What did David do to Elizabeth Shaw?

According to “Advent”, David killed Shaw after she refused to help David “build a second Eden,” and used her body in his research to create (or recreate depending on your preferred theories) his incarnation of the Xenomorph. “I tried so desperately to make her more than human.
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What experiments did David do on Shaw?

Experiments on Shaw

David also dissected and experimented on his companion and former Prometheus crew member Elizabeth Shaw's body, mutilating and deforming it in the process.
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Why did David create the Xenomorphs?

A theory more recently pushed by Ridley Scott suggests that David, driven by a desire to create the perfect organism, played a significant role in the genesis of the Xenomorphs.
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Why did David infect Charlie?

Therefore, the character's treacherous actions in the films, such as infecting the archaeologist Charlie Holloway with an alien mutagen, would be from a desire to create a new evolutionary generation of his own.
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What happened to Elizabeth Shaw?

According to “Advent”, David killed Shaw after she refused to help David “build a second Eden,” and used her body in his research to create (or recreate depending on your preferred theories) his incarnation of the Xenomorph. “I tried so desperately to make her more than human.
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David DID NOT Kill Shaw || What REALLY Happened to Elizabeth Shaw || Alien Covenant

What did David do to the Engineers?

After dealing with a lone Engineer in Prometheus, the android David weaponized black goo stored inside the Engineer pilot's ship to massacre the entire population of Engineers in Alien: Covenant.
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How do Xenomorphs impregnate humans?

The Xenomorph life cycle is thus: an egg hatches a small alien, often referred to as a "facehugger" (known scientifically as an ovipositor). This critter attaches itself to the face of a living being and implants an embryo inside the torso.
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What did David say to the alien?

A serviceable translation into English is: "This man is here because he does not want to die. He believes you can give him more life."
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Did H. R. Giger create the Xenomorph?

The xenomorphs' design is credited to Swiss surrealist and artist H. R. Giger, originating in a lithograph titled Necronom IV and refined for the series's first film, Alien.
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What did David do to Shaw's body?

David then made a grave for her in the citadel's garden. David would subsequently honor Shaw's death regularly through a ritual. Years later Daniels found her preserved, dissected, and severely mutated body in David's alien study room.
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Why was David evil in Alien?

His murder of Shaw and subsequent isolation likely played a part in developing his homicidal tendencies, but David was already happy to pull off a mass extinction event before either of those occurred, so the root of his evil is still unclear for viewers.
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Is Walter dead in Alien Covenant?

It is unclear if Walter is permanently damaged or will be able to recover. Regardless, he is left on the planet as David leaves on the Covenant.
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Who is the strongest Xenomorph?

the queen mother is the strongest. mainly because she is the biggest and she has direct control over any alien she can think of. she lives in the world hive which you could guess is our world as an alien hive. The Queen Mother is the most powerful of all Plagiarus praepotens, bar none.
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Who is the ginger cat in Aliens?

Jones, commonly known as Jonesy, is a fictional ginger American Shorthair cat from the Alien franchise. He is a ship's cat on the Nostromo, the setting of the first film. Jonesy is also the protagonist of a book adaptation of Alien, Jonesy: Nine Lives on the Nostromo.
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Who played the first Xenomorph?

Bolaji Badejo was a graphic designer from Lagos. He is primarily remembered for his single acting role, playing the titular predatory alien in the science fiction-horror film Alien (1979).
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Who did David pretend to be?

David took these words to heart and was very much afraid of Achish king of Gath. So he pretended to be insane in their presence; and while he was in their hands he acted like a madman, making marks on the doors of the gate and letting saliva run down his beard.
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What did David do to the giant?

The stone sank in, and Goliath stumbled and fell face down on the ground. So David triumphed over the Philistine with only a sling and a stone, for he had no sword. Then David ran over and pulled Goliath's sword from its sheath. David used it to kill him and cut off his head.
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What did the guy drink in the beginning of Prometheus?

In the opening of the movie, we see an oval ship drop an Engineer by a cliff. That Engineer drinks the black goo, which tears apart their DNA. They throw themselves into the newly formed ocean of Earth, which gives birth to humanity. This is the creation of all life on Earth as well.
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How did Ripley get pregnant with a Xenomorph?

Ripley soon learns that during her cryostasis aboard the escape pod, she was attacked by a Face Hugger, and impregnated with a Xenomorph embryo. A scan using the escape pod's barely functioning medical apparatus reveals this baby is none other than an Alien Queen.
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Why do Xenomorphs need a host?

The Xenomorphs' horrific life-cycle is this: an Ovomorph containing a Facehugger is laid by the Queen Xenomorph, and the egg waits until a viable host is present before it opens and releases the Facehugger, which then implants the genetic material that will become a Xenomorph inside the host's chest.
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Who created Facehugger?

Dan O'Bannon initially conceived the Facehugger as somewhat resembling an octopus, possessing tentacles. However, when he received Giger's designs, which substituted tentacles with fingerlike digits, he thought Giger's design concept superior.
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What is David trying to do in Alien?

Like Shaw, David hopes to discover the Engineers and their advanced technology, in order to understand if man's existence is similar or different from his own. Following his decade-long isolation on the desolate Engineer planet.
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What happens to David at the end of alien?

So the actual logic of the ending is pretty clear (if a bit bent in terms of rules for xenomorph lifecycles). David likely killed Walter, removed his own hand and switched clothes with his synthetic brother. He then took a one way trip off of “Paradise” with embryotic tokens of his work in his synthetic tummy.
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Is Prometheus connected to aliens?

Prometheus is a 2012 science fiction horror film co-produced and directed by Ridley Scott, with the screenplay co-written by Jon Spaihts and Damon Lindelof. It is the fifth installment in the Alien franchise.
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Who is stronger demogorgon vs Xenomorph?

Wiz: The Demogorgon may have been the deadliest predator in the Upside-Down, but the Xenomorph was simply a few leagues above it. The Demogorgon may be capable of smashing through brick, but Xenomorphs can tear through steel; a pretty clear difference.
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