Is the Dominion more powerful than the Borg?

Borg Tech Is Unbelievably Powerful Sisko observes that the Borg's technology is far and above anything the Dominion has - at least that Sisko has seen. Sisko believes that the Borg component would be able to counteract any strategies they could throw out.
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Can the Dominion beat the Borg?

It has been confirmed that the Borg would still exist just without central guidance (until a new queen is chosen, perhaps). Furthermore, all of this military weakness does not even take into account that the Dominion would lack the same weaponry to even take on the Borg.
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What is more powerful than the Borg?

The Borg quickly realize that Species 8472 is immune to assimilation and that contemporary Borg technology is no match for it. In fact, 8472 is one of the few species so advanced that its ships are able to destroy Borg cubes in seconds.
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How powerful is the Dominion?

The Dominion commanded massive resources during the Dominion War, even eventually bringing in the dreaded Cardassians, and their leadership routinely showcased brutal, smart tactics that the Federation struggled to overcome.
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Have the Borg encountered the Dominion?

"No Win Scenario" proved once and for all that the Borg never met the Dominion or at least assimilated a changeling.
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Did the Borg Create V'ger?

Is there a Borg Homeworld?

Officially, the existence of a Borg homeworld is a hypothetical one as it has yet to be revealed in a canon Star Trek source. However, an identity for the Borg homeworld is given by the non-canon novel Lost Souls, which names it Arehaz.
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Did the Borg Queen create the Borg?

It is in Star Trek: Voyager where we learn that the Borg Queen, obsessed with power, didn't create the Borg; she was just tasked with leading the Collective. The collective consciousness, where each drone is linked through the subspace network, allows for the Borg to adapt quickly and eliminate threats as they arise.
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How was the Dominion defeated?

Though outnumbered two to one, Starfleet engaged the Dominion fleet. With the timely arrival of Klingon forces, the Dominion lines collapsed, and the fleet dispersed.
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Did Voyager ever encounter the Dominion?

Even though the discovery of the Dominion in "The Search" occurs chronologically several months before Voyager is taken to the Delta Quadrant (and despite VOY: "Parturition" featuring a holographic simulation in which a Jem'Hadar fighter is pictured on Voyager's viewscreen), they are never referred to as the Dominion ...
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Who finally defeated the Borg?

However, Picard is able to break Jack out of the Borg Queen's control while the Enterprise destroys the Borg Cube and with it, the Borg Queen and all of the remaining Borg drones.
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Is data more advanced than the Borg?

However Geordi said that Data was able to move faster than Borg drones, who couldn't move any faster than a human; while Data could move fairly quickly over almost any terrain (but he couldn't swim at that time).
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What decimated the Borg?

He was assimilated by the dying Borg Queen and named Võx. New technology added to modern Starfleet vessels allowed these new Borg to assimilate the ships in moments. Using a rebuilt USS Enterprise-D, the command crew of that vessel saved Jack and destroyed the remaining Borg, seemingly defeating them once and for all.
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Did Captain Janeway destroy the Borg?

The pathogen completely decimated the Borg Queen and left the entire Collective in ruins, and while Picard and the crew of the USS Enterprise-D dealt the final killing blow, it was Janeway who originally crippled the Collective permanently.
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Who becomes the Borg Queen?

Susanna Thompson played the Borg Queen during her other appearances in Voyager besides "Endgame", and the late Annie Wersching portrayed Picard season 2's alternate timeline Queen. Once Agnes Jurati and the Borg Queen merged, Alison Pill took over the role in Picard season 2.
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What destroys the Borg?

On stardate 50984.3 the Borg faced their destruction after they invaded Species 8472's fluidic space with intent to assimilate this species. Unfortunately – for the Borg – Species 8472 DNA encoding was so dense that nanoprobes could not assimilate their cells. Species 8472 responded with an all out attack on the Borg.
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What happened to the founders after the Dominion war?

Following cessation of hostilities, the Founders were cured when Odo returned to the Great Link after a peace treaty was signed between the Dominion and the Federation.
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How many ships did Starfleet lose in the Dominion war?

There are also direct statements supporting these numbers - for instance in 'A Time to Stand', the seventh fleet is stated to have lost 98 of 112 ships in a battle with Dominion forces.
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Does the Federation beat the Dominion?

With this advantage, the Federation/Klingon/Romulan fleet invaded the Cardassia System. However, Odo cured the Female Changeling of her disease and convinced her to order the Jem'Hadar and Breen to stand down. The war ended with the Dominion's surrender and the signing of the Treaty of Bajor.
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What was the biggest battle in Star Trek?

In absolute terms, the Dominion War was probably the biggest in human/Federation history. In relative terms the Federation probably suffered more in the Klingon War (1/5 of Federation territory lost, 1/3 of Starfleet destroyed).
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Are there two Borg Queens now?

Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) contended with an alternate version of the Borg Queen (Annie Wersching) in season 2 before she was replaced by Agnes Jurati (Alison Pill), who ambitiously planned to build a new Borg Collective that wasn't as oppressive as the old one.
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Do the Borg know about Q?

And since the Borg did not know about Q, for them, it might have appeared as an untamed tease, baiting them into the alpha quadrant.
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Could the Borg assimilate a founder?

Could "Q" or a "Founder" be assimilated by the Borg? Yeah, maybe. There seem to be some species like species 8472 though, that are just incompatible with assimilation, but for the most part they can usually find a way to assimilate many species.
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