What do the Klingons represent?

The Klingons took on the role of the Soviet Union with the fictional government the United Federation of Planets playing the role of the United States. As a result, the Klingons were generally portrayed as inferior to the crew of the Enterprise.
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What is the meaning of the Klingon symbol?

Interestingly, the Interplay game "Klingon Academy" contains a dramatically different interpretation. General Chang vouchsafes that an ancient three-bladed weapon was the inspiration for the emblem, chosen by Kahless to represent the virtues he felt were most important; Duty, Honor and Loyalty.
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What are Klingons inspired by?

The depiction of the Klingon species, the iconic aggressive warrior race from the planet Qo'noS, has evolved throughout the years from a simple analogy of the American fear of Cold War-era Russians to a depiction of a complex and proud tradition-bound people who value honor as well as combat prestige.
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What are Klingons known for?

Particularly emphasized in Star Trek films and series after The Motion Picture, the Klingon culture is depicted as being centered on honor and combat. The High Council, led by a Chancellor (in theory, a steward for the mythical office of Emperor), governs the Klingon Empire.
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What is the Klingon controversy?

The redesign of the Klingons almost from scratch for Star Trek Discovery is the arguably most controversial artistic decision in the history of the franchise. Whether they criticize the new look and feel of the species for its clumsiness or for its disrespect of canon, many fans genuinely dislike it.
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The Cardassian Warship - Galor-class - Star Trek Starships Explained!

Are the Klingons good or bad?

Klingons are recurring antagonists in the 1960s television series Star Trek, and have appeared in all subsequent series, along with ten of the Star Trek feature films. Initially intended to be antagonists for the crew of the USS Enterprise, the Klingons became a close ally of humanity in Star Trek: The Next Generation.
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What is the Klingon insult in Star Trek?

petaQ. One Klingon term used as an insult on numerous occasions was petaQ (also spelled "Pahtak", "Pathak", "p'tahk", "p'takh", "patahk", "pahtk", "p'tak", or "p'taq"). It was also used by the Klingons of the mirror universe.
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What are Klingon beliefs?

Klingon belief holds that an individual should show his face to an enemy when he or she kills them. To kill an individual from behind, with poison or with one's face concealed is considered dishonorable. The individual shows his or her face so that the dying warrior will know who to curse.
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Who is the Klingons greatest enemy?

The Klingons are a proud warrior race but, amusingly, their greatest enemies in Star Trek weren't Starfleet - it was the Tribbles.
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What is Klingon Heaven called?

Sto-vo-kor (also written Sto'Vo'Kor, or Suto'vo'qor in the Klingon language) was, in Klingon mythology, the afterlife for the honored dead, where all true warriors went after they died to fight an eternal battle against great enemies.
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What is the Klingon lifespan?

Memory Alpha notes that there is no canonical maximum estimate for Klingon lifespans, but several Klingons are known to have exceed a century, and some may have made it past 150 (earyh) years. That makes them pretty comparable to 24th century humans.
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Are Klingons honorable?

The Klingons were notorious for the emphasis they placed on honor. This may have been a more abstract way of viewing honor. But, as notions of honor were often very subjective, putting emphasis on clear objects (i.e., victory) made the Klingons able to deduce the honorable conduct (i.e., means used to achieve victory).
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Why do old Klingons look different?

The appearance of Klingons in Star Trek has evolved over time, with the original series using minimal makeup due to their tight budget. Later series introduced cranial ridges, and Discovery created a more alien look for the Klingons.
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Why is Klingon blood pink?

Star Trek: Lower Decks season 4, episode 9 reveals that Klingons have pink blood, a departure from their usual red blood. The choice to give Klingons pink blood was made in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country to create an alien look and to avoid a higher film rating.
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What is Hello in Klingon?

Many English words do not have direct translations into Klingon. To express "hello", the nearest equivalent is nuqneH, meaning "What do you want?", with "goodbye" translated as Qapla', "Success!".
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Why did Klingons look like humans?

Most notably the make-up of the Klingons was modified for TMP. In TOS their foreheads were flat exactly like those of humans. The only distinguishing mark was their beards. In TMP and thereafter, however, the Klingons had ridges on their foreheads, to emphasize their being alien but probably also their martial nature.
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Who is stronger Vulcans or Klingons?

While Klingons are normally shown to be the strongest of all species within the Star Trek franchise, they are surprisingly weak when compared to the Vulcans. This is another perfect example of how Star Trek subverts expectations, hoping time and time again that raw power is not what gives a person power.
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Why did Kirk hate Klingons?

In Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, Kirk's son David Marcus was killed by Klingons, and it hardened Kirk's heart. He hated Klingons for it and was furious when Spock set him up (three movies later with Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country) as the escort and emissary for Klingon Chancellor Gorkon.
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Who is the most evil Star Trek character?

'Star Trek': The 10 Best Villains, Ranked
  1. 1 Khan Noonien Singh — 'Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan' (1982)
  2. 2 The Borg Queen — 'Star Trek: First Contact' (1996) ...
  3. 3 Gul Dukat — 'Star Trek: Deep Space Nine' (1993-1999) ...
  4. 4 Kruge — 'Star Trek III: The Search for Spock' (1984) ...
  5. 5 Q – 'Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-1994) ...
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Who do Klingons worship?

Formal worship

A minority of Klingons continued to identify as Followers of Molor, a sworn enemy of Kahless, in the 23rd century.
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Why would anyone learn Klingon?

To meet people.

The Klingon-speaking community are generally well-educated and passionate people, and there are Klingonists in countries all over the world. Speaking Klingon can provide a great gateway into a small but tightly-knit community of people.
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Who are the Romulans based on?

Physiologically, Romulans are similar to Vulcans, another species in the Star Trek universe. In fact, Romulans share a common ancestry with Vulcans and are considered an offshoot of the same species. They have pointed ears and arched eyebrows, and possess great strength, intelligence, and longevity.
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What did Picard swear in Klingon?

Qu'vatlh ghuy'cha' baQa'

In the Star Trek episode, The Mind's Eye, Governor Vagh was convinced the federation was supplying weapons to Kriosian rebels. Picard replied with the phrase, "Qu'vatlh ghuy'cha' baQa'," at which point Vagh complimented him on his mastery of Klingon cursing.
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What word do they cuss in Star Trek?

Star Trek Has Always Had Curse Words

Commander Data (Brent Spiner) uttered "Oh s***!" just as the USS Enterprise-D was about to crash-land on Veridian III. There have been other times "s***" or "godd***" have been uttered in Star Trek since then. However, Picard isn't the first F-bomb in the Star Trek franchise.
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How do you say hello in Star Trek?

The Vulcan salute is a hand gesture popularized by the 1960s television series Star Trek. It consists of a raised hand with the palm forward and the thumb extended, while the fingers are parted between the middle and ring finger.
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