What is Nick's opinion of Gatsby?

Nick does not like Gatsby at first, feeling as though he likes to garnish the truth to make his life seem more exciting, but over time, the two form an unlikely but solid bond. Nick facilitates the reunion of Gatsby and Daisy but remains an observer in their meetings, trying not to get too involved.
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What is Nick's opinion of Gatsby in chapter 4?

Nick finds Gatsby's story “threadbare” at first, but he eventually accepts at least part of it when he sees the photograph and the medal. He realizes Gatsby's peculiarity, however. In calling him a “character,” he highlights Gatsby's strange role as an actor. Read more about Gatsby's role as the novel's protagonist.
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What is Nick's opinion of Gatsby in chapter 1?

Nick states that he has disdain for all that Gatsby represented, yet he does not pass judgment on him. He describes Gatsby as a person with a "gorgeous" persona and a seemingly endless sense of optimism. Nick thinks of him as someone who was defeated by the "foul dust" that destroyed his aspirations.
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What does Nick Carraway say about Gatsby?

“You're worth the whole damn bunch put together.” Nick addresses these words to Gatsby the last time he sees his neighbor alive, in Chapter 8. This moment nicely captures Nick's ambivalent feelings about Gatsby. Even though he disapproves of Gatsby until the end, Nick still winds up taking his side.
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What is Nick's opinion of Gatsby in chapter 3?

Nick's impression of Gatsby emphasizes his optimism and vitality—something about him seems remarkably hopeful, and this belief in the brilliance of the future impresses Nick, even before he knows what future Gatsby envisions. Read more about how Nick Carraway first meets Jay Gatsby.
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Why is Nick Carraway an unreliable but likeable narrator? | Top grade Great Gatsby analysis

What is Nick's impression of Gatsby in Chapter 3 quizlet?

What's Nick's first impression of him? Describe Gatsby. He is a positive, kind man who seems to see the best in people. Very careful with his language - speaks elegantly and seems supportive.
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How does Nick describe Gatsby's smile?

It was one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it, that you may come across four or five times in life. It faced — or seemed to face — the whole external world for an instant, and then concentrated on you with an irresistible prejudice in your favor.
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What does Nick think of Gatsby in the end?

comes to the conclusion that Gatsby was a hopeless dreamer, basically a good man caught up in circumstances beyond his control. His dreams for the future, for the perfect life with the perfectDaisy, ignored the reality of the corruption of the East and Daisy's shallowness.
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What changes Nick's mind about Gatsby?

What changes Nick's mind about the truthfulness of Gatsby's stories? The proof he carries with im. The medal from Montenegro and the photo of him at Oxford University in England. Who is Myer Wolfsheim, and what do we know of him?
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Why does Nick dislike Gatsby?

Nick's dislike does not stem from jealousy; it comes from the fact that Gatsby shapes his life around what Daisy wants. Nick does not see Gatsby as a real person, only as an image set out to please Daisy and conform to what she desires.
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What is Nick's opinion of himself?

The narrator of The Great Gatsby, Nick describes himself as "one of the few honest people that [he has] ever known." Nick views himself as a man of "infinite hope" who can see the best side of everyone he encountered.
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How does Nick describe Gatsby in Chapter 1 quizlet?

Nick says that Gatsby represented "everything for which I have an unaffected scorn," yet he also says that "There was something gorgeous about him," and that he "turned out all right."
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Where does Nick describe Gatsby?

In the opening chapter of the novel, Nick describes Jay Gatsby as having an "extraordinary gift for hope" and an unparalleled "romantic readiness," which is unlike anything he has ever encountered before in a person.
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How does Nick feel about Gatsby quotes?

Nick wants us to believe, as he does, that Gatsby is different, that “only…the man who gives his name to his book, was exempt from [his] reaction” of scorn because of Jay's “extraordinary gift for hope, a romantic readiness such that I have never found in any other person and which it is not likely I shall ever find ...
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Why doesn't Nick trust Gatsby?

Further, Nick says that it took a good deal of effort to "restrain [his] incredulous laughter" because Gatsby's stories about globe-trotting were so trite and storybook that they simply could not possibly be real; he felt like he was "skimming hastily through a dozen magazines." Therefore, Nick seems to like Gatsby, to ...
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Why is Nick disappointed with Gatsby in Chapter 4?

Why is Nick a little disappointed with Gatsby? Gatsby has little to say, so it's hard to form a friendship with him.
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What does Nick mean when he says even Gatsby could happen?

Even Gatsby could happen.” This line, out of context, can easily be read as a statement of optimism. Indeed, The Great Gatsby is often read as a novel about the American dream, about what a man like Gatsby from an obscure or humble background can achieve in the world.
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Why is Nick an unreliable narrator?

Nick's selectiveness makes him an unreliable narrator because he is selective with regard to the information that he includes in his account of the events.
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Does Nick like or dislike Gatsby?

He prefers to scrutinize the ones around him. Through the way he describes others, we can infer certain things. For example, we know he can't stand the obscenely wealthy. He speaks of how he should hate Gatsby because he stands for everything Nick tries to avoid, yet he feels drawn to him anyway.
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Does Nick Carraway hate Gatsby?

As the rest of the novel plays out, Nick becomes more admiring of Gatsby, even as he comes to dislike the Buchanans (and Jordan, by extension) more and more.
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Is Nick in love with Gatsby?

Such passages have led scholars to describe Nick as possessing a queerness and prompted analyses about his attachment to Gatsby. For these reasons, the novel has been described as an exploration of sexual identity during a historical era typified by the societal transition towards modernity.
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Why does Nick almost laugh when Gatsby?

Nick nearly laughs at Gatsby's personal history because he finds it hard to believe, thinking that it sounds like a poorly written novel. This reflects the broader intention of the author, F. Scott Fitzgerald, not to fully reveal Gatsby's character, making his story both unique and universal.
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Why does Nick laugh at Gatsby?

Quick answer:

Nick recognizes that Gatsby's story is absurd and struggles to suppress his laughter.
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What was Nick's reaction to Gatsby?

Nick, toward the end of the book, is talking to Gatsby, and tells him, “You're better than the whole lot of the rest of them”. Nick knows Gatsby's faults, and delusions, but can't help liking and admiring Gatsby.
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What can you conclude is Nick's opinion of Gatsby's party guests?

Nick describes the people who attend Gatsby's parties and says "that once there, the guests conducted themselves according to the rules of behavior associated with amusement parks." Given this, what can you conclude is Nick's opinion of Gatsby's party guests? they are rowdy and He is not impressed.
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