Is Will Turner still captain of the Dutchman?

The end of the curse Almost a decade after meeting his father on the Dutchman, Henry was able to find and break the Trident with the help of Jack Sparrow. As a result, Will's curse was broken and he was finally free of his duty aboard the Dutchman.
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Is Will still captain of the Dutchman?

Jack, who now possesses Jones' heart guides Will's hand to stab the heart and kill Jones. Bootstrap carves out his son's heart and places it in the Dead Man's Chest. Will becomes the Flying Dutchman's immortal captain. Now under Will's command, the Flying Dutchman resurfaces, and the crew has reverted to human form.
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Who was the real captain of the Flying Dutchman?

In real life the Flying Dutchman was a 17th century Dutch merchantman, captained by Captain Hendrick Van Der Decken, a skilled seaman but one of few scruples, and in 1680 was proceeding from Amsterdam to Batavia in the Dutch East Indies.
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Why is Will Turner not in Pirates 4?

Though their absence might have felt like a betrayal to more die-hard "Pirates" fans, it actually wasn't because of any bad blood. Bloom, at least, opted out of the fourth film of his own volition. "I think Will is sort of swimming around with the fish at the bottom of the ocean," the actor told MTV News in 2010.
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Why did Keira leave Pirates?

She said, “I said when I finished the trilogy that that was going to be it — I had a wonderful time on it, and I met some extraordinary people, but you know, I think, for me, three is enough, definitely.” Keira Knightley never gave a reason why she left the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise besides saying that three ...
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Will Turner’s Curse - Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017)

What happened to Will Turner in Pirates of the Caribbean 5?

In Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, Captain Jack Sparrow used Will's hand to stab Davy Jones' heart. This served a dual purpose: it killed the tentacled villain and saved Will from the sword in his own heart since he would then become the new, immortal captain of Pirates of the Caribbean's Flying Dutchman.
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Who is the first mate of the Flying Dutchman?

Maccus is the First Mate aboard the Flying Dutchman under Captain Davy Jones, and is a major antagonist in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest and a supporting antagonist in its sequel Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End.
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When was the last time the Flying Dutchman was seen?

There have been many sightings over the years, although the last reported one was by a Nazi submarine in WWII. Some sightings involved the Flying Dutchman sailing quickly through calm waters while the majority of sailors have spotted it during extremely stormy weather with wind and waves crashing all around.
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Why does Will Turner have barnacles?

Will's barnacles

So Davy Jones became ol' squidface specifically because he chose to take a few centuries of vacation time. TL;DR: Will has barnacles because of extended time in the ocean. Not because he didn't ferry around the dead people.
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Is Will Turner bound to the Flying Dutchman forever?

Because Will Turner became the new captain, he would now serve aboard the Flying Dutchman for all eternity, bound to ferry the souls of drowned seamen into the afterlife, as Jones had before him.
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Is Will ever freed from the Dutchman?

Some say that Will was freed from the service on the Dutchman because Elizabeth remained faithful to him, while others say that he must sail the seas for all eternity.
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Why did Davy Jones turn into a squid?

4. How did Davy Jones become a squid? After Calypso's betrayal, Davy Jones carved his heart and locked it in the Dead Man's Chest. He abandoned his duty and turned into an ugly monster with an octopus-like face, tentacle beard, and crab legs and hands.
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Did Will Turner become Davy Jones?

As it turns out, this touch of destiny is more like a fated rebirth as Will is the next Davy Jones. According to Marine Insight, the name Davy Jones was the sailor's devil who captained the Flying Dutchman and was charged by Calypso to ferry the souls of sailors who died at sea.
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Why can't Elizabeth go on the Flying Dutchman?

Bill also explained that he was unable to die and Davy Jones offered him an escape. Elizabeth was not dead nor dying, there was no reason for Will to bring her on the cursed ship.
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Why did Davy Jones betray Calypso?

However, when Jones returned to shore after ten years, Calypso failed to appear. Believing Calypso had betrayed him, a heartbroken and enraged Davy Jones turned the Pirate Brethren against her, saying that if she were removed from the world, they would be able to claim the seas for themselves.
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What two sightings have been recorded of the Flying Dutchman?

1823: Captain Owen, HMS Leven, recorded two sightings in the log. 1835: Men on a British vessel saw a sailing ship approach them in the middle of a storm. It appeared there would be a collision, but the ship suddenly vanished. 1881: Three HMS Bacchante crewmembers, including King George V, saw the ship.
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How often does the captain of the Flying Dutchman return to land?

The last time audiences saw him, Will was the new captain of the Flying Dutchman and was therefore cursed to only return to land every 10 years. After that first decade, he looked much the same as when he departed from Elizabeth.
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Was the Black Pearl a real ship?

The Black Pearl (formerly known as the Wicked Wench) is a fictional ship in the Pirates of the Caribbean film series. In the screenplay, the ship is easily recognized by her distinctive black hull and sails.
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Who was the captain of the Flying Dutchman before Will Turner?

It first made appearances in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006) and Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007), captained by Davy Jones until his heart was stabbed by Will Turner, who became the new captain of the Dutchman.
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Why did William become captain of the Flying Dutchman?

During the final battle against Beckett's Armada, Will and Elizabeth were married by Barbossa at the Black Pearl. Shortly after being stabbed by Jones, Will himself pierced Jones' heart. Because he had killed Jones, Will became the new captain of the Flying Dutchman.
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Can the Flying Dutchman be destroyed?

The Flying Dutchman does not disappear after the Pirate Invasion is over (though it will explode if it has not been engaged before the invasion ends), and defeating the Flying Dutchman will not end the invasion. The Flying Dutchman can only be defeated by destroying all four cannons.
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Did Jack Sparrow know who Will Turner was?

Jack Sparrow knew Will's father very well, and that is why he realizes who Will Turner is very quickly. Also, throughout the time they know each other they are both fighting together and separately.
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Does Jack Sparrow have a daughter?

Captain Jack Sparrow has a daughter. Birdie Sparrow has never met her father and her mother is dead, so she seeks to find her father. When she finally finds him, she can't te him the thruth instead works as part of the crew on his ship.
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Is Pirates of the Caribbean 6 coming?

As of 2023, there's still no confirmed Pirates of the Caribbean 6 release date. The script is still in development, so fans will likely have to wait until mid-to-late 2024, or 2025, for any concrete news.
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Why did Will Turner have to cut out his heart?

The rule that whoever stabbed Davy Jones' heart would take on his mantle allowed Will's life to be saved, but only if he cut out his heart and stored it away in a chest— something that was never meant to be a requirement.
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