What are Katniss Everdeen's weaknesses?

Weakness: She would sometimes use other people From childhood, Katniss has a lot of responsibilities on her plate, and she sees a lot of pain and suffering. She lives in a very harsh world under a totalitarian government, and she's usually focused on surviving and keeping her family safe.
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What are Katniss's weaknesses?

Her anger is well-deserved, but sometimes she lets it get the better of her. She often reacts impulsively instead of thinking things through. However, this is one of her negative attributes that overall just makes her a more believable character and also more relatable.
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What is Katniss Everdeen's flaw?

For example, Katniss Everdeen has a fatal flaw of valuing others (beginning with her sister) and putting herself last. She does this numerous times, especially with Peeta. This major flaw in her character nearly gets her killed several times.
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What are Katniss disadvantages?

  • She is uncontrollable. She doesn't like following orders. ( I know this could be a pro or a con, I chose it to be a con)
  • She can be a bit self-centered. ( Summer)
  • She can be reactive/quick tempered. ( Srawb)
  • Socially unintelligent (Fifi)
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What are Katniss's struggles?

Katniss Everdeen is up against a number of external conflicts in "The Hunger Games." including the fight to feed her family, the fight against the oppressive society in which she lives, and the fight against other competitors to survive during the Games.
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Psychology of a Hero: Katniss Everdeen (part 1)

What is Katniss Everdeen's biggest fear?

Katniss is definitely afraid of something happening to her family, especially her little sis, but when it comes to her own safety, she can be fearless. Of course, she's worried about dying in the Games, but it doesn't keep her from getting in the face of just about every authority figure she meets.
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What is Katniss's fear if she wins?

What does Kat fear will happen if she wins? She won't know who she is anymore or what to do with herself, and will end up like Haymitch.
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What is Peeta's weakness?

Weakness: His Open Emotions

For every positive aspect, there comes a negative. And, while Peeta's ability to be open, to be himself, and to share his sincere feelings enabled him to manipulate the people around him, it also put him in a position where he could easily be manipulated.
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Does Katniss have depression?

Given the situations she is living under, her depression and inability to cope makes some sense, but it leaves Katniss with a lot of responsibility. It's definitely unfair that Katniss has to worry about providing and caring for her family.
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What does Katniss dislike the most?

Dislikes include: Haymitch Abernathy, tracker jacker stings, getting her leg hair waxed, and the family cat.
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Why is Katniss depressed?

Her mother's depression increases Katniss' genetic risk for PTSD, given common genetic risks for both disorders. All this is set against a backdrop of an oppressive government. Katniss is constantly looking over her shoulder in fear that her illicit hunting activities will get her and her family executed.
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Why was Katniss rude to her mom?

Katniss has a conflicted relationship with her mother. Following her father's death, her mother fell into deep depression and now rarely speaks. As a result, Katniss has a difficult time feeling love and affection for her mother, even as she recognizes that her mother is a kind and intelligent woman.
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Why was Gale bad for Katniss?

Gale was responsible for creating weapons that would trigger a second wave of bombs to target first responders and combat healers. This invention potentially ended up killing Prim, but even if he wasn't directly responsible, Katniss found this tactic so abhorrent that she lost her affection for him.
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What is Katniss's disability?

Katniss is rendered deaf in one ear after she blows up the Careers' supplies, and she doesn't regain any hearing on her left side until afterwards when the Capitol gives her a hearing aid.
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Who is Katniss's crush?

Katniss Fell in Love With Peeta During the Quarter Quell

By then, they had gone through two games together.
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Why is Katniss angry?

Katniss has just learned that Peeta has romantic feelings for her, and initially she feels she is being used. She becomes angry with Peeta as a result, going so far as to shove him over an urn of flowers.
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What mental illness does Peeta have?

People who suffer from PTSD can also experience trouble sleeping, which both Katniss and Peeta deal with, exhibit self-destructive or reckless behavior or can be aggressive and irritable. Both tributes also have trouble controlling themselves and often react aggressively to situations that upset them.
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Why does Katniss refuse to cry?

Katniss comes close to crying, something she knows she mustn't do because it would indicate weakness to the other tributes and make her look vulnerable; thankfully, Haymitch distracts the crowd and the cameras by stumbling off stage.
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Does Katniss starve?

In the end, neither Peeta nor Gale is able to kill Katniss. Kept prisoner in her room with no way to kill herself, Katniss realizes that the Capitol is still in control of her life. It chooses when and how it will kill her. As Katniss starves herself, wasting away, she begins to sing.
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Is Gale jealous of Peeta?

Gale is jealous of Peeta and the relationship he has with Katniss, and he wants Katniss to decide between them, though he doesn't press Katniss during her recovery in District 13. Gale is an excellent hunter and excels at setting snares and traps.
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Who brainwashed Peeta?

His feelings and memories are distorted with hallucinogenic tracker jacker venom, in a mind-control technique known as "Hijacking." The Capitol uses this method to turn Peeta against Katniss, making him believe that she is not only responsible for the death of his family, friends and the destruction of District 12, but ...
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Who is Peeta's crush?

Ever since he was five years old, Peeta had a huge crush on Katniss Everdeen.
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Why does snow fear Katniss?

Since the end of Katniss' first Hunger Games, President Snow has been wary of Katniss and the power she wields over the districts. Snow recognized early, from Katniss' first stunt with Peeta and the nightlock berries, that she could mean trouble for his power and control over the Capitol.
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Is Katniss traumatized?

It's no surprise that Katniss becomes traumatized—after all, the Hunger Games are the perfect breeding ground for PTSD. Severe, life-threatening, interpersonal violence as well as witnessing atrocities and killing enemies in combat are particular risk factors for the disorder.
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How does Katniss never run out of arrows?

Katniss never runs out of arrows

Other films have added this to scenes to increase tension, but this franchise appears to have been largely uninterested. Thus, Katniss' arrow supply is basically magic, allowing her to solve every problem by shooting ever more arrows at it.
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