Is the movie Smile about depression?

The concept of a smile is a powerful element in the movie, as it represents the facade that people with depression, anxiety, or trauma often wear to hide their pain and struggles. By incorporating this relatable horror element, the film strikes a chord with many viewers.
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Is the movie Smile based on a mental illness?

The concept of someone going through the most harrowing events, with a smile plastered on their face, makes for a great metaphor on the lives of patients suffering from mental illness, which is often invisible to the outside world.
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What is the message behind the movie Smile?

Smile Is An Allegory Of Trauma And Mental Health

That's shown throughout the film as she gradually loses her grip on reality, and those close to her attempt to distance themselves from her. It's further evidenced by the fact that, over the course of Smile's story, the entity seemingly never physically attacks Rose.
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Is Smile a metaphor for depression?

Smile can be seen as an allegory for the deep pain and trauma that society continues to face. This further leads to the idea of smiling through the pain. The film can also be a metaphor for a person's reaction to their internal state in response to fear.
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What does the movie Smile talk about?

Parents need to know that Smile is a horror movie about a psychiatrist (Sosie Bacon) who falls under a mysterious curse; unless she can find a way to break it, she's destined to die by suicide while passing on the curse to someone else.
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Behind the Smile | A Short Film about Depression

What is the trigger warning for Smile?

Excessive suicide scenes!

CANNOT stress this enough - Massive trigger warning for suicide. There was way too much of it, and not enough warning. Every 15 minutes there was another graphic suicide scene, and/or some scene involving a psychotic break.
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What is the trigger warning in the movie Smile?

Frightening & Intense Scenes (12)

A woman twists her neck (offscreen) and bends her face upside down while smiling outside of a car window. Many solid jump scare scenes. One involving a mutilated face. The film sustains a strong sense of foreboding and threat throughout, with central themes of trauma and death.
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What was the traumatic experience in smile?

Trauma in Smile

Rose, from the very beginning, is known to have experienced trauma as a child, seeing her mother overdose in front of her. That trauma is laced with guilt as she could have called for help in her mother's dying moments — but chose not to.
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Why do saddest people smile the brightest?

The saddest people smile the brightest. The most damaged people are the wisest. All because they don't wish to see anyone else suffer the way they did.
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What is a smile behind the depression?

Smiling depression is a mental health condition characterized by a person's ability to hide how depressed they are behind a facade of happiness and contentment.
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Why is there a lollipop at the end of Smile?

Finn says the face at 1:48:20 is a “true look at the evil thing that's been hiding behind all the smiles.” They called the entity Lollipop — thus explaining the use of The Chordettes' “Lollipop” at the start of the end credits — and this is what happens at the end of every cycle as the beast physically enters the ...
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What happens to Rose in Smile?

Fully possessed by the demon, Rose douses herself in gasoline and sets herself on fire — just as the real Joel bursts inside her home and witnesses her death, becoming the next victim. Pretty dark stuff!
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What happened to the girl in Smile movie?

Rose dies in Smile's ending because she was only able to overpower the entity once. She had enough fight in her to take on the gangly demonic monstrosity and even appeared to kill it, shattering a lantern over its head.
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Why does Rose Smile at the end of get out?

Rose initially panics, but starts smiling evilly, presumably because that her racist beliefs about black people would be right, as Chris would end up acting like a beast. Chris, either now unwilling or too exhausted to kill his former girlfriend, stops strangling her.
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Is the movie Smile spiritual?

Spiritual Elements

The crux of the film revolves around a demonic entity that torments its victims before causing them to commit suicide in front of another person. The demon then attaches itself to that witness via the trauma they experienced through witnessing the violent suicide.
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What is the rarest smile?

The rarest smile type is the complex smile, with only an estimated 2% of the population possessing this smile. This smile is rare because it requires three muscle groups to work simultaneously when smiling.
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Why do the most depressed people smile the most?

Smiling depression could be a deliberate attempt by the depressed person to hide their true feelings, but it can also be unintentional. Sometimes, people with smiling depression don't know why they keep smiling, and they may not trust their own feelings. They may not even recognize that they are depressed.
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Are loneliest people kindest?

The loneliest people are the kindest. The saddest people smile the brightest The most damaged people are the wisest All Because they do not wish to see anyone to suffer the way they do!!!
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Is the movie smile a metaphor for trauma?

Is 'Smile' your typical horror movie? Not quite. While there are certainly elements of horror present, it is the metaphor of trauma that truly shines through. Trauma can be just as terrifying, if not more so, than encountering a ghost.
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Is smile about generational trauma?

With a premise as silly as a woman being haunted by a demon that makes her think people are smiling at her, writer and director Parker Finn delivers one of the strongest depictions of generational trauma, loss and mental illness within interpersonal relationships in recent memory.
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What is smile about mental health?

Smile clearly wants the audience to see the connection between Rose's curse and mental illness. Throughout the movie, characters use therapy buzzwords and often suggest that Rose's mental state is a result of her genetics and past trauma.
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What is the scariest scene in smile?

Smile: Scariest Moments, Ranked
  1. 1 The Ending. Paramount Pictures.
  2. 2 Her Sister's Neck. Paramount Pictures. ...
  3. 3 Spooky Telephone Call. Paramount Pictures. ...
  4. 4 First Glimpse. Paramount Pictures. ...
  5. 5 Final Battle. Paramount Pictures. ...
  6. 6 The First Smile. Paramount Pictures. ...
  7. 7 All the Smiling. Paramount Pictures. ...
  8. 8 Reviewing the Evidence. ...
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Why are there upside down scenes in smile?

A well-used method throughout the film is the technique of inverting camera angles so that you see the city from an upside-down point of view or from side angles. By inverting the landscapes, you see the world as askew. This puts you into the mindset of Rose.
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Why are there upside down shots in smile?

The film is effective at relaying the feelings of outsiderness and unsettledness through the isolation of the main character, Rose (Bacon), in addition to dizzying spinning, upside down, and sideways Dutch-angle shots which convey the message that something is off.
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