What is the Klingon illness?

The nehret was a fatal transmittable virus that lay dormant for years until suddenly afflicting mature Klingons at any time. The Klingons themselves never even considered it might be an actual illness, instead believing it was simply "old age" that kills those unlucky enough to not die in combat.
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What is the Klingon disease in enterprise?

The Klingon augment virus was a hybridized form of Levodian flu that threatened to wipe out the Klingon race in the mid-22nd century.
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What happened to Klingon foreheads?

Based on the virus Dr. Phlox, who has been abducted by the Klingons, develops an antivirus. The antivirus takes away the genetic superiority from the Klingon Augments. Any other Klingon who is given the antivirus as a cure against the mutated virus loses his forehead ridges just like the Augments.
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What's the average lifespan of a Klingon?

No exact life span has been given for Klingons, just approximates.
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Why is Klingon blood pink?

Star Trek: Lower Decks season 4, episode 9 reveals that Klingons have pink blood, a departure from their usual red blood. The choice to give Klingons pink blood was made in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country to create an alien look and to avoid a higher film rating.
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Why Klingons look that way in the 23rd century

Is Worf a black Klingon?

No, Klingons were portrayed by a great variety of actors. There are dark-skinned Klingons and white-skinned Klingons. Gowron was played by a white man and Worf by a black man. It was the quality of the actor that was important.
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What race are Klingons based on?

TOS Klingons were not given many cultural traits, either unique or Soviet-like, beyond a generic need for domination and tyranny. However, they were typically portrayed with bronze skin and facial hair suggestive of North Asian peoples such as the Mongols (in fact, Gene L.
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Is Worf 100% Klingon?

Worf is 100% Klingon by birth, although he was adopted by humans at a young age. B'elanna Torres, however was born to a Klingon mother and a Human father, so she is half Klingon, half Human.
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How old is Worf supposed to be?

He was 24 at the start of TNG, and he celebrated his 30th birthday with the crew in the season 7 episode "Parallels." Michael Dorn was 35 when he began playing Worf and 42 when TNG ended, although he continued to play Worf in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, creating the record for most Star Trek appearances.
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Why do Klingons roar when someone dies?

The Klingon death ritual was a Klingon rite performed during, or directly following, the death of a warrior. The Ritual involved opening and staring into the eyes of the dying individual, then bellowing loudly at the sky. The former served to observe and confirm the lack of recognition by the dying/dead Klingon's eyes.
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Why does Worf look different?

After season 1 of TNG wrapped production, Worf's facial prosthetics were either lost or stolen. This presented Michael Westmore, TNG's primary makeup designer, with an opportunity to improve the look of the character.
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Why are Klingons bald in Discovery?

The official explanation is that Klingons normally have hair but completely shave it off during a war. Pronounced. The DIS make-up includes cheek prosthetics.
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What is the Klingon insult in Star Trek?

petaQ. One Klingon term used as an insult on numerous occasions was petaQ (also spelled "Pahtak", "Pathak", "p'tahk", "p'takh", "patahk", "pahtk", "p'tak", or "p'taq"). It was also used by the Klingons of the mirror universe.
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What are the worms that Klingons eat?

These are serpent worms, commonly called gagh by the Klingons. There are different types of gagh, such as one kind that jumps, one that wriggles, and one that has feet. Klingons usually eat it alive, but it can also be served stewed, or cold.
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How many lungs do Klingons have?

They have two hearts, three lungs, and various other redundancies, but the one that fans fixated on was,...
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Did Worf marry Troi?

Worf was Married to Jadzia Dax and (spoiler) at her death in DS9 became a widower. He did have a fling with Deanna Troi through 2370, which was the result of Worf seeing himself Married to Counselor Troi in an alternate reality which led him to actually pursue Deanna romantically which was welcomed by her.
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What is the Klingon lifespan?

Memory Alpha notes that there is no canonical maximum estimate for Klingon lifespans, but several Klingons are known to have exceed a century, and some may have made it past 150 (earyh) years. That makes them pretty comparable to 24th century humans.
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How many times did Worf get married?

He was only married once to Jadzia Dax. He had a relationship with K'Ehleyr - a half-Klingon/half-human Federation diplomat - that resulted in the birth of their son Alexander. Worf wanted to marry K'Ehleyr but she turned him down, saying that neither of them were ready for that kind of relationship.
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What happened to Worf's wife?

Later in the series, she becomes involved with the Klingon character Worf, and they marry during the sixth season of the show. In the sixth-season finale Jadzia dies but the Dax symbiote survives, and in the seventh-season premiere returns with a new host Ezri Dax, played by Nicole de Boer.
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What happened to Alexander Worf's son?

Worf's son, Alexander, was also assigned to the Rotarran after joining the Klingon Defense Force. Though Worf was initially estranged by his now adult son, and skeptical of his son's desire to serve the Empire, he eventually reconciled with him, and his son joined the House of Martok as well.
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What did Picard swear in Klingon?

Qu'vatlh ghuy'cha' baQa'

In the Star Trek episode, The Mind's Eye, Governor Vagh was convinced the federation was supplying weapons to Kriosian rebels. Picard replied with the phrase, "Qu'vatlh ghuy'cha' baQa'," at which point Vagh complimented him on his mastery of Klingon cursing.
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Can humans and Klingons mate?

Klingons have bred true with humans- that is, they not just produce offspring, but those offspring can successfully mate with either parent species to produce a child. K'Ehleyr is half-human, and she and Worf could not just perform the act of mating, they produced offspring.
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How do you say no in Klingon?

This is the word for "no": ghobe'. Try it. No, no, further back in the throat. The 'gh' should be almost like a gargle.
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What is the Klingon mating ritual?

Klingon mating rituals included combative foreplay. (TNG: "The Emissary"; VOY: "Blood Fever") They were notoriously complex. (DS9: "The House of Quark") The ritual began with each participant sniffing the other's right arm/hand. Then each gripped the other's right hand as to cause bleeding.
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