Is Vulcan stronger than Superman?

Vulcan Completely Humiliates Marvel's Version Of Superman He has similar abilities to the Kryptonian, with the difference that Gladiator's powers are fueled by his self-confidence: the more he believes in himself, the stronger he is.
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How powerful is Vulcan?

Powers and abilities. Vulcan is an Omega-level mutant with the ability to psionically manipulate, control, and absorb vast amounts of energy. In addition to traditional energies of the electromagnetic spectrum, Vulcan has displayed control over exotic energies such as Cyclops' optic blasts and magical energy.
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Can Vulcan beat Thanos?

One time he even became the sole emperor of the Shi'ar empire and fought Black Bolt to the death, causing a rupture in the space-time continuum. The way Vulcan could easily kill Thanos is by disintegrating him via his vast energy powers. This could be through fire, electricity, force fields, heat, and/or light.
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Is Martian Manhunter more powerful than Superman?

The two Justice Leaguers might possess an even amount of base strength, but Manhunter's combined powers give him the edge. To emphasize this, Superman himself said that J'onn is the most powerful being on Earth.
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Is Swamp Thing stronger than Superman?

Both of them are exceedingly powerful, but fighting Swamp Thing is like fighting a planet. Swamp Thing has too much up his sleeve for Superman. Superman's powerful and skilled, but he's faced Swamp Thing a few times, and the same thing always happensーSwamp Thing can beat him.
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Does Vulcan Have The Abilities To Take On Superman and Other Members Of The Justice League.?

Is Cyborg stronger than Superman?

Superhuman strength: Cyborg's armored cybernetic body grants him considerable superhuman strength, making him the fourth-strongest member of the Justice League (after Superman, Wonder Woman, and Aquaman).
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Can Swamp Thing beat Hulk?

The Hulk is one of the heaviest hitters in the Marvel Universe, literally. Swamp Thing has been able to take on some of the most powerful heroes and villains in the DC Universe but the Hulk may prove to be too much for the guardian of the Green.
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Can Shazam beat Superman?

The comics have shown the former Captain Marvel best Superman in a one-on-one fight while players of the Injustice video game watched Superman defeat Shazam by freezing his mouth shut --so he couldn't say the magic word-- and promptly lobotomizing him with his heat vision.
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Who is the most powerful than Superman?

12 characters more powerful than Superman
  • The Mask. ...
  • Doctor Strange. ...
  • Martian Manhunter. ...
  • Darkseid. Darkside has defeated Superman and taken on the Justice League many times.
  • Odin.
  • Amazo. With Supermans powers and the rest of the Justice Leagues,Amazo is hard to beat.
  • Mr. Mxyzptlk.
  • Silver Surfer.
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Who is the strongest DC character?

When counting down the most powerful DC cosmic characters of all time, the number one has to be DC's version of God, known as The Presence. While there are numerous Gods in the DC pantheon, mostly from the Greek versions of Zeus and his offspring, the Presence is more powerful than them all.
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Who can defeat Vulcan?

Could a fully powered Warlock theoretically defeat Vulcan in a one-on-one fight? Absolutely. Still, that doesn't matter much when Vulcan can stop a fight with Warlock before it even starts.
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Can Zeus beat Thanos?

As Skyfather of Olympus, Zeus wields power comparable to Odin, whose wrath Thanos has withstood but not bested. At the same time, Zeus cannot truly die. While the most powerful of Olympians can be badly wounded or even dismembered, he can never actually pass on into oblivion.
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What is Vulcans weakness?

One weakness of the Vulcans is their inability to metabolize nitrous oxide. After only a few minutes of exposure to the gas, a Vulcan will pass out. Vulcans typically have a lifespan of 200 years or more.
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Is Vulcan a God?

Vulcan is the Roman and Greek god of fire and the forge, and mythical inventor of smithing and metal working. His Greek equivalent is Hephaestus.
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Why are Vulcans so strong?

The planet Vulcan is described and harsh and inhospitable, with a thin atmosphere, desert environments and a great deal of surface heat. Therefore, Vulcan physiology is much stronger than humans, making them capable of great feats of physical aptitude, including the Vulcan nerve pinch.
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How strong is Spock?

Owing to his half-Vulcan heritage, Spock was significantly stronger than the average human. His metabolism and lung capacity were superior to that of humans; he very nearly killed Captain James T.
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Who can Superman not beat?

15 DC Heroes Superman Can't Beat On His Own
  • 15 Alan Scott's Magic Based Energies Would Challenge Superman. ...
  • 14 The Spectre's Sheer Power Level Puts Him Out Of Everyone's League, Including Superman. ...
  • 13 Swamp Thing Has A Near Flawless Win Record Against Superman. ...
  • 12 Shazam's Power Is Enough To Beat Superman.
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Who can easily beat Superman?

While kryptonite is Superman's greatest weakness, he's susceptible to other forms of energy and threats. This makes Billy Batson — aka Shazam, the World's Mightiest Mortal — one of Superman's greatest opponents. Batson can transform himself into an incredibly powerful adult body when he says the magic word "Shazam."
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Can Black Adam beat Superman?

As the dialogue in Justice League #73 suggested, while Superman's specific vulnerabilities give Black Adam a chance against him, that doesn't mean the two are equal in power, and the Man of Steel is clearly stronger by any comparison.
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Can Thor beat Superman?

By most accounts, Superman seemingly outclasses Thor in terms of raw strength, especially in earlier versions of the DC Universe. He's pulled planets, punched people into orbit, and performed all sorts of wild feats of strength.
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Who is physically stronger than Superman?

While Superman is known as DC's strongest hero, there is one Justice League ally who can reliably take him down in a fair fight. This hero's power has been established in various stories, confirming that even the Man of Steel has cause to watch his back. That hero is Captain Atom, aka Nathaniel Adam.
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Who won in Batman vs Superman?

After decades of debate on who would win between Batman and Superman, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice pitted The Dark Knight against the Man of Steel — with Ben Affleck's aggressive version of Batman coming out victorious.
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Who can Hulk not beat?

Even so, there are a number of MCU characters who can match or beat the Hulk in battle.
  • 15 Thanos. Easily Beats Hulk 1 On 1. ...
  • 14 Steve Rogers, A.K.A. Captain America. The Only Perfect Super Soldier. ...
  • 13 Thor Odinson. The God Of Thunder Knows Few Equals. ...
  • 12 Gilgamesh. The Strongest Eternal. ...
  • 11 Surtur. ...
  • 10 Scott Lang, A.K.A. Ant-Man.
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Who from DC can beat Hulk?

I will list out the DC heroes(based on their tiers) who can beat or even kill the hulk without even breaking a sweat : Superman/Super girl/Super boy prime. Doomsday. Black Adam.
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Who can beat Hulk easily?

Despite being an unstoppable force, powerful beings like Namor, Wolverine, Iron Man, and Deadpool have managed to outsmart and defeat the Hulk. From fellow superheroes to average soldiers, various characters, including Hawkeye and even Batman, have successfully taken down the Hulk.
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