What chapter does Katniss find Peeta?

Summary: Chapter 19 In the morning, Katniss looks for Peeta. She knows he needs water to survive, so she follows the stream until suddenly she hears him calling. He is lying on the ground, camouflaged in mud. Peeta's skill frosting cakes has paid off.
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Who does Katniss find at the end of Chapter 13?

Summary: Chapter 13

She finds Haymitch, who tells her Peeta has already asked if he can go in to protect Katniss. Haymitch and Katniss talk about how it should probably be Haymitch who goes in. Both drink a great deal as they talk.
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What does Katniss realize about Peeta in Chapter 22?

While Katniss doesn't understand, it's clear that hidden within Peeta's words is his admission of true love for Katniss. She begins to pick up on Peeta's true feelings for her only when she asks about the first time he knew that he loved her.
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What does Katniss realize in Chapter 16?

She realizes that land mines have been strategically placed around the supplies. Just as the districts used the mockingjays as weapons against their creators in the Capitol, Katniss uses the Careers' land mines against them.
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What happens in Chapter 21 of Hunger Games?

Rue ultimately saves Katniss in this chapter. Katniss' friendship with Rue keeps Thresh from killing her. He feels as if he owes Katniss for her kindness toward Rue and, indirectly, his district, and Katniss of all people understands not wanting to owe anyone.
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The Entire Life of Peeta Mellark (Hunger Games Explained)

What illness does Peeta have in Chapter 20?

When Katniss wakes up hours later, she notices that Peeta's fever has gotten worse. She checks his leg wound and finds that he has blood poisoning—which will kill him if it goes untreated.
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What happens in Chapter 20 Hunger Games?

Summary: Chapter 20

Katniss spends the night caring for Peeta, who is feverish because of the infection. In the morning, he keeps trying to be playfully romantic, but Katniss won't play along. Later that day, Katniss sees that Peeta's leg is getting worse. The infection is spreading.
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What happens in Chapter 17 of The Hunger Games?

Summary: Chapter 17

All the supplies have been destroyed, and Cato is furious. He snaps the neck of the boy from District 3. Katniss hides there the whole day. When night falls, the Careers go into the woods in search of whoever blew up their supplies, and Katniss, still recovering, decides to sleep where she is.
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What happens in Chapter 18 of The Hunger Games?

With a single arrow, Katniss kills the boy from District 1, who speared Rue, and takes Rue's hand. Rue makes Katniss promise that she'll win for both of them, and then asks Katniss to sing her a song. Katniss sings a lullaby from her district, and when she's finished, the mockingjays pick up her song.
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What does Katniss discover about Peeta in Chapter 15?

Summary: Chapter 15

Katniss eventually awakes and realizes that a day or two has passed. Then she remembers that Peeta saved her life and wonders why he did it. She also remembers that she got the bow and arrows, and finally she feels like she has a chance in the Games.
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What happens to Katniss in Chapter 25?

Summary and Analysis Part 3: Chapter 25. Katniss can see that the creatures are muttations. From a distance, they look like wolves but are able to balance on their hind legs. She follows Cato toward the Cornucopia and starts climbing, then remembers Peeta with his hurt leg.
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What happens to Katniss in Chapter 24?

Summary: Chapter 24

Katniss explains that the berries, some of which Foxface stole, are poisonous. In a way, Peeta outsmarted Foxface. They decide to hold on to the rest of the berries in case the same opportunity arises with Cato.
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What happens to Katniss in Chapter 23?

In the sky that night, there is the picture of Thresh. Katniss is sad that he's dead and struggles to hide her pain. She sleeps with her hood over her face to hide it from the cameras so that she can say goodbye to Thresh and thank him. She promises to remember him and help his and Rue's family if she wins.
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Who betrays Katniss?

Katniss feels betrayed, most of all by Haymitch, who used her and Peeta. Eventually she wakes to find Gale there. He's badly injured and tells her the Capitol bombed District 12 after the Games. He got Prim and Katniss's mother out in time, but the District 12 is gone.
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Did Peeta actually tell Katniss to run?

Their roles as star-crossed lovers help them gain sponsors and survive the games. Once the games begin, Peeta forms alliances with the Careers, which Katniss does not initially realize is part of his plot to protect her. After Peeta tells Katniss to run from Cato, Cato stabs Peeta in the thigh and leaves him for dead.
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What injury does Katniss suffer in Chapter 13?

She outruns the fire but ends up in a section of the arena in which the Gamemakers shoot fireballs at her, and one catches her calf as she runs. She puts the fire out with her hands, leaving them mildly burned and her right calf much more severely injured.
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Is District 13 still alive?

To the knowledge of Panem's citizens, District 13 was completely destroyed by the Capitol during the First Rebellion, and it remained inhabitable during the events of the main series. At least, that's what they were led to believe. As revealed in Catching Fire, District 13 was very much up and running.
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Why was there no cannon when Rue died?

Charlotte Sparke Honestly there is no cannon for either Marvel or Rue and personally I believe they just wanted the moment to be a sacred and special moment in the movie. It shows the death of Katniss's ally and only friend in the arena. Adding a cannon would have ruined the muse of the scene.
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Did Rue's dad start the riot?

Katniss never hallucinates about her dad's death after being stung by tracker jackers. Rue's dad doesn't start a riot in District 11 after his daughter's death. Haymitch doesn't convince the Game Maker to change the solo victor rule.
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What happened in Chapter 27 of The Hunger Games?

Katniss goes along with Caesar's suggestion but tries to keep the focus on Peeta. She finds out, too, that Peeta lost his leg and gets her first look at his prosthetic. Caesar, as expected, asks Katniss about the berries, and she struggles to get the right words out, but, afterward, Haymitch says she was perfect.
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What was Chapter 25 about in Hunger Games?

Summary: Chapter 25. Katniss recognizes the strange creatures chasing Cato as muttations, hybrid animals engineered by the Capitol. These muttations look like giant wolves but can walk upright like humans. Cato runs to the Cornucopia and Katniss follows, but she realizes Peeta can't keep up because of his injured leg.
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How did Katniss go deaf?

Katniss is rendered deaf in one ear after she blows up the Careers' supplies, and she doesn't regain any hearing on her left side until afterwards when the Capitol gives her a hearing aid.
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What happened in Chapter 10 of The Hunger Games?

Summary: Chapter 10

The crowd goes crazy over Peeta's declaration of love for Katniss. When the interviews are over, Katniss encounters Peeta and shoves him, making him fall over an urn and cut his hands on the broken shards. Katniss says he had no right to share that about her. Effie, Haymitch, and some others arrive.
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What happens in the 11th chapter of The Hunger Games?

Katniss and the other tributes stand in a ring around the Cornucopia, a giant golden horn filled with supplies that will help them in the Games. The tributes have 60 seconds to take in their surroundings before the gong sounds and the Games begin. Moving too early triggers land mines.
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What happens to Katniss in Chapter 10?

Katniss fluctuates between feeling used and feeling helped and decides that, in the end, Peeta has helped her and now she owes him for his help and for hurting him the day before the Games. On the rooftop, Peeta brings up the recurring theme of identity.
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