Is Tony adopted?

They hid Arno in the Maria Stark Foundation Hospice and adopted a healthy baby boy, Tony, that they presented as their biological child. Well into his adulthood, Tony Stark remained completely unaware that he was adopted or that Arno even existed.
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Who is Tony Stark's biological mother?

Shocking, right? A few issues back, comic readers learned that Tony Stark's biological mother was a S.H.I.E.L.D agent by the name of Amanda Armstrong.
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Is Tony Stark an orphan?

Tony Stark is a genius inventor and billionaire industrialist, who suits up in his armor of cutting-edge technology to become the super hero Iron Man. The adopted son of weapons manufacturer Howard Stark, Tony inherited his family's company at a young age following his parents' death.
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Why did Tony reveal his identity?

Tony was all about recognition, though at first he didn't care much about the reputation that could bring, and as at that moment his journey as Iron Man was just getting started, he was still driven by his ego, leading him to make that big reveal.
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Why does Tony have no heart?

Tony Stark has a damaged heart from the plane crash that the Mandarin caused, and because of that, he has an implant made by Dr. Ho Yinsen that keeps it beating. His implant is made out of a stabilized form of Kylight, a metal that is found in the abandoned Stark outpost in the Arctic.
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The Messed Up Multiverse of Tony Starks

Why did Tony sacrifice himself?

It was only through the nano-tech design of the latest Iron Man armor that Tony could interact with the Iron Gauntlet and take the stones back. Thus Iron Man died in Avengers: Endgame, sacrificing himself to protect everyone he cared about.
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Does Tony Stark know he is adopted?

They hid Arno in the Maria Stark Foundation Hospice and adopted a healthy baby boy, Tony, that they presented as their biological child. Well into his adulthood, Tony Stark remained completely unaware that he was adopted or that Arno even existed.
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What is the IQ of Tony Stark?

Abilities. Super-Genius Intelligence: Tony is a phenomenal scientific genius and inventor with an IQ of 186.
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How old was Tony Stark when he died?

On this day, the final encounter between Earth's defenders, The Avengers, and the army of Thanos, took place with industrialist Tony Stark sacrificing himself to undo the damage caused by the aforementioned snap. Stark was 53 at the time of his sacrifice.
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Did Peggy and Steve have a kid?

The writers of "Avengers: Endgame" confirmed that Steve is the father of Peggy's children and that they likely have super soldier DNA. While Steve's children have not appeared in the MCU, in alternate universes he has a son named James Rogers and a daughter named Sarah, both of whom inherit his superhero abilities.
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Who killed Jarvis?

Ultimate Marvel

Jarvis was later shot in the head by Natasha, a traitor within the Ultimates team. His death is a contributing factor to Tony's descent into full-blown alcoholism.
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Who married Peggy Carter?

In an alternate 1949, Carter was met by Rogers after completing his tasks. They lived a happy life together and were married. Steve still wore his wedding band when he reunited with Sam Wilson in 2023, but Steve chose to keep the details of his life with Peggy to himself rather than sharing them with his old friend.
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Who is Tony Stark's real daughter?

Morgan H. Stark appears in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) film Avengers: Endgame, portrayed by Lexi Rabe. This version is the daughter of Tony Stark and Pepper Potts who was born in 2018.
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Who is the strongest Avenger?

Thor. Thor, the god of Thunder, was undoubtedly the most powerful member of the original Avengers. His power continues to grow in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
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Why was Howard Stark killed?

In the comics, Howard and his wife died in a car crash, as the result of faulty brakes arranged by either business competitors Republic Oil & Gas or by V-Battalion. Howard's death inspired his son to take both business and engineering seriously as Iron Man.
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Which avenger has the highest IQ?

When it comes to the smartest Avenger, it has to be Iron-Man that is considered to be the most intelligent. While he and Bruce Banner are likely on a level when it comes to their scientific knowledge, the fact that he retains that when turning into Iron-Man just edges him above the big green guy.
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What is the IQ of Hulk?

Hulk and Banner are two distinct entities. Banner remaining inside of Hulk doesn't change Hulk's IQ. Which Hulk? If we're talking Savage Hulk, I'd put his IQ right around 99 on the Current “Wechsler IQ Classification” scale.
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Which Avenger has the most IQ?

The Most intelligent avenger among all is two which most of you've already expected. Tony stark is a self-made avenger without any kinda in-built powers in Him. His intelligence and Determination of saving the world have led him to be an Iron man.
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Who is Howard Stark's real son?

In "The Secret Origin of Tony Stark," the story arc that played out in IRON MAN (2012) #9-17, it was revealed that Arno was the biological son of Howard and Maria Stark, but that his birth had an extraterrestrial interference by a Rigellian, Recorder 451.
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Was Howard Stark a bad guy?

Type of Villain

While an heroic yet posthumous character in the final product, it was originally planned for Howard to still be alive during the events of the film, but he would have been a ruthless and villainous businessman who would steal his son's weapon designs and become War Machine.
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Who is smarter Howard or Tony Stark?

No, no he isn't really smarter than Howard. The reason it seems that way is because of the tech. Howard worked with technology from the 1940's to the 90's like automobiles, planes, radar, and super soldiers while Tony dealt with high tech like smartphones, computers, and crazy robots taking over the planet.
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Why didn't Iron Man survive the snap?

Unfortunately, his suit, as advanced as it was, couldn't protect him from the power that the gems radiated when he clicked his fingers. This is why almost half of his body got burned, resulting in fatal injuries.
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Why didn t Strange revive Tony?

Because Iron Man's death is an absolute point in the MCU, Tony Stark can never be brought back without cataclysmic consequences. Of course, the Multiverse does allow some loopholes.
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What if Iron Man survived the snap?

Assuming Tony had survived Avengers: Endgame, the confrontation with Thanos would have still left him with medical problems. If he survived using the Gauntlet, he may have even lost his hand. He certainly would have needed long-term medical attention.
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