What does Emma discover about herself at the end?

It is only very late in the book that Emma finally recognizes that she has been in love with Mr. Knightley all along. She worries that she has come to this realization too late, as Harriet now has feelings for him. Fortunately, he confesses his feelings for her shortly after she has had her own realization.
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What happens at the end of the story Emma?

Emma briefly worries about Harriet and how she will receive the news of their engagement. Emma is pleased to learn that Harriet has decided to marry Robert after all. The novel thus concludes with three marriages: Jane and Frank, Harriet and Robert, and Emma and Mr. Knightley.
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What is the self realization of Emma?

Emma realizes–with the tough-love help of her dear friend Mr Knightley–that she really was unconscionably cruel to the babbling Miss Bates at the Box Hill picnic. For Emma, Knightley's confrontation is a painful moment of self-awareness.
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How did the movie Emma end?

Though Emma and Mr. Knightley are very much in love, Emma is distressed at the thought of leaving her father alone. To accommodate her wishes, Mr. Knightley suggests that he join them at Hartfield rather than have Emma quit her father's home. Emma happily agrees, and the two are married.
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What lesson does Emma learn in Emma?

By exercising true self-knowledge, acknowledging her imperfections, and relating to others' own potential for growth—her recognition of Frank Churchill's capacity for “his character to improve, and acquire from [Jane's] the steadiness and delicacy of principle that it wants”—Emma realizes that, unlike her perfection in ...
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Emma🍀 Learn English through story level 4

How does Emma grow or change in Emma?

Over the course of the story, Emma comes to realize her own flaws. She recognizes that she has interfered in Harriet's life after the situation with the vicar goes badly. She gradually realizes that her initial judgments of others are not always accurate, particularly when she learns the truth about Frank and Jane.
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What is the moral element of Emma?

Jane Austen's Emma has been identified as a core example of the bildungsroman-a novel charting the formative years of a person's coming-of-age in terms of moral and spiritual development-and is, moreover, replete with fascinating incidents which serve as paradigm examples of moral enquiry into the nature and ...
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What is the age gap between Emma and Knightley?

With the approximately seventeen-year age difference between himself and Emma, he bridges the gap between her and her father, arguing with and scolding her in a manner suggesting that of an older brother. As Emma observes, “'Mr. Knightley loves to find fault with me you know'” (10).
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Why does Emma have a period at the end?

Speaking exclusively to RadioTimes.com, director Autumn de Wilde revealed that the answer is pretty self-explanatory. "There's a period at the end of Emma because it's a period film," she said. "It's true!" In other words, yes, the whole marketing for this expensive new film is based on a pun.
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What is the age gap between Emma and Jane Austen?

Jane Austen's beloved 1815 classic Emma is saddled with some serious 19th-century baggage: namely, that the romance at its heart pairs the fresh-faced, 21-year-old titular protagonist with a gentleman 16 years her senior, with all the power imbalances attendant to both their age gap and the gender norms of the era.
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What revelations or lessons does Emma experience that contribute to her growing self awareness?

Emma then realises how she has been misled by her own imagination. The revelation of this secret contributes to her gaining self- knowledge. She realises that Frank means nothing to her and she unconsciously makes a comparison between Frank and Mr. Knightley.
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What is the theme of self realization?

Self-realization is one of the major pre-requisites to attain ultimate enlightenment and liberation (moksha). Self-realization means peeling away fabricated layers of one's own personality to understand the true self and hence the true nature of reality.
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What is the dilemma of Emma?

This, then, is the dilemma of Emma: she is a victim of her own illusions and creates a world of her own fancy, but it is not the real world, according to Andrew Wright, who notes Emma's “supreme self-confidence and serene delusion” (135).
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Does Emma get her happy ending?

Happily married with an upcoming baby, Emma and Hook decide to return to Storybrooke and live there — their happily ever after.
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Does Emma have a good ending?

Ultimately, Wish Hook discovers Emma is pregnant, so he lets her and Hook-Prime return to Storybrooke to get their happy ending.
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Why does Emma marry Mr Knightley?

Knightley's sense of relief once he has expressed his intentions toward Emma. Recognizing her own love prompts Emma to change her mind on the issue of marriage. Once Emma understands that her opinion has changed, she is able to begin her transformation into a union with Mr. Knightley.
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Why does Emma pull up her dress?

She brought her careful research of period costumes to the script, using costumes to heighten both the humor in the story and the characters' personality. In one scene, Emma, thinking she is alone, pulls up her dress to warm herself by the fire in a moment of insouciance.
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Why does Emma's nose bleed in Emma?

Emma draws on the sexual aspect of nosebleeds; after several gasps, the nosebleed is the culmination of her emotional upheaval. The first in any Austen adaptation, it's an unfulfilling climax of things not going as planned.
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Why did Emma not want to marry?

Emma professes that she does not ever wish to marry (unless she falls very much in love), as she has no financial need to, because she has a large inheritance and does not wish to leave her father alone.
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Did Mr. Knightley love Emma the whole time?

Austen makes it clear that Mr. Knightley did not think of Emma romantically until she showed an interest in Frank Churchill. “He had been in love with Emma, and jealous of Frank Churchill, from about the same period, one sentiment having probably enlightened him as to the other” (Volume 3, Chapter 13).
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Did Mr. Knightley love Jane Fairfax?

Weston thinks Mr. Knightley is in love with Jane Fairfax; but when Emma suggests that to him, he denies it quite decisively (II, xv, 287). He remarks that Jane is too secretive; and he is the only one who eventually begins to have a sound idea of what her secret is.
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Did Emma love Mr. Knightley?

Emma is shocked, but realises she had never really had romantic sentiments towards Frank Churchill. Nevertheless, she worries that Harriet has feelings for Frank, but soon discovers that Harriet has become infatuated with Mr. Knightley. Emma becomes very unhappy; finally it dawns on her that she loves Mr.
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Is Emma an unlikable character?

The whole novel's heroine, Emma, is unlikable because of her class discrimination and failed matchmaking attempts. Mr. Knightely changes this when he makes her question whether class and status are the right judges of a person. Emma, although initially unlikable, grows as a heroine.
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Why is marriage important in Emma?

Marriage is also an agent of social change. Though certainly dictated by the characters' social standing (as when characters reject or pursue matches to consolidate their social standing), it also makes characters' social standing, as in the case with Mr.
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Is Emma moral or immoral?

Emma's motives are ultimately up to the reader to judge whether they are good or harmful. Even when she does make errors, it is obvious that she is attempting to act morally. She is a likeable, complicated character who can grow from her errors in spite of her weaknesses.
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