What did Chris become in Stand By Me?

The Writer : Chris did get out. He enrolled in the college courses with me and, although, it was hard, he gutted it out like he always did. He went on to college and, eventually, became a lawyer.
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What happened to Chris in Stand By Me?

Recently, while attempting to break up a fight in a restaurant, Chris was stabbed to death. Gordie writes that despite not seeing Chris in over a decade, he will miss him forever. He ends his story with "I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve.
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What happened to the milk money in Stand By Me?

He reveals that he did take the milk money at school first but felt remorseful about it and returned it to one of the teachers, who happened to show up to school the next day in a brand new dress. Chris took the heat for the theft but could never atone to it because of his family's reputation.
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Where did Chris get the gun in Stand By Me?

Gordie fires the gun scene in Stand By Me

It was of course here that Chris shows Gordie the gun he's stolen from his dad. “Is it loaded?” Gordie asks.
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What are the character traits of Chris in Stand By Me?

Chris is smart and compassionate, and always the first to help his friends. Teddy Duchamp is described by Gordie as "the craziest guy we hung around with. He didn't have much of a chance in life.
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Chris Confides In Gordie | Stand By Me | Love Love

What type of person is Chris into the wild?

Christopher Johnson McCandless Intelligent, idealistic young man who believes that life is best lived alone, in nature. He spends two years testing his theory throughout the western United States before entering the wilds of Alaska unprepared and starving to death. Calls himself "Alexander Supertramp" or just "Alex."
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Why does Chris from Stand by Me cry?

Chris crying to Gordie

Chris says he's upset because he got suspended from school. This, as we know, upsets him because he's a good kid and he wants to go to school and learn. No one asked him if they took the milk money, which was mentioned earlier when Gordie's father says Chris is a thief.
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What does Ray Brower symbolize?

Ray Brower, although not an important character to the story, holds a placemarker for the mystery that is death.
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How did Ray Brower get hit by a train?

The body of Ray Brower was discovered to be mangled by the train while attempting to escape the locomotive's path.
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What does the deer symbolize in Stand By Me?

Wil Wheaton's large brown eyes and gentle demeanor in this role make it easy to link his character to the deer, a connection that underscores Gordie's innocence and vulnerability just before the encounter with the body will lay bare his grief over the death of his older brother, and a faceoff with the town bully will ...
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What were the last words in Stand by Me?

Stand by Me
  • [last lines]
  • The Writer: [typing on computer] I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?
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What happened to the kids at the end of Stand by Me?

Although only Chris is mentioned to have died in the film, Teddy and Vern's deaths are also given in the novella. Vern dies in a fire during a house party and Teddy dies in a drunk driving accident. Vern and Teddy are spared in the film: Vern marries out of high school, has four kids, and works as a forklift operator.
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Is Stand by Me Based on a true story?

According to director Rob Reiner (via FSR), King's response to the film was "[Y]ou've really captured my story. It is autobiographical. All that was made up was the device of the hunt for the body." In King's own words then, Stand by Me is based on his own life.
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Did Gordie and chris love each other?

In the book it is said that Gordie loves Chris, however it is never specified as to what love Gordie is referring to (romantic or platonic). The two are extremely touchy with each other and overall act like boyfriends. They're always there for each other when no one else is.
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Why is the end of Stand by Me sad?

The kid wasn't sleeping. The kid was dead." The reason the story is being told, and the fates of Gordie's friends, with the final narration revealing how Teddy never got to live his dream of joining the Army and Chris' life came to a sudden, pointless end, in spite of how hard he worked to build a future for himself.
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What happened to Vern after Stand by Me?

Vern dies in a house fire after a party in 1966, six years after the novella is set. In the movie he doesn't die, where it says he found a job in construction, eventually getting certified as a forklift operator. Vern also got married young, and this marriage produced four children.
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What was the most deadliest train crash in history?

The 2004 Sri Lanka tsunami train wreck is the deadliest recorded train disaster in history, claiming the lives of at least 1,700 people. The incident was the result of a devastating tsunami caused by the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake, which caused severe destruction to railway infrastructure.
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What does Gordie find himself unable to say to Chris?

He can not tell Chris what their experience together has meant—they stood by each other (the only ones who did, Vern and Teddy ran away)—he can not tell Chris what Chris's friendship means to him; he can not tell Chris that he loves him. Have things changed for Gordie at home?
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What does the body symbolize in Stand By Me?

Ray's body is a symbol of death, mortality, and coming of age for Gordie and his friends. The body represents a transition in their lives and in their friendships.
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What does Charlie Hogan do when he sees Ray Brower?

Billy Tessio and Charlie Hogan are talking about a car they stole (to joyride with some girls); they had come across Ray Brower's body—and Charlie Hogan (who is a tough kid) vomited when he saw the body.
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Why did Teddy stand in front of the train?

In both the movie and the novella Teddy, sometimes being driven by his emotions, acts as he was storming a beach in Normandy during second World War pretending that the train approaching him was the German enemy. His intention was to dodge the train by jumping off the railway at the very last moment.
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What is the foreshadowing in stand by me?

Stand By Me - Ace putting the knife to Chris' neck foreshadows his actual death by being stabbed in the neck.
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Was Teddy suicidal in Stand By Me?

He almost tried to commit suicide after standing on the tracks while a train was coming towards him, but avoided being struck with the help of his friends. As an adult Teddy attempts to get into the military but according to Gordon LaChance [the narrator of the film] His eyes and his ears kept him out of it.
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Who are the bad guys in stand by me?

Sutherland starred in the 1986 film as John "Ace" Merrill, a hoodlum in '50s Castle Rock, Oregon who hangs out with the older brothers of River Phoenix's Chris, Richard "Eyeball" Chambers, and Jerry O'Connell's Vern, Bill Tessio.
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Why is stand by me Rated R?

80's films. A review of the film in 1986 offers that Stand by Me was rated "R" for all the "dirty talk" throughout the film, which I find interesting because I think if the film were made today, it would be rated "PG-13" instead. Society has become desensitized to swearing and it is much more prevalent today.
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