Was Alice in Wonderland a dream or was it real?

Carroll has explained that the whole book is a dream, though that is not revealed until the very end. His attempt at creating a dream-like world full of vivid and vague details was wildly successful in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
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Is Alice in Wonderland just her imagination?

Not everything in 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland' was conjured from Lewis Carroll's imagination. Stubborn, precocious and curious, the character of Alice was based on a real little girl named Alice Liddell, with a brunette bob and short fringe.
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Is Alice in Wonderland supposed to be a dream?

Alice then recounts her dream about Wonderland to her sister. In Through the Looking-Glass, Alice imagines she has reentered Wonderland through a mirror. However, once again her adventures turn out to be a dream, as she wakes safely at home after her exploits in Wonderland.
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What's the real story behind Alice in Wonderland?

Alice Pleasance Liddell (1852 – 1934) was the little girl who inspired Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. Under her married name of Alice Hargreaves, she came to live in Lyndhurst and was a society hostess.
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Was Alice dreaming the whole time in Alice in Wonderland?

On one hand, the 1951 film makes it clear that Alice was, indeed, dreaming throughout the whole story. We see her sleeping, and Wonderland fades away when she wakes up.
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Was Alice in Wonderland REALLY Just a Dream? (Wonderland: Part 1) [Theory]

Is Alice in Wonderland hallucinating?

zooming at some topics of this novel, we come up to understand that Little Alice suffers from Hallucinations and Personality Disorders, the White Rabbit from General Anxiety Disorder “I'm late”, the Cheshire Cat is schizophrenic, as he disappears and reappears distorting reality around him and subsequently driving ...
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How did Alice get out of the rabbit hole?

The surprised Alice follows him down a rabbit hole, which sends her down a lengthy plummet but to a safe landing. Inside a room with a table, she finds a key to a tiny door, beyond which is a beautiful garden.
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What was Alice's mental illness in Alice in Wonderland?

At several points in the story, Alice questions her own identity and feels 'different' in some way from when she first woke. Approximately 1% of the UK population experience these feeling constantly, and suffer from a syndrome known as depersonalisation disorder (DPD).
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Was the original Alice in Wonderland dark?

Alice in Wonderland definitely has a dark side. Carroll sees childhood as a dangerous place, shadowed by the threat of death. The Queen of Hearts ritually demands everyone's head, especially Alice's – “Off with her head!” The adults in Wonderland are powerful, but often absurd.
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What is the rabbit hole a metaphor for?

What does rabbit hole mean? Used especially in the phrase going down the rabbit hole or falling down the rabbit hole, a rabbit hole is a metaphor for something that transports someone into a wonderfully (or troublingly) surreal state or situation.
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What is the most famous quote from Alice in Wonderland?

Here are 10 quotes from "Alice in Wonderland" that have stood the test of time:
  • "Off with their heads!"
  • "Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."
  • "It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then."
  • "We're all mad here."
  • "Curiouser and curiouser!"
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What is the significance of dream and reality in Alice in Wonderland?

Wonderland, then, because it is a ridiculous dream, becomes a lace where Alice can begin to navigate the real world without, yet, having to actually face that real world.
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Why was Alice in Wonderland crying?

Alice becomes confused about her identity as her size changes, mirroring the confusion that occurs during the transition from childhood to adulthood. The reality that she is too large to fit into the garden produces confusion over who she is, which Alice responds to with bouts of crying and self-reproach.
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What does the White Rabbit symbolize in Alice in Wonderland?

Conclusion: In conclusion, the White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland is not just a cute and quirky character, but a symbol of deeper meanings related to time, anxiety, and societal pressures. Carroll uses the White Rabbit to comment on the fast-paced nature of modern life and the anxieties that can come with it.
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Why is Alice in Wonderland nonsensical?

Some argue that Carroll's nonsense follows a “Socratic tradition that uses nonsense to help shape a moral personal identity” (Taliaferro 194) and others find Carroll's nonsense of the kind “that results from the very natural confusions and errors that children might fall into” (Pitcher 401).
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What does off with their heads mean in Alice in Wonderland?

In Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, the Queen of Hearts is the character who shouts 'off with his head' when she is displeased with one of her subjects. When Alice earns her disapproval, the Queen of Hearts changes her mantra to 'off with her head'.
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Is there a dark side to Alice in Wonderland?

The Dark Side of Alice in Wonderland is the first investigation of the vast range of darker, more threatening aspects of this famous story, and the way Alice has been transformed over time.
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Does Alice in Wonderland have a dark meaning?

The Tragic and Inevitable Loss of Childhood Innocence

The multitude of physically changes Alice goes through in Wonderland are believed to be symbolic of puberty and the many changes that take place during that period of a person's life.
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What year is Alice in Wonderland set in?

Character. Alice is a fictional child living during the middle of the Victorian era. In Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1865), which takes place on 4 May, the character is widely assumed to be seven years old; Alice gives her age as seven and a half in the sequel, which takes place on 4 November.
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What does the Queen of Hearts symbolize in Alice in Wonderland?

Alice remembers that the Queen's threats are nonsense, not to mention that she is flat and thin as a playing card, and overcomes her in the end. The Queen seems to symbolize or embody the sometimes nonsensical commands and punishments handed out by adults.
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What are Alice's hallucinations?

Alice in Wonderland Syndrome consists of metamorphopsia (seeing something in a distorted fashion), bizarre distortions of their body image, and bizarre perceptual distortions of form, size, movement or color.
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What famous person has Alice in Wonderland Syndrome?

Kaethe Kollwitz was a 20th century German artist who grew to fame for her socio-political impressions of Germany during World Wars I and II. In her diary, Kollwitz self-described symptoms of Alice in Wonderland Syndrome during her childhood.
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What is a rabbit hole in depression?

Informal. a strange, disorienting, or frustrating situation or experience, typically one that is difficult to navigate: I had a history of depression and occasionally fell down dark, deep rabbit holes from which only medication and therapy could pull me out.
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Why could Alice not go to the garden?

Down the hole, she finds a golden key which opens a tiny door. Alice realises that the door is just fifteen inches high and that she is too big to get through into the garden.
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What did Alice see on the glass table?

Suddenly she came upon a little three- legged table, all made of solid glass; there was nothing on it except a tiny golden key, and Alice's first thought was that it might belong to one of the doors of the hall; but, alas!
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