What does Katniss do with the cookies Peeta's father gave her Chapter 4?

She decides that she will have nothing more to do with Peeta and tosses his father's cookies out the train's window, but when she does this, she sees more dandelions and recalls Peeta's bruised face from years ago and how those dandelions gave her, her mother, and Prim hope.
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What does Katniss do with the cookies Peeta's father gave her?

She decides this is more dangerous to her than an unlikable Peeta and determines not to get any closer with him. When she throws the cookies his father gave her out the window, they land in a field of dandelions, and she remembers gathering dandelions with Prim after she realized she would have to feed her family.
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What did Katniss do with the cookies?

The cookies fall in the dandelions. This reminds Katniss of the connection between Peeta and hope. The dandelions are symbolic of hope and survival -she realizes that she is not doomed. Katniss gathered them and ate them.
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What does Peeta's father gave Katniss?

They see it as an honor to serve as tribute, and tributes from those districts almost always win. Katniss' next visitor is Peeta's father, the baker. They hardly speak, but he gives her cookies.
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What does Katniss see when she throws the cookies How is that symbolic?

What does she see when she does this with the cookies? How is that symbolic? She sees a patch of dandelions near the track, which reminds her of seeing Peeta at school after he had given her the bread--his face bruised from taking a beating from his mother for burning the bread.
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The Hunger Games Audiobook - Chapter 4

What does Katniss see immediately after throwing the cookies out the window?

Katniss throws the cookies from Peeta's father out the train window. Ironically, the cookies land in a patch of dandelions. Katniss remembers the past and reveals that her mother is an apothecary who has a book about plants.
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What did Katniss's father tell her to find so she d never starve?

8. When Katniss' dad says “As long as you can find yourself, you'll never starve,” what does he mean? He means as long as she discovers her skills and strengths, she can take care of herself. When she discovers of what she is capable, she can help herself.
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Did Peeta's father want to marry Katniss mother?

His father pointed her out and told Peeta he had wanted to marry Katniss's mother, but she ran off with a coal miner who sang so well even the birds would stop and listen.
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Did Peeta's dad love Katniss mom?

Long before Peeta risked punishment from his mother by throwing Katniss some bread, his father had pointed the girl out to him and explained to his son that he had once been in love with her mother.
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Who was the father of Katniss baby?

Many years later, Katniss and Peeta are parents to a daughter and a son. For nearly fifteen years, Katniss was hesitant about having children even though Peeta has wanted children for all those years.
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Who gave Katniss cookies?

Summary: Chapter 3

Peter Mellark's father, the baker, comes in. Katniss often trades him squirrels for bread. He gives Katniss cookies and promises to make sure Prim is being fed.
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Who brings Katniss cookies?

Book version: Peeta's dad brings Katniss cookies, making her realize he liked her all along. She later throws the cookies off the train as she realizes she might have to kill Peeta to get back to District 12.
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What is Peeta's weakness?

Weakness: His Open Emotions

No one on earth could endure the torture that Peeta went through without being horrifically traumatized, but the fact that he was so forthright about his love for Katniss didn't do him any favors in that department either.
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What does Katniss get for kissing Peeta?

It's her first kiss. She steps outside and a gift falls from the sky, a pot of broth. She understands the message Haymitch is sending her: kisses and romance will earn them gifts.
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Is Katniss edible?

In the wild, the katniss plant is found in wetlands. Its leaves are edible, though it's most valued for its roots: large, nutritious tubers whose taste is comparable to a sweet potato. Katniss was once a staple food of Native Americans, especially in the Northwest (where they dug up the plant with their toes).
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What does Peeta tell Katniss about his father?

He describes how his father pointed Katniss out to him at school, how his father had thought he'd marry Katniss' mother, but she chose a coal miner since he could win the birds over with his singing.
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Does Katniss have Peeta's baby?

In the epilogue, Katniss and Peeta are married and have a young daughter and a son.
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Who does Peeta tell that Katniss is pregnant?

Peeta tells Caesar that he and Katniss are already married. According to Peeta, the two married in secret and Katniss is now pregnant. The audience, who doesn't know Peeta is lying, can't bear the cruelty of their doomed fate as tributes in the Quell.
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Why did Peeta's mom hit him?

However, after Mrs. Mellark reentered the bakery, Katniss witnessed her scolding and beating Peeta after he burnt two loaves of bread and telling him to feed them to the pigs just before disappearing to help a customer. She was not supportive of Peeta when his name was drawn to compete in the 74th Hunger Games.
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Why is haymitch a drunk?

Due to the horror of his Games, his grief over his family's and girlfriend's deaths, and the overwhelming guilt he felt from being obligated to participate in the Games he hated while each and every one of his mentored tributes died in them, Haymitch turned to alcoholism to cope with his issues and feelings.
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Why did Katniss fake her love for Peeta?

Katniss here's this and understands that even though she may not love Peeta (then) that it's one less person who has to die. (At least that's what I have always thought.) Katniss realizes that if she pretends to be in love with Peeta people will want the capitol to let them survive.
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Why did Katniss's mother marry her father?

Katniss and Prim's mother is from a wealthier merchant class within District 12, but she moved to the Seam to marry their father for love.
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Who is screaming Katniss name?

Then she hears Rue scream. Katniss, disregarding her own safety, yells Rue's name and sprints into a clearing. Rue, tangled in a net, says Katniss' name just before the spear enters Rue's body. Cato has already expressed multiple times that he wants to be the one to kill Katniss.
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Who blew up Katniss's sister?

Primrose , Katniss' sister, is killed by a firebomb that may have been designed by Gale. Even though the order to use the bombs was given by President Coin, Katniss cannot bring herself to forgive Gale for his creation and his role in Prim's death, and effectively shuts him out of her life.
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Why didn t Katniss like her mom?

Katniss has a conflicted relationship with her mother. Following her father's death, her mother fell into deep depression and now rarely speaks. As a result, Katniss has a difficult time feeling love and affection for her mother, even as she recognizes that her mother is a kind and intelligent woman.
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