What does Katniss think about the Avox girl?

Haymitch explains that an Avox is someone who committed a crime and had their tongue cut out. Katniss says it must be a mistake, and Peeta covers for her by saying the Avox girl resembles someone from there school.
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What does Katniss know about the Avox girl?

Katniss said that Lavinia had a "Capitol" look to her. She is also subject to a lifetime of servitude to the Capitol. As an Avox, she is of Panem's lowest social class, essentially a slave.
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How does Katniss feel about the redheaded Avox?

Katniss' recognition of the girl Avox, a supposed traitor, adds to the tension of the dinner and stirs up guilt in Katniss.
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What does Katniss think about the meal the Avox girl brings her?

A cake is brought in and set ablaze when Katniss recognizes the serving girl who is setting it on fire. She exclaims "I know you!" but as soon as she does, feels anxiety and guilt. The girl looks terrified. Effie tells Katniss there is no way she could know the girl, who is an Avox.
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What does the Avox girl do in Katniss room?

The girl Avox comes to clean the room and Katniss apologizes, both for the mess and for not helping her in the woods. Together they clean, and then the Avox tucks Katniss into bed.
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The Awkward Teenage Years of Katniss Everdeen Explained

Where does Katniss remember seeing the Avox girl?

Answer and Explanation: While Katniss is in the Capitol, she is assigned a servant to clean her room and carry out her requests. The servant is an Avox, someone whose tongue has been cut out as punishment for trying to escape the Capitol's control. Katniss recognizes her from her time in District 12.
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What does Katniss tell Peeta about the Avox?

Katniss says she knows the avox which would suggest that she was part of the crime, so Peeta says the avox just looks like a girl from their class, Delly Cartwright, thereby separating Katniss from knowing the girl.
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What is Katniss biggest fear?

Katniss spends the rest of the day crying on her bed. She believes that the Gamemakers will punish her for what she's done, that they'll make her an Avox and cut out her tongue. She imagines all of the possible scenarios, but is most fearful that the Capitol people will go after Prim and her mother.
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Why is Haymitch a drunk?

Due to the horror of his Games, his grief over his family's and girlfriend's deaths, and the overwhelming guilt he felt from being obligated to participate in the Games he hated while each and every one of his mentored tributes died in them, Haymitch turned to alcoholism to cope with his issues and feelings.
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What one question does Katniss ask the AVOX?

A restraint prevents her from getting out of bed, but she's calmed by the sight of the redheaded Avox girl who brings her food. Katniss asks if Peeta is alive, and the Avox girl nods.
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Why does Katniss feel bad about the Avox?

Why does Katniss feel guilty about the Avox? Katniss feels guilty about the Avox girl, Lavinia, because the girl had asked Katniss for help in the woods one day. However, Katniss had merely stood frozen while the girl was captured by the hovercraft and later turned into an Avox.
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What is Peeta's weakness?

Weakness: His Open Emotions

No one on earth could endure the torture that Peeta went through without being horrifically traumatized, but the fact that he was so forthright about his love for Katniss didn't do him any favors in that department either.
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Why did Katniss give Peeta a kiss after their chariot ride?

Then, as Katniss is wont to do, she doubts Peeta, deciding that this is all a part of his game, that Peeta is a predator trying to lure her in. So Katniss decides to play along by giving him a kiss on the cheek, adding to her many disguises and masks.
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Who is the guy with no tongue in The Hunger Games?

Pollux is described as a burly man with sandy hair, a red beard, and deep blue eyes. He resembles his brother, Castor. He has no tongue, as it was cut off when he became an Avox.
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What are 3 reasons Katniss is suspicious of Peeta?

Answer: think that Katniss had every right to be suspicious of Peeta in the first HG. Her survival was based on her living and him not killing her. His connection to her made her a possiblele target of him. He had gotten beaten by his Mom for helping her.
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Why did Katniss feel guilty about the fate of the red haired girl?

Katniss feels guilty over this event because she is convinced the Avox girl saw her and asked for help. Katniss was to afraid and selfish to help. Peeta learns from Katniss that she is not related to Gale, and considers Gale her friend.
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Do Haymitch and Effie get together?

This interaction was so surprising to fans because it's not in the books at all. While, throughout the series, there's some chemistry between the two, nothing ever comes of the tension in Suzanne Collins' novels. Beyond the kiss, nothing happened between the two in the movies either.
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How did Haymitch betray Katniss?

Toward the end of the novel, Katniss realizes that Haymitch has been keeping information from her and using her to help the rebellion, causing her to feel extremely betrayed. On the other hand, his goals are generally good ones.
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Did Haymitch wear a wig?

Also, Woody Harrelson—who plays Haymitch Abernathy—is in a blonder surfer-like wig.
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What disorder does Katniss have?

How Katniss Deals with Her PTSD. It's no surprise that Katniss becomes traumatized—after all, the Hunger Games are the perfect breeding ground for PTSD. Severe, life-threatening, interpersonal violence as well as witnessing atrocities and killing enemies in combat are particular risk factors for the disorder.
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What mental illnesses does Katniss have?

While she manages to escape both Games with her life, she is left suffering significant psychological distress and displays symptoms consistent with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
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What is Peeta's fear?

Captured by the Capitol at the end of the Quarter Quell, Peeta gets turned into his greatest fear: a piece in the Capitol's Game to be used against Katniss. He must fight to overcome what has been done to him and find his way back to Katniss through his tangled memories.
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What are Haymitch's first word of advice?

If they don't interfere with his drinking, Haymitch says he'll help them. His first piece of advice is that whatever the stylists do to them, they shouldn't resist. The train finally arrives at the Capitol.
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What does Peeta whisper to Katniss?

He jokes with her, whispering that it's okay to kiss him since they're madly in love, but once Katniss begins to clean him in the stream, she can see how weak he is.
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What is at District 13?

Before it seceded, District 13 was known for mining graphite, but its hidden industry was nuclear technology. District 13's underground facility later became the center of the new rebellion.
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