What is Dumbledore's brother's Patronus?

But Aberforth's pivotal role in fighting the forces of darkness cannot be overstated. He sneaked Harry, Ron and Hermione into the Hog's Head under the cover of his hircine (meaning 'goat-like', word-fans) Patronus to escape the Death Eaters.
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Who has the strongest Patronus?

The 10 Strongest Patronuses in 'Harry Potter', Ranked
  • 8 Dolores Umbridge's Persian Cat. ...
  • 7 Hermione Granger's Otter. ...
  • 6 Luna Lovegood's Hare. ...
  • 5 Aberforth Dumbledore's Goat. ...
  • 4 Lily Potter's Doe. ...
  • 3 Severus Snape's Doe. ...
  • 2 Albus Dumbledore's Phoenix. ...
  • 1 Harry Potter's Stag.
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Why is Aberforth's Patronus a goat?

Aberforth Dumbledore was fond of keeping goats for pets, such as Matey, which he kept in his pub in at least 1995. It was a possible corporeal form of the Patronus Charm. Aberforth's Patronus took the form of a goat. Dragons including the Hungarian Horntail and Peruvian Vipertooth were known to feed on goats.
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Why is Aberforth so angry?

Aberforth was devastated by the death of the younger sister he and his mother spent years caring for and furiously blamed Albus for Ariana's death, going as far as to physically assault his brother at their sister's funeral and actually breaking Albus's nose, shouting that Ariana's death was his fault.
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Is Dumbledore's brother's son Snape?

Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore confirmed that Credence Barebone/Aurelius Dumbledore (Ezra Miller) is the new Snape (Alan Rickman) through a very familiar line delivered by Aberforth Dumbledore (Richard Coyle). Fantastic Beasts 3 finally shed light on the Credence being Aurelius Dumbledore plot twist.
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Abeforth Dumbledore Expecto Patronum

Who is Snape's dad?

Snape was born to Eileen Prince, a witch, and Tobias Snape, a Muggle, making him a half-blood (hence the name, "Half-Blood Prince"). This is rare for a Death Eater, as remarked in the last book, though Voldemort himself also had a Muggle father.
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Did Snape see Harry as his son?

Perhaps if Snape had lived post-war they could have gotten to that stage, but Harry didn't know Snape's real loyalties until he had died, and, on the flip side, Snape only saw Harry as Lily and James Potter's son, rather than as Harry Potter.
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How did Harry know to go to Aberforth?

Harry recognizes the man's blue eyes as those he's been seeing through the magic mirror, and he realizes that this man must be Aberforth, Dumbledore's brother, and that Aberforth was the one who sent Dobby.
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Who is more powerful Albus and Aberforth?

Although Aberforth was a brother of Albus, he did not study the art of magic as much as Albus did. He cared more for the Dumbledore family than Albus did and abandoned his studies to help them out. He was powerful, but not quite as powerful as Albus.
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Who killed Aurelius Dumbledore?

Dying as his own nature slowly poisoned him, Aurelius renounced his allegiance to Grindelwald and went home with his father, Aberforth Dumbledore.
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Why does Snape have Lily's deer?

It's revealed that his Patronus is a doe simply because he was always in love with Lily. His devotion to her never wavered despite the love being severely unrequited. Some might even argue that Snape was never loyal to Lord Voldemort or even Dumbledore, only Lily.
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What was Severus Snape's cast Patronus?

Snape's Patronus was a doe, the same as Lily Potter's. However, it's never clear if this had always been the case or if her silvery guardian had changed when she fell in love.
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Why does Dumbledore say Lily when Snape casts the Patronus?

This indicated that Snape cared for Lily, and cared for Harry because Lily would have wanted it. Then, Dumbledore asked, "After all this time?" I think he was asking whether Snape had this Patronus for the 17 years Lily was dead, whether it changed, whether his loyalty to Lily ever wavered.
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What was Voldemort's Patronus?

No, Voldemort cannot produce patronus because he can't love which is because he was concieved under the effects of a love potion.
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What is the rarest expecto Patronum?

The albatross is the rarest Patronus on our list; the one belonging to the lowest number of Wizarding World fans. With the longest wingspan of any bird – up to 11 feet – the albatross surfs the ocean winds for hours, hardly even needing to flap.
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What is Bellatrix's Patronus?

If Voldemort were the strongest snake in the patronus list - the largest, most dangerous King Cobra, then it would be fitting for Bellatrix's patronus to also be a Snake of medium size, also venomous and still extremely dangerous. Hence, the Black Mamba Snake Patronus.
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Who did Aberforth Dumbledore have a child with?

Dumbledore tells Newt Scamander (Eddie Redmayne) that in 1899, during the same summer that Albus fell in love with Grindelwald, Aberforth also fell in love with a woman from Godric's Hollow. They had a baby boy together, but the woman was sent away before she gave birth, and Aberforth never got to be a father.
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Why did Aberforth not like Dumbledore?

A fracture in their relationship

During that summer, Dumbledore had neglected both his brother and his sister and Aberforth soon let him know about it. Aberforth was set to return to Hogwarts and was fed up with Dumbledore's plotting with Grindelwald – in addition to being concerned about Ariana's care.
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Why did Aberforth abandon Credence?

His mother is killed, and as a result Aberforth is unable to care for his son. Credence is taken to America and put up for adoption, a fact known to no one but Leta Lestrange (Zoe Kravitz).
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Why didn't Hermione save Dobby?

Honestly, Hermione knew Dobby was a lost case... nothing could have revived Dobby after the attack or she would have definitely helped Harry with Dobby considering she was the girl who started S.P.E.W(Society for the Elfish welfare) and fought for elf rights. There was nothing to be done at that point.
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Did Aberforth ever forgive Dumbledore?

Aberforth never forgave his brother until years later, after Albus's unfortuante death at the hands of Severus Snape (Who was actually working on Albus's orders), when Harry informed Aberforth of his brother's regret.
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Who was Aberforth Dumbledore's illegitimate son?

Fantastic Beasts 3 reveals that Credence is Aberforth Dumbledore's illegitimate son. Since Grindelwald was telling Credence the truth about his name being Aurelius Dumbledore, it seemed logical that he's one of Albus Dumbledore's siblings.
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Why is Snape the half-blood prince?

His father was a muggle.

His father was neglectful and sometimes abusive, which may have contributed to Snape's disdain for Muggles. At some point during his school years, he decided to reject his father's name entirely, giving himself the moniker "The Half-Blood Prince" with his mother's maiden name instead.
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Did Harry's father save Snape's life?

In his fifth year James saved Severus Snape from a near-fatal prank that Sirius Black played on him, which involved luring Snape to the Shrieking Shack where Remus Lupin was in his werewolf form. As such, Snape owed James a life debt, although they hated each other.
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