Were the vultures in Fall real?

Mann said during an interview this week that the vultures that played a chilling role in the movie were real and not spliced into a scene.
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Did Becky eat the vulture in Fall?

The day after Becky realizes that Hunter didn't survive, Becky is attacked by a vulture that she kills and eats to regain some of her strength. By the time Becky is saved by emergency services in the Fall movie ending, she's spent around a week on the tower.
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Did the actors in Fall actually climb the tower?

They decided to build the upper portion of the tower on top of a mountain so that the actors would really appear to be thousands of feet in the air, even though in real life they were never more than a 100 feet (30 meters) off the ground. The two lead actresses did the bulk of their own stunts.
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Was Hunter a hallucination in Fall?

Becky was curious why Hunter didn't catch the bag when it fell, and also, the audience wonders why Hunter didn't warn Becky about the truck. It turns out Becky was hallucinating Hunter all along. Hunter's death had already occurred, in the fall onto the platform.
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What were the vultures eating in the fall?

In the remote stretch of the desert, Mann presents the dangers of the vast emptiness and warning signs in the area, such as vultures eating a carcass. Fall plays into the audience's fear of acrophobia, but maintains an emotional backstory that perhaps saves the movie.
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FALL (2022) : Vulture Gnawing At Becky's Wounded Leg -- Hollywood Swag

How far away can vultures smell death?

Did You Know? Turkey vultures can detect dead animals from 8 miles away. Turkey vultures have such a strong sense of smell that they can help gas companies detect gas leaks. Ethyl mercaptan is added to odorless gas to alert people to a gas leak.
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Why do buzzards fly in circles?

These updrafts are caused by the air being heated at ground level, and then it floats up in bubbles or pockets, forming ascending air currents or thermals. Buzzards rise on these air currents, then soar or float in a circle to keep within the stream of air and to search an area before floating to the next thermal.
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Is the B67 tower real?

The B67 TV Tower Is Actually Real

While there isn't a specific Fall true story, the tower Becky and Hunter climb is real. When searching for the right location for their film, Fall's team came across the KXTV Tower in Walnut Grove, California.
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Are they making a Fall 2?

Scott Mann, who directed and co-wrote the first film, is returning to co-write with Jonathan Frank. Following the hugely successful survival thriller “Fall,” released in 2022 by Lionsgate, “Fall 2” — set to start production in June — will reunite producers Mark Lane and James Harris of Tea Shop Prods.
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Is Fall based on a true story?

Although the story is not based on true events, the tower at the heart of it – the KXTV Tower in Walnut Grove, California – is very much a real place, and Mann explained that it took the production a long time before they settled on the ideal location.
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How accurate is the movie Fall?

Tower erectors and maintenance purists will likely give the low-budget thriller Fall a failing one star for accuracy. However, critic reviews are favorable for the movie released on Friday, where two young women are stranded on top of a 2,000-foot abandoned tower in an absurd but undeniably effective nightmare.
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Is the antenna in the movie Fall real?

Fall was filmed in IMAX format in the Shadow Mountains in California's Mojave Desert. The look of the fictitious B67 tower in the film was inspired by the real KXTV/KOVR tower, a radio tower in Walnut Grove, California, which is 2,049 feet (625 m) high and one of the tallest structures in the world.
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Was Fall filmed with a green screen?

The filmmakers had considered green screen or digital sets, but ultimately opted for the real thing.
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Did Becky actually survive in the fall?

Becky then pushes Hunter's body off the antenna in hopes that the message will send as the phone gets signal as Hunter's body hits the ground. Thankfully, it does and Becky's father rushes to the tower alongside emergency services. Becky survives, meets her father and they all lived happily ever after…
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What was the plot twist in Fall?

Hunter fell in her attempt to get back up to Becky, and she's been a figment of Becky's imagination ever since. It explains why Hunter suddenly knew about wrestling (despite the fact she's never watched it), and why she appeared more supportive of Becky after that incident.
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How did Fall get filmed?

It was shot outside Palmdale, California, with Tea Shop erecting a 20 ft tower on a 100 ft hill to provide a false perspective while the rest was achieved in post-production. Despite being one of the first films to get rolling during the pandemic, Covid-19 was not always the biggest problem.
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How did Fall end?

All there is left to do is for Becky to crawl down and send one final message. To make sure the phone isn't crushed on impact, she sends it down safely encased in the corpse of her best friend. That is, after she throttles a vulture and eats its meat raw for a bit of nourishment and revenge.
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Why was The Fall Cancelled?

“The cat and mouse game between Gillian and Jamie has one last act to play out. Who will win?” There was never an exact reason given for why the show came to an end, it was simply implied the story had reached its conclusion.
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Has anyone tried to climb the B67 tower?

On February 25, 2023, Walnut Grove, California, became the somber backdrop for the B67 TV Tower Tragedy. This heartbreaking incident claimed the lives of two young individuals, 23-year-old Becky and 25-year-old Hunter, who tragically fell while attempting to climb the towering 2,049-foot (625 m) guyed mast.
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How long would it take to climb the B67 TV tower?

The climb took 2.5 hours to ascend, and 1.5 hours to descend, making what the climber claims is the world's tallest free-climb of an antenna. Be sure to not watch this shortly after having eaten something, it is definitely stomach-turning. Is Dime the World's Most Vital Skate Brand?
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Is the B67 TV tower still in use?

While the story isn't true, the tower at the centre of it — the decommissioned B67 TV Tower — is based on a real-life tower: the KXTV Tower in California, one of the tallest structures in the world.
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What is a flock of buzzards called?

A group of buzzards is called a wake. A group of liberals calls itself woke. A group of geese is called a gaggle. A group of crows is called a murder. An informal gathering of members of the media by the White House press secretary used to be called a press gaggle.
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Why is it a kettle of vultures?

Like an elevator to the skies, the thermal gently wafts the vultures upward. They move in a slowly ascending spiral around the thermal, rarely flapping and instead coasting on the breeze. When many vultures ride the same thermal, it's called a kettle.
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Is there a difference between a vulture and a buzzard?

There are New World vultures, which consist of the Cathartidae family, and there are Old World vultures, which consist of the Accipitridae family. Buzzards, however, are a species of hawk that belong to the Buteo genus. They are predators that go after live prey, not carrion.
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