Was Jaws always a 12?

Following its theatrical release, Jaws was then later certified as 'PG' for all subsequent releases on VHS and DVD. Although it might seem unusual for a film to have its certification upped to a higher rating, this certainly isn't the first time the BBFC have done so.
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Is Jaws a 12 or 15?

Jaws confusingly carries a PG rating on Netflix, but actually, the rating was increased to a 12A a good few years ago.
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Is Jaws a 12A?

In May 2012, the BBFC awarded Jaws a '12A' for cinema release, reflecting the power that the film still has to frighten audiences.
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Did Jaws used to be rated R?

DESPITE ALL THE BLOODY SHARK ATTACKS, THE MOVIE IS RATED PG. Jaws was initially rated R by the MPAA. ... The poster for the film still reads that the movie “MAY BE TOO INTENSE FOR YOUNGER CHILDREN.”
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What was the first PG-13 movie?

The new PG-13 rating was implemented quickly. The first film to be released with a PG-13 rating came out later that very summer when Red Dawn hit theaters on August 10, 1984.
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Jaws Return from the Deep | Richard Dreyfuss | NEW 2025 | #1 Movie Trailer | Mooch Entert… fan made

Should I let my 6 year old watch Jaws?

But when you think about it, JAWS is the perfect film for anyone between the age os of 6 and 12. When they're little, kids love watching movies, sometimes over and over again.
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Why is Jaws so highly rated?

Compelling, well-crafted storytelling and a judicious sense of terror ensure Steven Spielberg's Jaws has remained a benchmark in the art of delivering modern blockbuster thrills.
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How old is 12A?

The 12A rating is only used for films shown in cinemas. Films rated 12A are suitable for children aged 12 and over. However, people younger than 12 may see a 12A so long as they are accompanied by an adult. In such circumstances, responsibility for allowing a child under 12 to view lies with the accompanying adult.
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Is the original Jaws scary?

While the shark itself doesn't look very realistic by today's standards, the discussions about shark attacks can be just as frightening as when characters are actually attacked, bitten, and killed. Expect to see severed limbs, lots of blood, and frenzied panic.
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Is Jaws gory?

Brody shoots at the shark. Many bloody bullet holes are seen in the shark as blood trails in the water. A man looks at pictures of shark victims that have chunks of flesh missing. The skin is healed up around the wounds in one picture, but it is still rather gruesome.
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Is Jaws based on a true story?

It's simple. Peter Benchley, who penned the novel on which Jaws is based and co-wrote the screen treatment, says the book and film are works of fiction. Although Benchley was a resident of New Jersey, he has said he didn't take any inspiration from the New Jersey shark attacks of 1916.
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Does Jaws 4 ignore Jaws 3?

The film has no continuity from Jaws 3-D. In its predecessor, Mike is an engineer for SeaWorld, whereas in Jaws: The Revenge, he is a marine research scientist.
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Is Jaws 2 as good as Jaws 1?

While it lacks the originality, wit and character interplay that gave "Jaws" an exceptionally appealing impact, "Jaws 2" is proficient enough to avoid bombing out. It never comes close to the classic status of its predecessor, but for drive-in horror thrills, this still has sufficient bite.
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Is Jaws 2 appropriate for kids?

This poster also indicates that, like Jaws, while rated PG, Jaws 2 “MAY BE TOO INTENSE FOR YOUNGER CHILDREN.” This warning seems to be more prominent, and with a strong emphasis on the “intense” part, than the similar warning in Jaws.
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Were real sharks used in Jaws?

Jaws' largest and most iconic cast member, dubbed Bruce, was actually three different mechanical sharks—and for a couple scenes, was played by a real great white. Before filming started in Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, a crew went to Australia to get some cage-diving close-ups with a great white.
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How old was Spielberg when he died in Jaws?

Spielberg was only 26 when he made Jaws, and he wasn't sure he'd be able to pull it off: plagued by malfunctioning mechanical sharks, not to mention a feud between two of his stars, Robert Shaw and Richard Dreyfuss, the picture seemed doomed as he was filming it on Martha's Vineyard.
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How old was Quint in Jaws?

Assuming he lied about his age, as many young men did in World War II, and using Robert Shaw as a template, Quint would have been 17 when the ship was sunk. Presumably once he was discharged from the Navy he moved to Amity and began his shark fishing days.
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Why is Jaws a masterpiece?

Realistic Portrayal of Fear: JAWS effectively captures the fear and panic that engulf a community when faced with a relentless predator. 17. Captivating Storytelling: The film's storytelling captivates audiences from start to finish, balancing action, suspense, and character-driven moments flawlessly.
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Did beach attendance drop after Jaws?

Becoming the highest-grossing film in history and revolutionising the way the highest-profile productions were marketed and rolled out to cinemas worldwide, even the tagline of “just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water” became iconic in and of itself, with Jaws being directly implicated in beach ...
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Why do Jaws look so good?

Spielberg and cinematographer Bill Butler framed much of “Jaws” with a wide-shot perspective, so the added resolution and more defined film grain makes every element from the foreground to the background, have an extra level of clarity.
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Is there anything inappropriate in Jaws?

2 uses of "Jesus" 2 uses of 'Jesus H Christ' 2 uses of 'Jesus Christ' and 2 uses of "For Christ's sake". 5 uses of 'Ass' 5 uses of 'Son of a bitch' 4 uses of 'Goddamn' 3 uses of 'Bastard' and 3 uses of 'Crap'.
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Is psycho ok for a 13 year old?

Psycho is a classic, and many parents with kids gradually aging will eventually be asked about movies such as this one. Parents should know that this movie has brief nudity, but nothing is shown, it has one mild jump scare, a rotting corpse shown, and a bit of blood.
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Is it ok for a 12 year old to watch smile?

MPAA. Rated R for strong violent content and grisly images, and language.
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