What is inside a Dalek?

Inside a Dalek there is a living Kaled Mutant, a creature which isn't much more than a blob with tentacles and an eye. The Dalek machine acts as a mobile personal battle fortress for the Kaled Mutant, protecting it and allowing it to exterminate all lesser non-Dalek creatures it encounters.
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What are the creatures inside Daleks?

Kaled mutants are octopus-like; many are coloured green, such as this one from "Resurrection of the Daleks". The creature inside the mechanical casing is soft and repulsive in appearance, and vicious in temperament.
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What is a Dalek made of?

Externally, the Daleks resembled human-sized peppershakers, with a single mechanical eyestalk in a rotating dome, a gunstick and a manipulator arm. The casings were made of both polycarbide and dalekanium.
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When did we first see inside a Dalek?

I believe the first appearance of the mutant living organism inside the Dalek armor (at least an appendage) was seen by the audience in it's first appearance in the January 4, 1964 episode (The Escape) of the 2nd story arc of Dr.
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What are the balls on a Dalek called?

TV: Genesis of the Daleks) Other sources sometimes called these parts of a Dalek casing sensor globes (PROSE: War of the Daleks, Remembrance of the Daleks) or, in one universe, sensor arrays. ( AUDIO: Masters of War) They were colloquially known as bumps (AUDIO: Davros) or Dalek bumps. (
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Doctor Who - Dalek - Inside a Dalek

How do Daleks mate?

They are the product of EXTENSIVE Mutation and enforced Evolution. They have been Genetically conditioned to be the “Ultimate Species”. As such, Gender has ceased to have any meaning for them, as they Reproduce via Cloning/Genetic Extrapolation.
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Why do Daleks have plungers?

The “plunger” arm is a manipulator arm, one of the many tools in the Daleks' arsenal. Typically, it's used to operate machinery on Dalek ships, but it can be used to bypass security codes and as a weapon. The Cult of Skaro could use it to read brainwaves or to carry out basic intelligence scans.
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How was Clara inside a Dalek?

Clara is inside Dalek bodies three times total. The first time she is inside the Dalek's body is the case of the “souffle girl.” She is on a crew of humans that crash on the planet of the Dalek Asylum. She comes into contact with nanotechnology that turns her into a half-Dalek half-human type creature.
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What was the original Dalek creature?

Originally the Dalek creature remained a mystery. In the first Dalek story all that was shown was a claw hand sliding out from under a blanket. Later in the 60's the Dalek appeared as a mutated 'blob'. In the 80's the same idea was applied, a green coloured mutation.
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Which Dalek became human?

Dalek Sek is reborn in a human form.
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What is the lifespan of a Dalek?

It's been mentioned, however, that the Daleks are genetically coded to not die, and eventually break down into a liquid.
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What happens when a Dalek shoots you?

The Dalek gun is designed in Doctor Who to not affect the outer shell of a target, simply because a gooey mess is harder to clear up. But under the surface skin, everything has been scrambled — the heart, the bones, the blood, the kidneys, everything — and reduced to a thick mulch.
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Are there female Daleks?

There are no male or female Daleks. They don't reproduce that way. Daleks consider themselves genetically superior to all other life forms. At points, some Daleks have “evolved” in slightly different ways and this has sparked civil wars - the “pure” Daleks wiping out their mutated fellows.
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Can Daleks go underwater?

Bronze Daleks were previously seen operating independently underwater in the Dalek Wars story The Battle of Phijax III and on a Battles in Time trading card.
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Why do Daleks shout?

As a race of hate-fueled space fascists, the Daleks shout a lot of threatening mantras related to death and destruction. “Daleks conquer and destroy” is perhaps the most famous after the species' iconic “Exterminate!”
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Why is Clara the impossible girl?

Although there were parallels between Oswin and Clara Oswin, it was their similar deaths that sparked the Eleventh Doctor to begin his investigation into her identities - coining the "Impossible Girl" term after realizing that it shouldn't have been possible for him to run into the same woman when she had died twice.
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What is the Doctor's real name?

Behind the scenes

PROSE: The Trial of Doctor Who is the only valid story, as this Wiki defines it, that explicitly confirms that "∂³Σx²" is the Doctor's true name. However, this name has not been widely accepted.
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Is Clara the doctor's daughter?

Is Clara Oswald the doctor's daughter? No, Clara Oswald is not the Doctors daughter. Clara is the “Impossible Girl” who saves the Doctor from dying to the Great Intelligence throughout his entire timeline. The only family member the Doctor has been seen traveling with is Susan Foreman, the ...
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Why do Daleks have balls?

What are the balls in the exterior of a Dalek's casing used for? - Quora. Originally they housed the armor's primary sensor system, electronic warfare suite, and communication array. Time War era designs also seem to have figured out how to weaponize the things, which any Dalek can tell you makes them better.
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Who is the smartest Dalek?

Dalek Sec. Dalek Sec was one of the first Daleks we ever saw break away from his affiliation to the ancient species of robot-confined aliens. His genius was such that he was able to turn himself into a strange hybrid between a Dalek and a human, but wasn't able to survive execution at the hands of his former species.
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Are Daleks stronger than Weeping Angels?

A neck is ridiculously weak in comparison to Dalekanium, yes with enough pressure and repetition an Angel could break through Dalek casing and removing a Daleks blaster would remove the primary weapon but the Daleks are programmed to achieve victory at any cost so a Dalek would self destruct and attempt to take out as ...
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What would the Daleks do if they won?

Their goal is to be the supreme race of the universe, exterminating everyone else, and becoming the only race left. They would almost certainly break out into civil war, due to the 'other' one not being 'true' Daleks. That's the nature of their weaponised hate.
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Do the Daleks ever go extinct?

At the end of this serial, the Daleks are seemingly wiped out when their power source is destroyed. However, the popularity of the Daleks ensured their return.
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Do Daleks have no gender?

Other/diverse: This category covers characters with no discernable gender (e.g. Autons, Daleks, computers, Weeping Angels) and the very rare occasion of a character identifying with both (e.g. Lady Cassandra O'Brien. Δ17).
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