Is there anything inappropriate in The Flash?

The MPAA rating has been assigned for “sequences of violence and action, some strong language and partial nudity.” The evaluation includes sexual references, some non-sexual nudity, a woman dying from a stab wound with visible blood, many fights between superheroes and supervillains in several scenes ...
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Are there any inappropriate scenes in The Flash?

The Flash has some nudity and sexual activity. For example: Barry casts off what remains of his clothes after they were on fire and runs from the street fully naked. He returns to his apartment with his genitals covered but his backside and torso are fully exposed.
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Should I watch The Flash TV show?

Whether you're a fan of action-packed adventures or invested in the intricacies of complex characters, The Flash has something for everyone, making it a television series that deserves a spot on your watch list.
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What age rating is The Flash movie in the UK?

Films or Events classified 12A are generally not suitable for children aged under 12. No one younger than 12 may see a 12A film or event unless accompanied by an adult. Worlds collide in "The Flash" when Barry uses his superpowers to travel back in time in order to change the events of the past.
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Can a 13 year old watch Barry?

Henry Winkler, Sarah Goldberg, and Anthony Carrigan (ESPECIALLY Anthony Carrigan) make eye-catching and Emmy-worthy performances as well. This show is definitely for older teens and older teens only, as long as they can look over the constant cursing and frequent violence.
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The Flash Pitch Meeting

Is flash safe for kids?

For sex there is one minor sex reference at the beginning of the film and in one scene the alternate version of Barry is scene naked with his buttocks showing only for a split second but no genitalia is shown as we all expected. Best suitable for ages 12 and up in my opinion.
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Is The Flash better than Kid Flash?

Originally the sidekick Kid Flash, Wally West is officially the fastest version of Flash, having surpassed his former mentor Barry Allen multiple times over.
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Why did The Flash get bad reviews?

While the CGI was bad throughout the film, the scenes taking place in different dimensions are particularly bad. Ultimately, The Flash was stuck between a rock and a hard place as it struggled to appeal to a wide audience and handle the controversy surrounding its star.
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Is The Flash autistic?

However, in the show, it was never formally acknowledged that he was actually autistic (“My mother had me tested”). But in saying that, while he exhibited the various characteristics, he did so to a comical extreme.
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Is Flash a kids show?

With a lighter vibe and toned-down violence, this spin-off of fellow CW superhero show Arrow is suitable for younger viewers (and an easier sell to worried parents, too).
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Is Stranger things OK for kids?

First, there is a ton of violence. Teens/tweens are brutally killed, their bones snapped, eyes gouged out, eaten by monsters etc. There is a terrifying possession scene is season two and there is an exorcism scene that is very scary. In season four, a group of younger kids are killed in a horrific massacre.
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What is the scariest Flash episode?

The scene is a masterclass in building tension and is certainly among the scariest on the show.
  • 9 Mitch Romero Explodes From Dark Matter. Season 6, Episode 3. ...
  • 7 Iris Confronts Cicada. ...
  • 6 Caitlin Is Kidnapped By Gorilla Grodd. ...
  • 5 Bloodwork Turns Wally Against The Flash. ...
  • 3 Zoom Breaks The Flash's Back. ...
  • 1 Savitar Kills H.R.
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What is the most evil version of The Flash?

One of The Flash's fastest and greatest villains is the original Reverse-Flash. Eobard Thawne studied the timestream from the future and started subtly manipulating time to better his life.
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Is The Flash socially awkward?

Personality... a total nerd. Barry is unabashedly geeky and socially awkward, although that usually just makes him more charming.
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Who is the slowest speedster?

Who is the slowest speedster in all of fiction? Honestly, it's Zoom. He is completely slow because he doesn't actually run, rather he travels through time.
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Can Flash beat Superman?

At base levels — i.e. the levels of power that Wally and Superman have both showed when it comes to foot speed — Wally would take the race. With Superman's newly enhanced power, he'd likely win. But if there were no rules against how Wally used the Speed Force, then Wally would win.
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Who is faster, Wally or Barry?

The Flash family are some of the fastest heroes in the entire DC Universe, but they're not equal in speed. Barry Allen is usually considered faster than Wally West, but the latter once revealed the absolutely heartbreaking reason why he was never using his full speed.
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Is Flash okay for babies?

The flash of light is no brighter than the light outside in the middle of the day, which is fine for a baby in small doses. The only really harmful light condition you should help your baby avoid is direct and constant sunlight, so always make sure you point your baby's face away from the sun."
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What is The Flash rated for parents?

The plot mixes engaging characters, heartfelt moments and feel-good cameos with profanity, violence and suggestive content that all push the boundaries of this film's PG-13 rating.
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What does PG-13 mean?

PG-13: Parents Strongly Cautioned, Some Material May Be Inappropriate for Children Under 13. This rating is a stronger caution for parents that content included may not be appropriate for children under 13 (pre-teen ages). This may include stronger language, extended violence or sexual situations and drug-use.
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How many F bombs are in Barry?

The f-word is used more than 20 times, two of which are preceded by “mother.” The s-word is heard 10 times. “D-ck” is used three times, and we also hear instances of “a–,” “d–n” and a crude word for breasts.
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Is the flash show for kids?

This show is very good but it has some dirty scenes like people making out in bed there are some cuss words and I would keep that away from a 11 year old.
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How gory is Barry?

Very grounded and realistic. One of the main protagonists of the series is shot in the chest with a revolver, this is extremely sudden. He later bleeds to death while convulsing in a very realistic manner. Two men driving a car are shot in the head, no gore is shown but blood sprays onto the windshield.
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