What does Walton long for in Frankenstein?

Like Victor, Walton is an explorer, chasing after that “country of eternal light”—unpossessed knowledge.
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What does Walton long for?

Walton longs for companionship. This line introduces an important theme of the novel: both Frankenstein and the Monster will be desperate for companions later on. Because he wants a friend, Walton is ready to like and sympathize with Frankenstein when he comes aboard.
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What does Walton learn in Frankenstein?

In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, Walton learns about Victor Frankenstein's journey to the North Pole through a series of letters written to his sister. Frankenstein has pursued his creation to the ends of the earth to exact revenge on the monster for the murders of his loved ones.
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What does Walton tell his sister he longs for?

In the letter to his sister, Walton expresses a deep longing for companionship that truly understands and can relate to him. Despite being surrounded by his crew members, he feels lonely because he is unable to confide his aspirations and fears to them.
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What does Walton desire the most in Frankenstein?

Walton's dream—like countless explorers before him (Magellan, Columbus, etc.) —is to find a way over the North Pole to enable shorter travel to places on the other side of the globe that now take months on end to reach by sea. He also wants to discover the secret of magnetism, something unknown at this time.
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Frankenstein by Mary Shelley | Walton, In Continuation

What does Walton long to find more than anything else?

Robert Walton has extremely lofty goals for his North Pole voyage. He seeks to do two things that, presumably, nobody has achieved before: venturing beyond the Pole and finding the source of its magnetism.
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What does Walton want more than anything?

Robert Walton is an ambitious man searching for a passage to the North Pole. His education was neglected, causing him to self-educate himself. He wants to become the first to get to the North Pole which would give him honor and success.
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What is Walton obsessed?

Walton is fascinated by the life and story of Victor Frankenstein, who he admires and feels a kinship. Both he and Frankenstein speak of their desire to obtain power by discovering the unknown. Victor Frankenstein's story is one of intense desire for education that turns into a lifelong obsession.
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What does Walton do at the end of the story?

He reaffirmed his certainty that he acted well in trying to defend his fellow man against the monster, his creation. He then died quietly, eager to rejoin the relatives he had lost in life. Like Victor, Walton's ambition destroys everything around him until he's left alone.
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Why does Walton desire a friend?

Walton needs someone who will not see his dreams and aspirations as silly and will keep his thoughts in check when he becomes obsessed. Walton doesn't just want a friend; he needs someone to keep him sane.
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What is Walton obsessed with in Frankenstein?

What what is Walton obsessed? Reaching the North Pole. Where does Victor first have a conversation with his monster? In a hut on a glacier near Montavert.
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What are Victor's dying words?

Frankenstein's final words are: “Farewell, Walton! Seek happiness in tranquillity, and avoid ambition, even if it be only the apparently innocent one of distinguishing yourself in science and discoveries. Yet why do I say this? I have myself been blasted in these hopes, yet another may succeed.”
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Why is Walton important in Frankenstein?

Walton laments the death of a man with whom he felt a strong, meaningful friendship beginning to form. Walton functions as the conduit through which the reader hears the story of Victor and his monster.
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What does Walton want to accomplish?

What does Robert Walton hope to accomplish on his voyage? Robert Walton hopes to discover new lands and to understand the North Pole.
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What does Walton promise his sister?

Walton reveals to the stranger that his fate has already been sealed. He promises his sister that he will document the stranger's experiences in a narrative. His "notes" then form the basis of the novel.
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What are Walton's continuation quotes?

Walton, in continuation Quotes

Seek happiness in tranquility and avoid ambition, even if it be only the apparently innocent one of distinguishing yourself in science and discoveries.
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Does Walton change in Frankenstein?

Walton's character undergoes changes throughout the novel. Initially, he serves as the addressee of Frankenstein's story, playing a crucial role in unraveling the complexity of the creation scene.
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How does Walton feel about Frankenstein?

In an August 26th letter to Margaret Saville, Walton admits that he believes Victor's story. He reflects on how Victor spoke of himself as the victim of "lofty ambition" that led him to despair.
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How are Victor's last words to Walton significant?

His final words act as a warning to humanity, as does the novel in its entirety, that we must check out ambition and hubris before we create something that will destroy us.
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How does Walton feel when Victor dies?

Walton cries over Victor's death and says his mind "is overshadowed by disappointment" in turning the ship around and admitting defeat.
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Who died of scarlet fever in Frankenstein?

In Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus, Victor Frankenstein's mother is identified as Caroline Beaufort Frankenstein. She died of scarlet fever when Victor was 17, and does not appear in any scenes in the novel.
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Does Walton see the monster?

Investigating the noise, Walton is startled to find the monster, as hideous as Victor had described, weeping over his dead creator's body. The monster begins to tell him of all his sufferings. He says that he deeply regrets having become an instrument of evil and that, with his creator dead, he is ready to die.
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What does Walton desire most?

' In this letter, Walton talks about his desire to explore the Arctic wilderness. His aim is to find a new passage to the Pacific, providing a shorter, more convenient route for trade. He's also enamored with the beauty and mystery of the Arctic, desiring to see its wonders for himself.
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What becomes Victor's obsession?

Victor, first, becomes obsessed with learning chemistry. Once he feels accomplished in that field, he moves on to physiology and becomes obsessed with discovering the secret of life. He then becomes obsessed with working on his creation.
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Why does Walton admire Victor?

Walton tells readers, through his letters to his sister, of his rescue of Victor and of Victor's constant melancholy and grief. This makes Walton sympathize with Victor.
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