What is Jack obsessed with in Lord of the Flies?

His main interest is hunting, an endeavor that begins with the desire for meat and builds to the overwhelming urge to master and kill other living creatures. Hunting develops the savagery that already ran close to his surface, making him "ape-like" as he prowls through the jungle.
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What is Jack's obsession in Lord of the Flies?

While Ralph is concerned with rescue and the shelters, Jack is obsessed with making his first kill. In Lord of the Flies, Jack was hunting the wild pigs that lived on the island. Changing his tactics, Jack camouflages himself from the pigs he is hunting.
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What does Jack become obsessed with?

But Jack soon becomes obsessed with hunting and devotes himself to the task, painting his face like a barbarian and giving himself over to bloodlust. The more savage Jack becomes, the more he is able to control the rest of the group.
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What is Jack obsessed with in Lord of the Flies Chapter 3?

Jack becomes obsessed with killing a pig, but some shred of civilization still holds him back. On the beach, Ralph and Simon are building huts. Ralph is frustrated because only he and Simon are working on the huts, which are falling apart. He complains to Jack that everyone else is off playing or hunting.
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Does Jack go crazy in Lord of the Flies?

Jack begins to change slowly and develops a crazy and violent side.
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Student Exemplar: Jack in 'Lord of the Flies'

Why does Jack go insane?

Jack becomes obsessed enough with the hotel's sordid past that he wants to write a book about it. He makes a long-distance call to the hotel's manager, Stuart Ullmann, and antagonizes him with this knowledge. Eventually, he goes mad thanks to the influence of the hotel's ghosts and attempts to kill Wendy and Danny.
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What mental illness does Jack have in Lord of the Flies?

The writer notices in the novel Narcissistic Personality Disorder, self defense mechanism, and violent behavior of a character named Jack Merridew.
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Why is Jack obsessed with hunting?

Earlier in the novel, Jack claims that hunting is important to provide meat for the group; now, it becomes clear that Jack's obsession with hunting is due to the satisfaction it provides his primal instincts and has nothing to do with contributing to the common good.
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What does Jack want to do Chapter 6?

While Piggy and Jack both put forth unworkable plans of action — Piggy wanting to restrict their living area to the platform, Jack wanting to rush out and hunt the beast down — Ralph is able to proceed with sense and caution.
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What evidence is there that Jack is fully focused on hunting?

Jack has become obsessed with hunting and he is shown here on the trail of one of the island's pigs. He is actually quite good at what he does and is concentrating so hard that he bends himself into awkward shapes ('bent double') and does not even notice his own discomfort ('unheeding his discomfort').
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Why is Jack obsessed with killing a pig for meat?

Why is Jack obsessed with killing a pig for meat? Jack wants to prove a point that he is contributing to the island. His job is to hunt, and he wants to prove the point that he can hunt by killing a pig for meat. He is also trying to avenge himself, because the previous time he was not able to kill the pig.
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What does Jack become obsessed with early on in the novel?

Summary of Jack

He kills the first pig and encourages dancing and chanting. His urge to hunt and kill becomes an obsession for him.
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Why don't the boys respect Piggy?

It is also easy to see why the other boys would find him annoying as Piggy always seems to want to spoil their fun. He is also physically different from them as he is fat, has asthma and wears glasses. All these things go towards making him an outsider to the rest of the group.
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What did Jack do in Chapter 7?

On the way to the mountain, Jack leads a pig hunt in which he gets slightly wounded. Ralph gets his first taste of hunting, striking a boar in the snout with his spear. After the boar gets away, the group begins a mock hunt that gets out of control and hurts the boy acting as the pig.
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What does Jack discover in Chapter 7?

It is also significant that Ralph discovers nothing, while Jack discovers what he thinks is the beast: while Ralph does not believe in the beast, the beast constitutes a major part of Jack's picture of life on the island.
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What did Jack do in Chapter 8?

What happened in chapter 8 Lord of the Flies? Jack secedes from the group to form his own tribe, taking his hunters and several others with him. Ralph and Piggy start a new signal fire near the shelters. Jack's "tribe" kills a pig and puts its head on a stake as an offering to the beast.
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Who killed Piggy in Lord of the Flies?

In Lord of the Flies, Roger is the one who kills Piggy.
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What does Jack say when he kills the pig?

One of ways Golding shows conflict between savagery and civilisation is when Jack and some of the other boys are killing the first pig. Jack chants “kill the pig, cut her throat, spill the blood”. This suggests savagery as the boys are being violent and aggressive when killing the pig and they don't care about it.
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What does meat symbolize in LOTF?

Eating is another symbol in Lord of the Flies. When the children eat fruits, they live off the island and do not work to get their food. Eating pork instead is a dictatorial demand, Jack's way of persuasion, since they had to kill for this meal.
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Why is Jack so evil in Lord of the Flies?

He is eager to make rules and punish those who break them, although he consistently breaks them himself when he needs to further his own interests. His main interest is hunting, an endeavor that begins with the desire for meat and builds to the overwhelming urge to master and kill other living creatures.
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What is Jack's fear?

First of all, Jack is afraid of the beast. This leads him to make sacrifices to it, and causes everyone else to become even more scared and come to his tribe for protection. Jack is also afraid of faliure, and of having his reputation ruined. This is what leads him to fight so strongly against Ralph's leadership.
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What does Jack care about in Lord of the Flies?

He values killing and hunting more than contributing to the order and civilization of the island. Jack demonstrates his growing desire for power over the others as he begins establishing an authoritarian system focused on hunting and barbarity.
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Why does Jack say "Here's Johnny"?

Moments later, he would improvise the “Here's Johnny!” line, which was a reference to the intro of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. Interestingly, Kubrick originally shot the scene with a fake door, but Nicholson – who once trained as a fire marshal – chopped it down too quickly.
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Does Jack have schizophrenia?

Moreover, the most dominant types of schizophrenia that Jack Torrance experienced is paranoid schizophrenia since he showed so many hallucinations, emotional, and serious expression in the movie.
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What happened in Room 237?

Room 237 contains the ghost of a dead woman, who emerges from the bathroom and tries to strangle Danny Torrance when he dares to enter. His father Jack later comes to investigate his claims of the mysterious woman in the room. In the book, he sees signs of her, but retreats before she can attack him.
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