What did the boys do to Simon's body?

The boys fall on him violently and kill him. The storm explodes over the island. In the whipping rain, the boys run for shelter. Howling wind and waves wash Simon's mangled corpse into the ocean, where it drifts away, surrounded by glowing fish.
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What do the boys do with Simon's body?

In the darkness, Simon crawls into the group and tries to tell them what he has seen but it is too late. The boys have lost all control and thinking he is the Beast, they kill Simon - even Ralph and Piggy are involved. That night, Simon's body is carried out to sea.
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What literally happened to Simon's body?

Overcome by its own momentum, the group turns on Simon as if he were the beast and kills him. The rain increases and the boys back off, leaving Simon's body on the beach. That night, the tide carries his body away. The storm's wind fills the dead soldier's parachute and lifts him up and over the island and out to sea.
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What happens to Simon Why do the boys do this to him?

In Lord of the Flies, Simon was crucified through a beating from the rest of the boys. He was on his way to tell the boys about his revelation that what they thought was the beast was actually a downed parachutist. The boys mistook him for the beast, causing them to beat him to death.
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Do the boys know they killed Simon in chapter 9?

They kill the figure. When the storm clears, readers are told that the thing the boys killed was Simon. Golding uses irony here, as it is expected that Simon will deliver his message and clear up the issue about the beast; but he is mistaken for the beast, so the boys never learn the truth.
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Do the chanting dancing boys recognize Simon?

The boys again reenact the hunting of the pig and reach a high pitch of frenzied energy as they chant and dance. Suddenly, the boys see a shadowy figure creep out of the forest—it is Simon. In their wild state, however, the boys do not recognize him.
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Do the boys realize Simon is the beast?

In their wild state, however, the boys do not recognize him. Shouting that he is the beast, the boys descend upon Simon and start to tear him apart with their bare hands and teeth.
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What has physically happened to Simon?

Simon crawls out of the woods, bloodied and exhausted and somewhat unrecognizable in the dark. The group, already worked into a frenzy, perceive him as the beast and bludgeon him to death. Simon's death may symbolize that savagery has overtaken civilization; that goodness is gone and evil reigns.
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What does Simon's death symbolize?

1> Symbolism: Simon represents the epitome of goodness, kindness, and insight in the novel. His death symbolizes the loss of innocence and the triumph of savagery over civilization.
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How is Simon's death foreshadowed in chapter 9?

Chapter Nine: A view to a death

Golding uses detailed description of bad weather coming onto the island to begin the build up to Simon's death. He shows how nature becomes colourless, as colours 'drained from water and trees', contrasting this with the pig's guts, which 'look like a heap of glistening coal'.
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What do the boys say about Simon's death?

Final Answer: The boys' reactions to Simon's death differ significantly. While some of them, like Piggy and Ralph, are filled with remorse and acknowledge the tragedy, others, such as Jack and his followers, seem to be largely indifferent or even revel in the chaos.
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What is ironic about Simon's death?

Simon's death presents irony in a few ways, most notably because he is coming down the mountain to prove to the other boys that the beast does not exist, then is mistaken for the beast and killed.
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Who is most responsible for Simon's death?

Simon, a god-like and civilized character, is put to death by a tribe who has mistaken him for a beast. Jack, the leader of the tribe, has influenced the group of boys to be impulsive, savage-like, and to live in fear of the beast that lives in their imagination.
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What did the boys do to Simon what happened to his body on the beach?

The boys killed Simon. They killed Simon, because they were caught up in a frenzy in their dancing ritual, and thought he was the beast. His body was then blown away from onto the beach into the ocean where it drifted away.
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Do the boys confess to murdering Simon?

Each boy denies their involvement in Simon's death because they feel guilty and ashamed of their actions. Unlike Jack and his hunters, the four boys are not overtly savage individuals and are still heavily influenced by civilization.
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Who realizes the beast was harmless and horrible?

Simon has found the truth that the imaginary beast is “harmless and horrible”. ( William Golding:162) On a deep level, if we recognize the truth of man's evil and purges ourselves from it, the beast is harmless; otherwise it is horrible.
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Who killed Simon in LOTF?

Simon is killed by the other boys on the island in a frenzied attack, mistaking him for the "beast" they fear. After Simon's death, his body is washed out to sea, and the boys continue to descend into savagery and chaos.
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Who killed Piggy?

In Lord of the Flies, Roger is the one who kills Piggy.
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What does Simon's death foreshadowed?

The boys begin to accompany the game with a sinister chant "Kill the pig" and turn the whole thing into a wild and savage dance. They eventually get so carried away with all this, that Simon is brutally killed. Therefore the game foreshadows Simon's death. It also foreshadows the final hunt to slaughter Ralph.
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What did they do with Simon's body?

After the mob of boys kill Simon, his body falls onto the beach, where the waves take him out to sea.
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What is Simon's physical appearance?

Simon is small and skinny with a pointed chin. He has black hair, bright eyes and tans easily.
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What was Simon trying to tell the boys when he returned?

What does Simon want to tell the other boys? Simon wants to tell the boys the truth about the beast, who the boys think is real. After his epileptic fit, Simon encounters the dead pilot and recognizes that the beast is, in fact, just a dead man that may be frightening but can't hurt them.
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What if it's only US LOTF?

“What I mean is . . . maybe it's only us.” While in a meeting to discuss the beast, Simon attempts to explain his thoughts on the subject. He understands that the beast could be real, but not in the way the other boys think.
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Whose body is blown out to sea?

As a result of the storm with its high winds and high tides, what happens to the bodies of Simon and the parachutist? They were blown out to sea. What does Jack plan to steal from Ralph and Piggy?
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What does Simon do after smelling the dead body?

In the given scenario, Simon chooses to investigate further upon smelling the dead body, showing a level of curiosity and courage. His decision indicates that he is not easily deterred by challenging or uncomfortable situations, and he is willing to confront them head-on.
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