What is Ginny's pink pet in Harry Potter?

Round with soft, custard coloured fur, Puffskeins have long pink tongues and make a low humming sound when happy. The Weasley twins bred Pygmy Puffs, a new multicoloured breed that became incredibly popular. Ginny Weasley even came home with one that she named Arnold.
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What is Ginny Weasley's pet?

Ginny Weasley's Pygmy Puff, Arnold was brightly coloured, pocket sized and delightfully fluffy. Bought from the Weasley twins' Diagon Alley shop, Arnold accompanied Ginny to Hogwarts and enjoyed riding around on her shoulder.
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What was Ginny's animal?

Ginny Weasley bought a purple Pygmy Puff named Arnold in August 1996, which she played with at Hogwarts. Baby Pygmy Puffs were also for sale at the Magical Menagerie.
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What did Ginny name her pet Pygmy Puff?

Ginny names her Pygmy Puff "Arnold", and is seen with it a few times in that year. Despite their small role in the films and books, toy Pygmy Puffs can be purchased from the Warner Brothers online store and the "Wizarding World of Harry Potter" theme park.
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What is the name of the pink Pygmy Puff?

What did Ginny Weasley name her Pygmy Puff? Arnold was purchased from Ginny's brothers Fred and George. In the books it is purple in colour but in the 6th movie its colour is pink seen in the shoulder of Ginny Weasley.
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The REAL Reason the Weasleys Are So POOR (They're CURSED) - Harry Potter Theory

What is the pink animal in Harry Potter?

Round with soft, custard coloured fur, Puffskeins have long pink tongues and make a low humming sound when happy. The Weasley twins bred Pygmy Puffs, a new multicoloured breed that became incredibly popular. Ginny Weasley even came home with one that she named Arnold.
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Is a Pygmy Puff a real animal?

Bred as miniature versions of Puffskeins, Pygmy Puffs became something of a craze in the wizarding world. Sort of like Pokémon cards but fluffier. Ginny bought a purple Pygmy Puff and called him Arnold, for heaven's sake. Hamsters and guinea pigs ain't got nothing on these little balls of fun.
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What did Ginny name Ron's owl?

Pigwidgeon, or Pig, a Scops owl, was a gift from Sirius Black to Ron. Ron's sister, Ginny, named the owl. The owl refused to answer to anything else after that.
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What is Luna Lovegood's pet name?

Some time during her early years at Hogwarts students had also taken to calling her "Loony Lovegood". Luna also met and became a friend of Ginny Weasley, who was in the same year as her. In the summer of 1994, she went to the Quidditch World Cup with her father.
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Who is Ginny's crush?

In the first couple of books, Ginny simply has a crush on Harry, and gets very nervous around him, while Harry does not return the feelings for her, but still likes her as a friend.
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What is Ginny's mental illness?

Struggling with anxiety and depression, Ginny confides in her father, Zion, that she is self-harming. Careful consideration was taken to not romanticise this behaviour; portraying maladaptive coping mechanisms, like self-harm, is a potential trigger to audience members.
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What is Ginny's full name?

Ginevra Molly "Ginny" Weasley is a fictional character in J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter novel series. Ginny is introduced in the first book Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, as the youngest sibling and only daughter of Arthur and Molly Weasley.
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What is Ginny's trauma?

Throughout the show, Ginny blames herself for her mother's double life, and without anyone to turn to, she struggles with self-harm. While most people don't deal with homicidal mothers, experts say, it is common to feel an overwhelming sense of betrayal and trauma when someone we feel safe around, is in fact, not.
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What is Ginny's Patronus animal?

Ginny Weasley casts a Patronus in the shape of a horse.

Warner Bros.
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What is Lily Potter's pet?

Crookshanks is actually Lily Potter's cat.

In the letter, she mentions that they had a cat and that Harry almost ran over it with his toy broomstick. Harry even wonders if it survived the attack by Voldemort and if it was alive.
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What was Hermione's first pet?

Crookshanks is Hermione's cat; they are quite fond of each other. When Hermione first bought Crookshanks, the witch at the Magical Menagerie told her that he had been there for quite a while; the implication being that very few other witches or wizards were interested in him, or perhaps he in them.
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What is Ron's pet name?

Scabbers was Ron Weasley's pet rat. Passed down throughout the family, by the time he came to Ron, Scabbers was living up to his name with patchy fur and a distinct preference for sleeping.
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Who did Neville marry?

Neville ended up marrying Hannah Abbott

Even though the film version of Neville seemed to have a crush on Luna, J.K. Rowling revealed that it was Hannah Abbott (a Hufflepuff from his year at school) that he ended up marrying.
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Is Hedwig a girl?

Harry's owl Hedwig is a two-foot tall Snowy Owl. (Portrayed as a female, it's actually a male - you can tell because it's pure white.) Ron Weasley, Harry's friend, also has an owl, named Pigwidgeon, a Scops Owl.
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What does Harry Potter call Ginny?

Their marriage is shown to be mature and understanding, Harry also affectionately calls Ginny "Gin", rather her full name.
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Who is the rat in Harry Potter?

Peter spent twelve years living in his Animagus form as the Weasley family's pet rat, Scabbers. However, his identity was exposed by Sirius and Remus in 1994, and Pettigrew, with nowhere else to go, sought protection in returning to the service of Lord Voldemort, whom he found in the forests of Albania.
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What pet does Fred Weasley have?

Errol, an ancient Great Grey Owl who served as the family post owl. He had trouble carrying loads due to his advanced age and often needed help from other owls. He was often found unconscious after crashing into things or collapsing from sheer exhaustion.
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Who was the first Hufflepuff?

History of Hufflepuff

Its founder was the medieval witch Helga Hufflepuff. The emblematic animal is a badger,and yellow and black are its colours. The Head of Hufflepuff is Pomona Sprout and the Fat Friar is the House's patron ghost.
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Who asked if Harry had a Hippogriff tattoo?

Ginny: "You'd think people had better things to gossip about. Three Dementor attacks in a week, and all Romilda Vane does is ask me if it's true you've got a Hippogriff tattooed across your chest." Ron and Hermione both roared with laughter. Harry ignored them.
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