Is the original Rapunzel dark?

The original tale is a bit darker and more twisted than the current Disney version “Tangled.”
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What is the original version of Rapunzel?

The first written record of a story that may be recognized as Rapunzel is Giambattista Basile's Petrosinella, translating to parsley, which was published in Naples in the local dialect in 1634 in a collection entitled Lo cunto de li cunti (The Story of Stories).
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What color was Rapunzel's hair in the original story?

"Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair, so that I may climb thy golden stair." Many fictional princesses have long golden hair, going back to the earliest recorded European fairy tales. Golden Hair a Russian fairy-tale and Rapunzel, a German fairy-tale, both feature a girl with long blond hair.
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What is the darkest Grimm's fairy tale?

The Robber Bridegroom is one of the Grimm Brothers' darkest tales. It is the tale of the daughter of a miller who is betrothed to a suitor by her father.
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What is the original Rapunzel fairy tale about?

The story of Rapunzel in English is a well-known fairytale that kids love. This story is about a girl with beautiful long golden hair who was locked up in a tower by an evil witch. The tale goes on to tell us how she defeated the witch and lived a happy life with her prince.
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How Tangled Could Have Been Seriously Creepy (Disney)

What is the difference between the original Rapunzel and Tangled?

Essentially, I think Tangled tells a story of a girl who becomes empowered and goes on to live a fulfilling life, as opposed to the original Rapunzel story, where Rapunzel does almost nothing of her own initiative. The book was a little inappropriate for younger ages. There was death, sex, and pregnancy.
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What are the different versions of Rapunzel?

Rapunzel Versions
  • Rapunzel and the Werewolf.
  • Rapunzel.
  • Rapunzel and the Billy Goats.
  • Rapunzel and the Prince of Pop.
  • Rapunzel and the Seven Dwarfs.
  • Rapunzel.
  • My First Storytime Rapunzel.
  • The Princess Series: Rapunzel.
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Why was Grimm's fairy tales controversial?

The Grimms stripped the sex scenes from later versions of “Rapunzel” and “The Frog King” and eliminated “Hans Dumm” entirely. But hidden sexual innuendos in “Grimm's Fairy Tales” remained, according to psychoanalysts, including Sigmund Freud and Erich Fromm, who examined the book in the 20th century.
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Are Grimm's good or bad?

Grimms are tasked with policing the creature world, making sure that those who harm humans are stopped. For this reason many Wesen mistrust or fear them, even having their own set of Wesen fairy tales warning Wesen children about the Grimms.
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Were Grimm's fairy tales scary?

Some were even bizarre. Such stories include rape, incest, cannibalism, torture and other heinous crimes we can never dare mention to kids who dream of a better future. Hold on tight as we present to you some of the original versions of the Grimms Brothers' fairy tales.
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What happens to Rapunzel in the original version of the fairy tale?

In the original fairy tale the witch or sorceress imprisons her because he father was stealing the rapunzel plant from her garden to feed to his wife who would eat nothing else. The man offered his firstborn to the witch in exchange for his freedom. She is not a princess in the original story.
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Why did Rapunzel's hair turn black?

In "Rapunzel and the Great Tree", Rapunzel learns a new song called the Decay Incantation, which allows her hair to drain and destroy life, all while turning both her hair and eyes black.
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Why is Rapunzel blonde again?

In the TV series, Rapunzel's magic hair grows back to the length and color it was in the film. It grows back when Rapunzel and her handmaid, Cassandra, discover some mystical rocks with magical properties during a secret adventure. In the series, her new hair is revealed to be indestructible and cannot be cut.
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Did Disney change Rapunzel?

One reason why Tangled works so well is because of Rapunzel's character. She has an interesting and dynamic personality that engages audiences with her plight and dreams, and this was only made possible because Disney decided to change the original Rapunzel fairy tale for their movie adaptation.
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Is Mother Gothel in the original Rapunzel story?

"Dame Gothel" (also known as "Mother Gothel" or simply "Gothel") is an evil witch and the primary antagonist in the German fairy tale "Rapunzel" collected by the Brothers Grimm. The name “Dame Gothel” means “godmother.”
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How old is Rapunzel in the original story?

In every version of the story, the witch takes the baby and raises her as her own daughter. She named her 'Rapunzel', after the plant the woman craved. When Rapunzel was twelve years old, the witch locked her in a tower in the middle of a forest. As Rapunzel grew, so did her hair.
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Why are Grimms so feared?

For centuries, Grimms have taken it upon themselves to police and on some occasions, hunt the Wesen population to protect normal humans from the unknown threat around them. As supernaturally-empowered hunters, warriors and arbiters of justice, Grimms are commonly feared among the Wesen world.
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Why are Grimms fairy tales so dark?

The simple answer is that a lot of older fairy tales weren't supposed to be specifically for kids. They were just stories that people told, as much for grown-ups as for their children.
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Is Grimm appropriate for a 12 year old?

The characters are likeable, the writing is quite good & the entire concept is highly creative. Just as anthropology is discovering that history doesn't quite jibe with what we've always been taught, "Grimm" puts a neat spin on the classic fairy tales. Is it for kids under age 14-15? No, it isn't.
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What did the princess lose in the Grimms story?

Grimms' Fairy Tales was published more than two hundred years ago. Many of those stories are familiar to children today. Published in 1812, ''The Frog Prince'' tells the story of a beautiful princess who loses her golden ball.
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Were Grimm fairy tales meant for children?

The stories the Brothers Grimm first collected are brusque, blunt, absurd, comical, and tragic, and are not, strictly speaking, “fairy tales.” In fact, the Grimms never intended the tales to be read by children.
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What did the Brothers Grimm do with fairy tales?

As their collection of stories gained popularity, the brothers Grimm drastically edited or even deleted more than 40 tales in subsequent editions to appeal to a wider—and younger—audience. The world-famous collection has been translated into more than 160 languages.
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Is Rapunzel the evil stepmother?

Rapunzel Becomes Cinderella's Evil Stepmother

While technically Rapunzel was Marcus's first wife, she ends up becoming Cinderella's stepmother after her escape.
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Why did Disney cut Rapunzel's hair so short?

Her long hair is what Gothel wants — Gothel doesn't give a crap about the girl, just the hair. So Flynn cuts her hair — even at the cost of risking his own life — because he knows it is the only way to free her, and he wants to make certain she is free before he dies. Because he loves her — more than his own life.
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Who is the black haired girl in Rapunzel?

Cassandra is the adopted daughter of Corona's Captain of the Guard. She is a skilled fighter who dreamt of joining the royal guard, though she formerly — and contently — served as Rapunzel's lady-in-waiting and closest confidante, alongside the princess's pet chameleon Pascal.
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