Is the dark fairy Maleficent?

During this time, Maleficent's species is identified as 'Dark Fey', although Maleficent's powers are unique to her due to her being the latest reincarnation of the powerful Phoenix.
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Is the original Maleficent a fairy?

Maleficent is a powerful dark fairy and the eponymous protagonist of the 2014 film Maleficent and its 2019 sequel, titled Maleficent: Mistress of Evil, and the upcoming Maleficent 3. Growing up as an orphan in the Moors, Maleficent believed herself to be the last of her kind.
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Is the evil queen Maleficent?

Maleficent is sometimes incorrectly referred to as an evil queen, likely because she lives in an abandoned castle in the Forbidden mountains, but she isn't actually a queen in Maleficent or in Sleeping Beauty (in Maleficent her aunt and uncle were technically rulers of the Moors, although that was cut from the final ...
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What monster is Maleficent?

In the original Sleeping Beauty (1959), Maleficent is a horned witch-monster who can fly, apparate out of nowhere, shape-shift into a dragon, command the thunderous sky to do her bidding, and, of course, issue death curses at an infant christening she wasn't invited to.
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Who was Maleficent before she was evil?

We all know Maleficent's evil side. The first Maleficent movie, however, showed us Maleficent's good side. Maleficent used to be a powerful fairy living in the Moors, a magical forest realm bordering a human kingdom. As a young girl, Maleficent meets and falls in love with a Scottish human peasant boy named Stefan.
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The Life of Maleficent: The Dark Fairy Explained

Is Maleficent a witch or a fairy?

Maleficent is a dark fairy (although she's also described as a witch) that styles herself as the Mistress of Evil. She curses the infant Princess Aurora without a second thought after King Stefan fails to invite her to the christening.
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Why did Maleficent lose her wings?

Stefan later betrayed her and stole her wings, so he would be able to become the new king.
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What made Maleficent evil?

Later, Stefan betrays Maleficent and steals her wings so he could claim that he killed her and become king. After the painful loss of her wings, Maleficent becomes enraged over his treachery, and as her heart of gold turns to stone, she becomes the evilest magical being in the land.
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Was Maleficent a human?

Maleficent is a powerful fairy living in the Moors, a magical forest realm bordering a human kingdom. As a child, she meets a human peasant boy named Stefan, and they fall in love with each other.
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Did Maleficent love Aurora?

Since watching Aurora over her childhood years, Maleficent soon grew a maternal love for her.
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What princess does Maleficent hate?

At first, Maleficent hated Aurora, but Maleficent soon had developed a close bond with her, so she now calls Aurora "Beastie" as a nickname and a sign of affection towards her. Aurora was only able to wear her signature pink dress in the second film.
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Why does Maleficent have horns?

Even though Maleficent is a heroine, she is still presented as a satanic figure. Her iconic horns (which Disney artist Marc Davis, who designed Maleficent, says were inspired by the traditional look of the devil, to “frighten everybody half to death”) are present even before Stefan's betrayal.
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Who is Maleficent's daughter?

Emma immediately does some research and uncovers the truth that the woman, Lilith "Lily" Page, is not only Maleficent's daughter, but was once the childhood friend of Emma, who also discovers that fate has controlled her life down to the finest detail, which includes influencing the one friend she ever had.
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Why does Maleficent cover her hair?

“At first, she has beautiful, flowing hair but when she gets older and more bitter, she is more scary. She's hiding her hair and we put headwraps on her, which are a very, very important part of her costume. …
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Is Maleficent Bald?

In the animated film, she has no hair. In the upcoming Maleficent movie with Angelina Jolie, she does. As for the horns as part of her anatomy, in the 2014 movie it's clear that it's a part of her head and if you look at the recent trailers it seems like the hair surrounds the horns.
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What is a Dark Fey?

The Dark Fey are a subspecies of Fairy, human in size and appearance however with large feathered wings and horns. In Maleficent: Mistress of Evil, Conall tours and brings Maleficent around the cavern, describing it as their Nest of Origin.
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Is Maleficent a devil?

She is represented as an evil fairy and the self-proclaimed "Mistress of All Evil" who, after not being invited to a christening, curses the infant Princess Aurora to "prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and die" before the sun sets on Aurora's sixteenth birthday.
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What gender is Maleficent?

The findings reveal that even though Maleficent is portrayed as a powerful woman, she is also oppressed. Her magical power becomes a trigger of her oppression since men consider Maleficent's power as a threat for their domination.
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Did the king love Maleficent?

In fact, his obsessive hatred for Maleficent overruled his love for anyone else, even his dying wife and his own daughter, whom he neglects after meeting her for the first time.
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What is Maleficent a symbol of?

Sleeping Beauty's Maleficent is an explicitly satanic figure: “mistress of all evil,” in league with “all the powers of Hell.” At the climax she transforms into a dragon to battle Prince Philip, the most archetypally heroic male lead in any Disney cartoon.
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How was Maleficent killed?

With Maleficent distracted, the Queen fires her crossbow. Maleficent saves Aurora, but is struck by the arrow, dissolving into ashes. Devastated, Aurora mourns over Maleficent's death. However, as Aurora's tears fall on the ashes, Maleficent is reborn as a Phoenix.
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Why do people hate Maleficent?

Some people might hate Maleficent for her villainous beginnings, which makes sense. Some people hate this new era of Disney and don't like the idea of turning villains into less villainous versions of themselves. They like the classics and don't like what Disney is doing with them.
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Why is Maleficent afraid of iron?

Weapons and implements made from cold iron are often granted special efficacy against creatures such as fairies and spirits. In the Disney film Maleficent, the title character reveals early on that iron is lethal to fairies, and that the metal burns them on contact.
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Who broke Maleficent's heart?

In Heart of the Moors, we see his sweet, loyal nature as he unflinchingly helps Maleficent and Aurora time and again. No King Stefan. King Stefan sucked in Maleficent. He broke Maleficent's heart and totally betrayed her.
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What happened to Maleficent's baby?

Fortunately, the baby found an adoptive family in the real world, and it's revealed that the child has a star birthmark on her wrist, just like the one young Lily and Emma bonded over as children.
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