What is the dinosaur that spits acid?

It charges with neck fans vibrating as it spits venom on the victim. The reality is that the Dilophosaurus, nor any other dinosaur, could spit venom. Scientific evidence suggests that the Dilophosaurus hunted in packs and scavenged for food.
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Did Dilophosaurus actually spit acid?

The cute Dilophosaurus' ability to spit poison makes for one of the most memorable scenes in Jurassic Park — as well as one of the most inaccurate. The Dilophosaurus never spit poison. In fact, the Dilophosaurus didn't have poison at its disposal at all.
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What dinosaur spits black stuff?

Dilophosaurus was featured in the novel Jurassic Park and its movie adaptation, where it was given the fictional abilities to spit venom and expand a neck frill, and was depicted as smaller than the real animal.
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Is the Dilophosaurus a real Dino?

Dilophosaurus was a fast-moving meat-eating dinosaur. A kink in its upper jaw may mean that it ate a certain kind of food, or attacked by gripping and holding on to prey - modern crocodiles have a similar kink. The pair of thin bony crests on its head may have been for display.
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What dinosaur has poisonous spit?

The poison-spitting dinosaur reconstructed in Jurassic Park is Dilophosaurus.
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Jurassic Park: Dilophosaurus HD CLIP

What dinosaur has 500 teeth?

Bizarre 500-toothed dinosaur

Nigersaurus, you might remember, we named for bones collected on the last expedition here three years ago. This sauropod (long-necked dinosaur) has an unusual skull containing as many as 500 slender teeth.
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Is there a dinosaur that spits fire?

Hadrosaurs were once hypothesized to breathe fire from their mouths (which was generated via their crest) as a defense mechanism.
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Who was killed by Dilophosaurus?

What dinosaur killed Dennis? Nedry is killed by a Dilophosaurus, an animal that spits paralyzing venom.
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Was Dilophosaurus bigger than t rex?

Measuring perhaps as long as 8 metres, Dilophosaurus was certainly a large, formidable predator, but it was considerably smaller and less heavy than Tyrannosaurus rex.
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What dinosaur has a frilled neck?

Many people are at least vaguely familiar with Dilophosaurus thanks to its bit-part in the first Jurassic Park movie. It was that small-ish, cooing theropod with a pair of crests on its blunt head and that turned out to have a shocking extendible neck-frill and the ability to spit venom like a cobra.
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What dinosaur was found with blood?

A few years ago, scientists from North Carolina State University discovered blood vessel-like structures in the 80 million-year-old fossil of a hadrosaur known as Brachylophosaurus canadensis, a 9-meter (30-foot) long herbivore with a duck-like bill that stomped around in the Late Cretaceous.
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What is the purple dinosaur?

The series first aired on PBS on April 6, 1992, and features Barney, a purple anthropomorphic Tyrannosaurus rex who conveys educational messages through songs and small dance routines with a friendly, huggable and optimistic attitude.
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What is the blind dinosaur?

The Therizinosaurus' blindness also serves as a narrative device for Jurassic World Dominion's final fight. Only when the Giga is about to overpower the T-Rex, the Therizinosaurus fatefully enters the battleground and starts attacking the Giga.
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What do velociraptors spit?

There is no evidence that ANY dinosaurs spit poison. The creators of Jurassic Park take further creative license in their depiction of the Dilophosaurus' characteristics. The vibrating fan that extends from the neck of the dinosaur when it attacks has never been supported by scientific fossil evidence.
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What is the smallest dinosaur?

Microraptor, which means “small thief” in Greek, gets its name from being the smallest known species of raptor dinosaurs, or dinosaurs with birdlike qualities. It's also currently the smallest of all known dinosaurs, weighing about two pounds and only a foot tall.
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What dinosaur killed Newman?

In the 1993 film Jurassic Park, a nefarious character meets his demise during an encounter with a Dilophosaurus. No taller than a human, the curious dinosaur morphs into a true menace when it extends a large neck frill, hisses, and spits venom in the man's eyes.
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Is Indominus Rex real?

The Indominus Rex is a man-made hybrid dinosaur. It was created with the DNA of other species of theropod dinosaurs (which include Carnotaurus, Giganotosaurus, Majungasurus, Rugops, Therizinosaurus, Velociraptor and Tyrannosaurus Rex), as well as modern animals such as cuttlefish, tree dart frog and pit viper.
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Why were dinosaurs so angry?

Dinosaurs and other ancient creatures obviously hunted and fell prey to each other just like wild animals still do. They fought over mates or scarce resources and sometimes suffered horrible injuries that can still be seen in their fossil bones.
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What did Dilophosaurus really look like?

It had short arms with three-fingered hands and strong legs with four-toed feet (one toe was a dewclaw). Both fingers and toes had claws. It had hollow bones and an S-shaped, curved neck. Dilophosaurus had loosely attached jaws, which would have made killing animals with its teeth difficult.
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Who is the fat guy in Jurassic Park?

Nedry is the novel's antagonist, but he is not a traditional villain. Crichton describes the character as fat and sloppy, and no one pays much attention to him. Nedry disables the island's security system, steals the embryos, and tries to take them to a waiting boat.
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What killed Jurassic Period?

Some have hypothesized that an impact from an asteroid or comet caused the Triassic–Jurassic extinction, similar to the extraterrestrial object which was the main factor in the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction about 66 million years ago, as evidenced by the Chicxulub crater in Mexico.
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What is the enemy of the Dilophosaurus?

Allosaurus on the other hand poses a threat to juvenile Dilophosaurs. The large tyrannosaurus rex is the only predator that can be regarded as a true danger to an adult Dilophosaurus. Trex can easily kill a Dilophosaurus if it catches one.
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What dinosaur spits slime?

The Dilophosaurus from Jurassic Park unfurls large, multicolored frills around its head before spitting corrosive venom.
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What is the most bloodthirsty dinosaur?

Tyrannosaurus rex

The meaning of its name is tyranted lizard king, which shows it will always be one of the scariest and deadliest dinosaurs around with a bite force three times that of a great white shark – making it the strongest bite force of any land animal that has ever lived.
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What dinosaur has a long neck?

The creature, called Mamenchisaurus sinocanadorum, belonged to a group called sauropods. These large, plant-eating dinosaurs are known for their lengthy necks and tails—but, according to the scientists' estimate, Mamenchisaurus had the longest neck of them all.
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