continuities, if Fox's Wolverine and Marvel's Captain America were to come to blows, the claws would slice through the shield like a hot knife through butter. Vibranium can absorb kinetic energy, but it isn't indestructible (as evidenced by Thanos destroying the shield in Endgame).
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Can Stormbreaker cut Captain America's shield?

Mjolnir doesn't damage Cap's shield at all, as shown below. I think it is fairly safe to assume that Stormbreaker (being a cutting weapon, rather than Mjolnir which is designed to smash or build) would inflict similar damage to the shield as Thanos sword does. Conclusion: Stormbreaker minces Cap's shield.
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Why could Thanos cut Captain America's shield?

Vibranium is just the strongest metal on Earth. In Endgame we see that Thanos' blade is able to break Cap's shield. There are much stronger materials in space, it stands to reason that there are beings out there stronger than it as well.
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Can Magneto lift Mjolnir?

This isn't even getting into the fact that, as we saw in Avengers #111 (by Steve Englehart, Don Heck and Mike Esposito), Magneto can control people's minds with his powers, so he could "wield" Mjolnir, in a way, by "wielding" Thor himself... (And yes, it is creepy that he has his daughter dancing for him).
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Could cap lift Thor's hammer Ultron?

Although Cap's internal conflicts prevented him from being fully worthy to lift Mjölnir during Age of Ultron, Cap really almost pulled off stealing Thor's thunder.
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Is the Stormbreaker stronger than Mjolnir?

Stormbreaker has the additional power to summon the Bifröst, allowing Thor to teleport anywhere in the Nine Realms. Screen Rant has identified Stormbreaker as the more powerful of the two, based on this ability, as well as it being a much larger and edged weapon.
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