What does the yellow shirt mean in Star Trek?

For the original Star Trek series and the Enterprise prequel that came later, the uniform color breakdowns are: Red – Engineering, Security, and Communications. Blue – Science and Medical Staff. Gold – Command Staff. Green – Command Staff Formal.
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What is the difference between a red shirt and a yellow shirt on Star Trek TNG?

None of the officers were really killed in Star Trek: The Animated Series, but Star Trek: The Next Generation introduced a new twist to the "redshirt" lore, as the uniform colors switched and operations division wore the gold, or rather bronze, uniforms while the command division took on the red shirts.
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What do the colors of Star Trek uniforms mean?

The black areas are seen on the shoulders and the pants, and the uniforms's sleeves and abdominal area are colored to indicate the individual's division, with red indicating command and helm; gold for engineering, security, and operations; and blue for science and medical (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint").
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Why does Kirk wear yellow and Picard wear red?

Starfleet Uniform Variants In Star Trek

Each of the blue flight suits had colored piping around the shoulders reflecting yellow for command and red for operations.
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Why does Deanna Troi wear a different uniform?

Summary. Troi wore civilian clothes for most of TNG to put her patients at ease as the ship's counselor and indicate her position. Captain Picard allowed Troi to wear civilian clothes on the bridge due to her empathic abilities and his disregard for unnecessary regulations.
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How Star Trek: Discovery's Costumes Are Made!

Did Deanna Troi marry Riker?

Riker got married in the final TNG film to Deanna Troi and she went WITH him to Titan. This was, of course, QUITE SOME TIME after the Enterprise-D bit the big one in Generations, and they were aboard the ENTERPRISE-E.
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Was Deanna Troi's hair a wig?

She usually wore hairpieces for her role as Troi. Sirtis' real hair was slightly shorter and, although curly, was not as bouffant as her character's.
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Why does Captain Janeway wear red?

In the STO timeline, red is still the command branch color, so therefore ship commanders should be wearing red.
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Why does Kirk wear green sometimes?

Captain Kirk's green uniform in Star Trek: The Original Series is part of an overall happy accident. Originally, William Ware Theiss, who designed Star Trek's original Starfleet uniforms, intended Kirk's costume to be lime green.
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Why does Spock wear blue?

The blue shirts are worn by the science/medical staff, including McCoy and Spock. As with everything in Star Trek, though, it's a lot more complicated than all of that. In addition to the red shirts belonging to engineers and communications personnel, they are also assigned to the security division.
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What is the highest rank in Starfleet?

For a Starship, it could be either a Captain or Commodore depending on the mission. For a Starbase, usually a Commodore or a two pip Admiral. The highest rank possible is Fleet Admiral.
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Why did Uhura wear yellow?

As a communications officer, Uhura is most commonly seen in a red uniform. However, in her first two episodes on the show, “The Corbomite Maneuver” and “Mudd's Women”, her uniform was yellow. For some reason Uhura was transferred from the command division to the operations division.
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Why does Starfleet change uniforms so often?

One for each era of Starfleet, and for each notable ship (it's been established that some ships wear different uniforms than others, again presumably as a way to denote the nature of their assignments).
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How many redshirts died in Star Trek?

Of the 55 crew members killed in the series, 24 were wearing red shirts, compared to 15 who had unconfirmed shirt colors, 9 in gold shirts, and 7 in blue shirts.
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What color shirt did Spock wear on Star Trek?

The blue uniform was for the science and medical staff. It was worn by officers such as the incredibly iconic lieutenant Spock from The Original Series, the ships' science officer, as well as the early Dr Julian Bashir on board the space station in Deep Space 9, although this was later changed to green.
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What is the Star Trek logo called?

The delta insignia was first drawn in 1964 by costume designer William Ware Theiss with input from series creator Gene Roddenberry. The delta — or “Arrowhead” as Bill Theiss called it — has evolved into a revered symbol and one that's synonymous with Star Trek today.
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Why does Kirk call bones?

In the 2009 Star Trek film reboot, when McCoy first meets Kirk, he complains that his ex-wife took all their shared assets following their divorce: "All I got left is my bones", implying this was the origin of the nickname.
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What race is Captain Kirk?

James Tiberius "Jim" Kirk was a male Human Starfleet officer who lived during the 23rd century.
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What was Captain Kirk allergic to?

In the “Wrath of Khan”, Admiral James T. Kirk had no “condition”, other than a bit of hyperopia that he couldn't get treated due to an allergy to Retnax 5 and so made use of reading glasses given as a gift to him by Dr. Leonard McCoy.
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Why does Janeway outrank Picard?

Janeway Has The Most Successful Starfleet Career Of The TNG Era Captains. While several arguments could be made about who was the most influential of the major 24th century Captains, there's really no debate to be had over which character had the most fruitful Starfleet career.
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Why Janeway is better than Picard?

Admiral Picard felt similarly restricted, as demonstrated by his resignation, a backfired attempted bluff to maneuver Starfleet's official position. In contrast to these similar roles, Janeway's lengthy record as an admiral decisively surpasses Kirk's and Picard's.
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Why is Janeway called sir?

Captain Janeway of Star Trek: Voyager mentions in a conversation early in the pilot episode "Caretaker" that standard Starfleet protocol is to call superior officers "sir" regardless of gender, but she herself prefers "Captain". "Ma'am" will do in a crunch (and Paris does so throughout the series in crunch time).
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Does Deanna Troi marry Worf?

Summary. Marina Sirtis is glad that Counselor Troi married Riker instead of Worf in Star Trek: Nemesis. Sirtis did not like the relationship between Troi and Worf and pretended it never happened. Star Trek: Picard season 3 playfully references Worf and Troi's past romance while focusing on Troi and Riker's love story.
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Is Riker married to Troi?

Riker returns to the screen in the "Nepenthe" episode of Star Trek: Picard. In that episode, taking place in 2399, Riker is married to Deanna Troi; they have two children, Thad (now deceased) and Kestra.
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What happened to Deanna Troi's son?

In an Instagram story dated 5 March 2020, Michael Chabon stated that Thad was around 15 when he died, having lived with his family on Nepenthe for about 5 years at that point, meaning that his family moved there in 2391, and that Thad died in 2396.
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