What is the connection between Harry Potter and Christianity?

Both Harry and Grindelwald embodied the idea of “living from the dead”. Harry's death was the death of Jesus Christ, that is, self-sacrifice. Harry lived because of his mother, so Harry valued his own life, but he also understood that he had a mission to save the world as the only one who could fight against Voldemort.
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How does Harry Potter relate to Christianity?

Christian analyses of the series have argued that it embraces ideals of friendship, loyalty, courage, love, and the temptation of power. After the final volume was published, Rowling said she intentionally incorporated Christian themes, in particular the idea that love may hold power over death.
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Is Harry Potter related to the Bible?

Harry Potter as a series has been condemned in many Christian and other religious circles because of its depiction of magic, which goes strongly against those faiths. However, Rowling has confirmed that she wrote the story with Harry as a Christ figure and included many references to Christian stories and themes.
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What are the parallels between the Bible and Harry Potter?

Both Harry and Jesus sacrifice their lives to bring hope to the world and later resurrect from the dead to come back and save humankind. The book series and The Bible are the books most translated in the world. Their universal messages have granted them such a high degree of popularity.
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What do Catholics believe about Harry Potter?

Naturally, the Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church reject all practice of divination and sorcery. The Harry Potter books are fictional works, which portray magical practices fictionally. The potion recipes are never given in full, and the ingredients mentioned are things that don't really exist.
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The Bible verses that sum up Harry Potter?

What does Harry Potter have to do with religion?

Whether or not Rowling intended Harry to be viewed as a messiah remains unknown, but it is fair to conclude that the seven-book Harry Potter series does not undermine religion by introducing witchcraft to young readers, but rather contains evidence of the possible existence of a Christian God and afterlife within the ...
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Is Hermione a Catholic?

Hermione of Ephesus (Greek: Ερμιόνη της Εφέσου; d. A.D. 117) is a 2nd-century saint and martyr venerated by the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches. She was well known as a "great healer" and founded the first Christian hospital in Ephesus.
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How is Harry Potter related to Jesus?

Harry, as a pureblood Potter, has a prestigious lineage that goes all the way back to the Peverell line just as Jesus came from the line of David. Both Harry and Jesus had to flee their birthplace for their protection because both had powerful enemies from the time they were very young.
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Does Christianity exist in the wizarding world?

Christianity in the wizarding world

Wizards celebrated the two major Christian festivals, Easter and Christmas. Hallowe'en and Valentine's Day, both also of Christian origin, were celebrated. The Fat Friar was, in his lifetime, a Roman Catholic friar who was executed for witchcraft.
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Where in the Bible does it mention the Potter?

Bible Gateway Jeremiah 18 :: NIV. "Go down to the potter's house, and there I will give you my message." So I went down to the potter's house, and I saw him working at the wheel. But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him.
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What's longer, the Bible or Harry Potter?

For example, the Bible I use for morning reading, which has no notes and a little larger print, is 1,170 pages long. Let's compare these to something millions of people have read: the Harry Potter series; that series runs 4,224 pages for all seven books, according to the books' publisher, Scholastic.
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Is there symbolism from the Bible in Harry Potter's first book?

Probably the clearest biblical symbol in the series is how Harry Potter is himself an allegory for Jesus Christ. He is a savior who is foretold to defeat a great evil by sacrificing himself to save everyone, but then is resurrected to show that even death cannot hold him.
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What Bible verse is in Harry Potter?

The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. This is a quotation from 1 Corinthians 15:26. The quote can be seen on the Potters' tomb in the theatrical version of the film but it is not discussed by Harry and Hermione as it was in the novel.
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Should I let my child read Harry Potter?

Age 8+ This is a great age to begin. Consider reading aloud together or listening to audiobooks.
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How does Harry Potter allude to the Bible?

The inscription on Dumbledore's family tomb, “Where your treasure is, your heart will be also”, is from Matthew 6:21, while the tombstone of Harry's parents bears the quotation “And the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death” from 1 Corinthians, which also informs one of the major themes of the book.
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Are the spells in Harry Potter real?

Like the books, they are fictional.
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Is Harry Potter safe for Christians?

Many Christian critics have embraced many of the values that the series upholds, such as “love, friendship, loyalty, courage, and overcoming the temptation of unlimited power.” The author of Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling, has even stated that she intentionally added Christian themes to the book, such as the idea of “love ...
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What religion is in Harry Potter?

The wizarding world seems to, at least in Britain, have a vaguely Anglican background (celebrating Christmas, the role of godparents, etc), suggesting that wizards may practice religion. Godric's Hollow is even home to a small church where one can assume the wizards and Muggles of the village worship together.
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Do wizards and witches in Harry Potter believe in God?

In many Muggle societies, God is usually a central figure in their religions. Many wizards, witches and Muggles often used terms such as thank God and oh my God to express excitement, shock, awe, dismay, or supplication; analogous to the wizard-used Merlin's beard.
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Who is Harry Potter's god son?

Teddy was named in honour of his maternal grandfather Edward Tonks, who was murdered shortly before his birth. Harry Potter was named as his godfather. Both of Teddy's parents were killed during the Battle of Hogwarts, leaving him an orphan.
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Is Dumbledore like Jesus?

Rowling has said, flat out that “Dumbledore is not Jesus,” as she seems to have in a 2005 Time magazine profile, you'd have to think this closes the discussion.
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Why is Harry Potter related to Christmas?

Harry Potter focuses a lot on the Magic of Traditions. The sight of Hogwarts in the snow, the Yule Ball, and the enchanting decorations of the Great Hall all contribute to the sense of wonder that we associate with Christmas.
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Is Hermione a girly girl?

While Hermione wasn't afraid of showing her feminine side, she was actually a big tomboy.
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What gender is Hermione?

Rowling also states that her feminist conscience is rescued by Hermione, "who's the brightest witch of her age" and a "very strong female character."
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Is Hermione a true Gryffindor?

Although Hermione was sorted into Gryffindor, the Sorting Hat considered Ravenclaw for her. However, despite her intelligence, her values weren't necessarily always aligned with Ravenclaw's. Hermione was more brave than witty, as shown in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone when the trio got trapped in Devil's Snare.
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