Is there a church in Hogwarts?

Godric's Hollow is even home to a small church where one can assume the wizards and Muggles of the village worship together. However, it doesn't seem that religion plays a big role in students' lives at Hogwarts; in fact, it seems difficult to be actively religious at Hogwarts.
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Is there a church in Harry Potter?

St Jerome's Church was a small church in Godric's Hollow. It was located close to the village square and next to a small graveyard. The area leading up to the church was called Church Lane.
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Does Hogwarts have a chapel?

With magic, the Great Hall can serve many functions, including that of a chapel. A place of solace and consolation, the Great Hall serves as a chapel, its interior filled with the symbolism of life and eternity: candles and flame. The symbols are key to the Wizarding World's particular take on religion.
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Does Christianity exist in Harry Potter?

Christianity in Harry Potter

James and Lily Potter had bible verses written on their tomb stone, so it is known that they did practice, or at least have some belief in Christanity, as they also had a Christening of Harry Potter, their son.
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Is it okay for Christians to read Harry Potter?

As always, it's important to use biblical discernment when reading a book, watching a film, or listening to music. Though Harry Potter is a fantastic series, not everyone may be on board with it and that is perfectly fine. Harry Potter isn't something Christians should avoid but certainly go into with caution.
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Harry Potter - The Filming Locations in Oxford

What does the Catholic Church say about Harry Potter books?

The magic in Harry Potter is fictional, so the Bible and the Catechism wouldn't condemn it. Harry Potter is a story, a work of an author's imagination, a modern-day parable. It's just like how attending a child's magic show does not put one in danger of being involved in “real” sorcery.
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Is the Bible mentioned in Harry Potter?

While Rowling said that "Hogwarts is a multifaith school," these quotes, of course, are distinctly Christian. The second is a direct quote of Jesus from Matthew 6:19, the first from 1 Corinthians 15:26. As Hermione tells Harry shortly after he sees the graves, his parents' message means "living beyond death.
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Is there Jesus in Harry Potter?

Jesus has been portrayed by some Harry Potter actors: John Hurt, who played Garrick Ollivander, played Jesus in History of the World, Part I. Ralph Fiennes, who played Lord Voldemort, provided the voice of Jesus in The Miracle Maker.
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How does Harry Potter allude to the Bible?

The inscription on Dumbledore's family tomb, “Where your treasure is, your heart will be also”, is from Matthew 6:21, while the tombstone of Harry's parents bears the quotation “And the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death” from 1 Corinthians, which also informs one of the major themes of the book.
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What church inspired Hogwarts?

Durham Cathedral was used as a backdrop for both exterior and interior scenes in the first two Harry Potter films. In the first, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Harry walks with Hedwig, his white owl, through the cloisters of the cathedral.
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What religions are in Harry Potter?

Christianity in the wizarding world

Wizards celebrated the two major Christian festivals, Easter and Christmas. Hallowe'en and Valentine's Day, both also of Christian origin, were celebrated.
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Where is the church in Harry Potter?

Durham and Northeast England

In The Sorcerer's Stone, Harry walks with his white owl, Hedwig, through a snowy cloister at Durham Cathedral, which was used throughout the series for various Hogwarts scenes.
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Where are the church in Harry Potter?

Christ Church: Bodley Tower Staircase

Probably one of the other most famous filming locations in the franchise, the grand stone staircase which is located inside Bodley Tower at Christ Church College is a prominent feature in the first two Harry Potter films.
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What church looks like Hogwarts?

Renowned for its spectacular location, it lies at the heart of the Durham UNESCO World Heritage Site. Thus, it is not surprising that the production designers of the Harry Potter films chose Durham Cathedral to portray Hogwarts in the first two Harry Potter films.
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How do Christians view Harry Potter?

Christian analyses of the series have argued that it embraces ideals of friendship, loyalty, courage, love, and the temptation of power. After the final volume was published, Rowling said she intentionally incorporated Christian themes, in particular the idea that love may hold power over death.
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Is Harry Potter an allegory for Jesus?

Vanessa Zoltan, co-host of the Harry Potter and the Sacred Text podcast, suggests there are even further parallels between the “deaths” of Harry and Jesus. “An important part of the Christian allegory, and also just of the stories in and of themselves, is that he doesn't want to die.
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How does Harry Potter relate to Jesus?

Harry, as a pureblood Potter, has a prestigious lineage that goes all the way back to the Peverell line just as Jesus came from the line of David. Both Harry and Jesus had to flee their birthplace for their protection because both had powerful enemies from the time they were very young.
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Is Dumbledore like Jesus?

Rowling has said, flat out that “Dumbledore is not Jesus,” as she seems to have in a 2005 Time magazine profile, you'd have to think this closes the discussion.
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Who is Albus Severus Potter in real life?

Arthur Bowen(III)

Asking Arthur to come to London for more auditions. After a few more auditions and a photo shoot with Daniel Radcliffe, he was cast as Harry Potter's second child, Albus Severus Potter.
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Was Harry Potter chosen?

Harry became the chosen one, because Voldemort made him the chosen one. And if he hadn't we wouldn't have the books, since Voldemort gave Lily a chance to save herself (which she denied), thanks to Snape. Lily's refusal gave Harry his protection of love.
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What's longer, the Bible or Harry Potter?

For example, the Bible I use for morning reading, which has no notes and a little larger print, is 1,170 pages long. Let's compare these to something millions of people have read: the Harry Potter series; that series runs 4,224 pages for all seven books, according to the books' publisher, Scholastic.
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What Bible themes are in Harry Potter?

Probably the clearest biblical symbol in the series is how Harry Potter is himself an allegory for Jesus Christ. He is a savior who is foretold to defeat a great evil by sacrificing himself to save everyone, but then is resurrected to show that even death cannot hold him.
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Has Harry Potter been sold more than the Bible?

He found that the Bible far outsold any other book, with a whopping 3.9 billion copies sold over the last 50 years. "Quotations from the Works of Mao Tse-tung" came in second with 820 million copies sold, and "Harry Potter" came in third with 400 million copies sold.
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Is Hermione a Catholic?

Hermione of Ephesus (Greek: Ερμιόνη της Εφέσου; d. A.D. 117) is a 2nd-century saint and martyr venerated by the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches. She was well known as a "great healer" and founded the first Christian hospital in Ephesus.
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