Should I watch Smile if I have depression?

“Please watch this movie with discretion. It's a great horror film. However, no spoilers, if you are somebody who deal with mental health issues, if you're in a dark time right now I would maybe say hold off.
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Should I watch Smile if I have mental health issues?

However, if the movie wanted to be a metaphor, Rose should be able to save herself by talking to a therapist, taking medication, and recognizing her delusions. Smile creates similar paradoxes throughout the film. I would not recommend this movie to everyone, especially those who have experienced mental health crises.
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Is the Smile movie about depression?

The concept of a smile is a powerful element in the movie, as it represents the facade that people with depression, anxiety, or trauma often wear to hide their pain and struggles. By incorporating this relatable horror element, the film strikes a chord with many viewers.
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Is it good to watch movies when you have depression?

Psychological research and therapeutic practitioners verify that watching movies is one of the best ways to deal with anxiety or depression.
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What is the trigger warning for Smile?

Excessive suicide scenes!

CANNOT stress this enough - Massive trigger warning for suicide. There was way too much of it, and not enough warning. Every 15 minutes there was another graphic suicide scene, and/or some scene involving a psychotic break.
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HIDDEN DEPRESSION: 5 Signs You're Smiling, But Depressed

Is smile too scary to watch?

This is an extremely scary, graphic horror movie that should not be taken lightly. I have seen my fair share of horror movies over the years but this one definitely has a different feel to it. It is chilling, unnerving, and very difficult to watch sometimes.
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What do I watch when I'm depressed?

William sometimes recommends sitcoms and standup comedy shows. “Laughter releases endorphins so programming that makes you laugh can be excellent for reducing stress and depressive mood symptoms. Watching comedy can reduce negative thinking, lessen feelings of isolation, and help provide a sense of normalcy, too.”
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Is it OK to watch sad movies while depressed?

Dramatic movies could increase feelings of gratitude and reduce feelings of isolation. They could also act as a reminder that everyone experiences struggles of their own and invite viewers to reflect on their own problems. Sad or tragic movies, while not a mood booster, remind us that we're not alone.
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Why is Smile so traumatising?

Trauma is very prevalent in this film. Rose, from the very beginning, is known to have experienced trauma as a child, seeing her mother overdose in front of her. That trauma is laced with guilt as she could have called for help in her mother's dying moments — but chose not to.
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Is Smile traumatising?

The features a malicious supernatural force which influences people to commit suicide by graphic means in front another person with the aims of traumatising them and passing on the curse. The film also contains references to mental illness and depictions of wound detail.
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Why did Smile get bad reviews?

Although there are a lot of strong points in the movie like visuals, special effects and jump scares, these elements get lost because the movie is too scared to go all the way with the theme of mental illness and did not live up to the psychological thriller genre.
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What psychology says about smile?

Smiling reduces stress. Stress and anxiety can be ongoing challenges, but smiling more often helps the mind and body release stress naturally. Smiling helps reduce stress-induced hormones in the bloodstream, which helps avoid adrenal fatigue. Smiling enhances positive emotions.
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Can you be insecure about your smile?

Cosmetic imperfections in your smile can be frustrating and embarrassing. Whether you've had irregularly shaped teeth your whole life or you've suffered an injury resulting in chipped or cracked teeth, you know that an imperfect smile can make you feel insecure.
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What should you not say in mental health?

You might hear someone casually use words like, “crazy,” “unhinged,” or “psychotic.” These terms are clearly insulting when describing someone living with a mental illness. And they can also be harmful when talking about something else in those terms.
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Do people with depression watch TV?

Individuals with binge-watching behavior are more likely to be affected by depression because depression makes people want to escape their current state of frustration and consume more TV to release this pressure [3].
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Why do I cry at sad movies but not real life?

It may be that movies offer you the perfect environment to express those kind of emotions. Maybe it's the intimacy that you have when you watch movies or it's the lack of predictability of what can happen, compared with everyday life you may explore every event through logic and control.
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Why do people like to watch things that make them cry?

“These brain areas are associated with the generation of emotional expressions – things like crying, producing tears, making noises, sobbing,” explains Scott. “Now, the reason why that's happening is because of your emotional state watching the film. Eighty per cent of people feel better when they've been crying.
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What is depression at its worst?

But some cases of depression are more severe, with intense symptoms that may include significant appetite and weight loss, sleep problems, and frequent thoughts of death or suicide. Such depression can be paralyzing. You may isolate yourself and have trouble getting out of bed or leaving the house.
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What do depressed people crave for?

Cravings for comfort foods: Although some with depression do not want to eat, others find solace in food. They can overeat and crave comfort foods, leading to weight gain. Aches and pains may be present: Some people experience headaches, nausea, body aches, and other pains with depression.
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What depression did to my body?

Physical symptoms are common in depression, and, in fact, vague aches and pain are often the presenting symptoms of depression. These symptoms include chronic joint pain, limb pain, back pain, gastrointestinal problems, tiredness, sleep disturbances, psychomotor activity changes, and appetite changes.
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Is Smile ok for 14 year olds?

Smile is rated R by the MPAA for strong violent content and grisly images, and language. Violence: People are seen cutting, stabbing, and burning themselves and others. A dead cat is shown. Corpses are seen bearing a variety of grisly injuries.
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Why is Smile rated R?

The MPAA rating has been assigned for “strong violent content and grisly images, and language.” The evaluation includes a couple of kisses and hugs, many scenes of gruesome suicides and attempted murders including a man gutting himself with garden sheers, a woman setting herself on fire and a woman ...
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What age is allowed to watch Smile?

Rated R for strong violent content and grisly images, and language.
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