What is the Cardassian currency in Star Trek?

The lek was a money denomination of common Cardassian currency. (VOY episode & novelization: Caretaker) lek come in two versions an easy to use paper notes or easier to use electronic data kept on specialized nearly un-hackable fobs kept on person instead of wallets or coin purses.
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What currency do they use in Star Trek?

Summary. Star Trek famously introduced a 'post-scarcity' future where citizens of the Federation no longer use money nor need to work in order to live. However, from the use of Federation credits to the Ferengi's favorite currency, latinum, the need for money in storytelling has confused this concept.
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Does the Federation in Star Trek use money?

Outside of Earth, money and other forms of currency were still used in the 23rd and 24th century, by the Federation itself, individual Humans, and other Federation species. One form of such currency was the Federation credit.
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What is latinum made of?

The Ferengi, on the other hand, love money — or rather, latinum, a highly precious liquid metal. It's generally referred to as gold-pressed latinum, because it comes inside gold ingots, in denominations of slips, strips, bars, and bricks. Paula M. Block and Terry J.
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What is the currency in ds9?

In Star Trek; Deep Space Nine, Gold Pressed Latinum is used as currency by many worlds, most notably the Ferengi Alliance. Latinum cannot be replicated and the reasons for its rarity are unknown.
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History of the Cardassian Union

Does Earth have currency in Star Trek?

The idea that the Federation moved beyond currency was first hinted at in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home when the time-traveling Enterprise crew realizes that Earth still uses currency in the late 21st century as they encounter difficulties with exact change for transportation.
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How much is 1 bar of latinum?

The approximate conversion was: 100 slips = 1 strip (DS9: "Body Parts") 20 strips = 1 bar (DS9: "Body Parts") 1 big "bar" = 100,000 Federation credits (ST: "The Escape Artist")
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Can Starfleet replicate latinum?

According to an academic thesis: "The so-called 'replicators' can reconstitute matter and produce everything that is needed out of pure energy, no matter whether food, medicaments, or spare parts are required." A replicator can create any inanimate matter, as long as the desired molecular structure is on file, but it ...
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Why is latinum so valuable?

Latinum worked so well as currency throughout the majority of the Alpha Quadrant not only because it was an incredibly rare substance, but it was impossible to replicate (yet another example of the limitations of replicator technology).
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What is the Klingon currency?

The darsek was the main unit of currency used in the Klingon Empire. While on a covert mission to Qo'noS in 2257, the mirror universe Philippa Georgiou sold a pair of Nausicaan disruptor pistols to an Orion arms dealer for 2,000 darseks.
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Do people in Starfleet get paid?

Unlike most military forces throughout history, Star Fleet pays quite well, considering that personnel receive food, shelter, clothing and medical care free of charge. Star Fleet, of course, is an elite force of explorers and scientists, and its members are paid accordingly.
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Do the Klingons join the Federation?

[Per the TNG "bible", the Empire joined the Federation, and in the Season One episode "Heart of Glory", the Federation crest was beside that of the Klingon Empire behind the commander of the Klingon cruiser pursuing the three fugitives.]
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What is the Vulcan currency in Star Trek?

The isik was a unit of currency preferred by the Vlugta government and was interchangeable (or easily exchangable) with latinum. There was an old Vulcan saying, "isik for your thoughts?". According to Michael Burnham (during the mid-23rd century), no one knew what an Isik was or what the expression meant exactly.
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What is the most expensive Star Trek?

The A 4.5-foot model of the USS Enterprise-D used in the filming of "Star Trek: The Next Generation" sold at auction in 2006 for $576,000. The model was used in the exterior shots of the ship in the later seasons of the show.
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How does the economy work in Star Trek?

In Star Trek, most economic value is created by essentially free goods. That is the simple explanation as to why we don't see money exchanged. That is the point of free. But more to the point, one has to think about how much is free in terms of allocations.
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Can the Borg assimilate the Ferengi?

Reputation aside, there is little in the Ferengi for the Borg to wish to assimilate. Physiologically, they are fragile creatures and do not have traits that the Borg are interested in. Aside from a passing interest in their auditory capabilities, it's doubtful the Borg would assimilate the Ferengi.
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Is latinum a real metal?

latinum (Pt) is a metallic chemical element with a white-silver luster. It is the most widely used element among the six transition elements in group X of the periodic table. They are also known as the platinum metals (ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, iridium and platinum).
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Will replicators ever be possible?

A Star Trek replicator might be possible, but not nearly as soon, says Sarri — maybe 100 years down the line. Those replicators of the future could be useful in areas in beyond outer space.
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What is a Ferengi star trek?

The Ferengi were a warp-capable humanoid species from the planet Ferenginar. Ferengi civilization was built on free enterprise, where earning profit was the sole meaningful goal in life, superseding all other endeavors. To the Borg, they were known as Species 180.
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What is latinum used for?

I know it's used as currency and it has “value” because it can't be replicated. “Gold pressed latinum” is just a way of converting a liquid into a manageable form of currency.
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Is Starfleet only Earth?

In Star Trek: Enterprise, Starfleet is just an Earth organization. In every other Star Trek show, Starfleet is the exploratory and defense arm of the United Federation of Planets.
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What universe is Star Trek in?

In the beginning, there was just Star Trek, now referred to as The Original Series (or TOS). That's the Prime timeline - along with the Mirror Universe (the evil dimension where everyone's bad), first introduced in a 1967 TOS episode called Mirror Mirror.
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Is Star Trek gold or green?

The most commonly used Command Section shirts were actually chartreuse-green in color, but they appeared to be a golden-yellow color both under the lights used on the set and in the post-development film stock. In later series, the gold color was canonized in dialog.
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