What illness did Victor's mother and Elizabeth become sick with?

The Tragedy of Caroline Elizabeth, who has always been a delicate child, catches scarlet fever. Knowing Caroline, Victor's mother, is also very frail, the family forbids her from seeing Elizabeth. But the doctor says that Elizabeth might die, and nothing can keep Caroline out of her sickroom then.
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What did Elizabeth get sick with Frankenstein?

Elizabeth had caught the scarlet fever; but her illness was not severe, and she quickly recovered. During her confinement, many arguments had been urged to persuade my mother to refrain from attending upon her.
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What disease did Victor's mother have?

Just before Victor departs, his mother catches scarlet fever from Elizabeth, whom she has been nursing back to health, and dies. On her deathbed, she begs Elizabeth and Victor to marry.
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What disease do both Elizabeth and Caroline catch in Frankenstein?

Caroline was told she shouldn't go near her, but when she realized Elizabeth's fever was getting worse, she couldn't help herself. Caroline cared for Elizabeth, and as a result, Elizabeth recovered with no lasting effects. However, Caroline did catch scarlet fever, and she died from it.
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What illness does Elizabeth contract in Frankenstein?

Frankenstein Chapter 3 begins when Victor is seventeen years old. His parents decide that he should study science at the university in Ingolstadt, but before he can leave, tragedy strikes. Elizabeth contracts scarlet fever and is confined to a sickroom.
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What caused Victor to become ill?

Victor Frankenstein is consumed by guilt almost constantly as the book progresses. Whenever something causes him to become exceptionally guilty, he becomes ill. The illness allows him to temporarily escape from any responsibility he has and also to talk about his guilt, soothing his conscience.
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What happened to Elizabeth's biological mother Frankenstein?

Early Life with the Frankenstein's

Her mother died giving birth to her, and she was placed in the care of an Italian peasant family at Lake Como. Her father fought for liberty of his country from Austria, but he either died or imprisoned by the Austrians.
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What was Victor's mother's dying wish?

Just before Victor turns seventeen, Elizabeth catches scarlet fever and passes it on to Victor's mother, who dies. Her dying wish is for Victor and Elizabeth to marry. Still in grief, Victor says goodbye to Clerval, Elizabeth, and his father and leaves to study at Ingolstadt, a university in Germany.
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What is Caroline's dying wish for Victor and Elizabeth?

Caroline contracts scarlet fever while nursing the afflicted Elizabeth and dies. Her dying wish is that Victor and Elizabeth marry.
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When was Victor sick in Frankenstein?

Analysis of Chapter 21 of Frankenstein

Victor did not kill Henry Clerval, and yet he feels overwhelming guilt because he created the monster who did kill him. When he realizes that Clerval has been killed, he goes into a deep physical illness as if his body cannot take the weight of his psychological trauma.
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When did Victor get sick?

Summary: Chapter 21

When Victor sees the body, he does indeed react with horror, for the victim is Henry Clerval, with the black marks of the monster's hands around his neck. In shock, Victor falls into convulsions and suffers a long illness. Victor remains ill for two months.
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Is Victor's mother died from scarlet fever True or false?

Victor's mother's death from scarlet fever breaks the family circle for good, signaling that the Frankensteins won't be as happy from now on.
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Why did Victor's mother adopt Elizabeth?

While visiting a poor Italian family, Caroline notices a beautiful blonde girl among the dark-haired Italian children; upon discovering that Elizabeth is the orphaned daughter of a Milanese nobleman and a German woman and that the Italian family can barely afford to feed her, Caroline adopts Elizabeth and brings her ...
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Who kills Elizabeth Frankenstein?

Elizabeth (Helena Bonham-Carter) plays the same role in the 1994 film Mary Shelley's Frankenstein as she does in the novel, save one significant alteration. After Elizabeth is murdered by the monster (Robert De Niro), a distraught Victor (Kenneth Branagh) reanimates her as an undead being.
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Why was Elizabeth killed in Frankenstein?

Victor Frankenstein, and sees Elizabeth's death as a way to hurt him. The creature believes that by killing Elizabeth, he will be able to punish Victor for abandoning him and rejecting him as a being.
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What is ironic about Elizabeth's bout with scarlet fever?

What is ironic about Elizabeth's bout with scarlet fever? While struggling through this disease, Elizabeth learned the value of her family and life when she was on her deathbed. After nursing Elizabeth through scarlet fever, she was saved. However, Victor's mother caught it herself and died.
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Why can't Victor marry Elizabeth?

Victor does not want to marry while the creature's demand has yet to be met. He fears that marrying Elizabeth before making the creature's mate will further enrage the creature and lead to more deaths. Instead, he agrees that his trip will not last more than a year, and he will take his friend Henry Clerval with him.
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Why does Victor still marry Elizabeth?

He thinks this is a threat to his life, and he considers his options. If the monster wins, at least Victor will be at peace. And if Victor wins, the monster will be gone. He sees it as a win-win situation, so he resolves to marry Elizabeth immediately.
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Why didn't Victor want to marry Elizabeth?

Victor assures him that the prospect of marriage to Elizabeth is the only happiness in his life. Eager to raise Victor's spirits, Alphonse suggests that they celebrate the marriage immediately. Victor refuses, unwilling to marry Elizabeth until he has completed his obligation to the monster.
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What is the cause of death of Victor's mother?

His mother died of scarlet fever as a result of caring for the young orphan Elizabeth Lavenza, who eventually becomes Victor's wife.
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What causes the death of Victor's mother in Frankenstein?

To begin with, mothers in Frankenstein are quite short-lived. Victor Frankenstein's mother, an orphan, dies of scarlet fever while nursing Victor's “cousin” and eventual wife, Elizabeth.
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What does Victor's mother tell him and Elizabeth on her deathbed?

Elizabeth catches scarlet fever. She recovers, but Victor's mother catches the illness while nursing her back to health and dies herself. This is where the bad things begin, if you hadn't already picked up on that. On her deathbed, she tells Victor and Elizabeth she wants them to get married.
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Why is Elizabeth called cousin Frankenstein?

Elizabeth Lavenza's Role in Frankenstein: Summary

In the original version of the novel, published in 1818, Elizabeth is Victor's maternal cousin, who the family adopts after her mother passed away and her father wanted to remarry.
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What was Frankenstein's wife name?

Cousin, adopted sister, and eventually wife of Victor Frankenstein (in the first edition of 1818; in the third edition of 1831, she is a foundling: see 1.1.
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What does Elizabeth symbolize in Frankenstein?

The descriptions of Elizabeth throughout the novel set her apart as a model of beauty, patience, virtue and sympathetic understanding. At the time the novel was written, these would have been considered an ideal of femininity.
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