What is the main conflict at the beginning of the movie Wizard of Oz?

Answer and Explanation: The conflict in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is between Dorothy and the Wicked Witch of the West. After Dorothy accidentally kills the Wicked Witch of the East, she is given the witch's silver shoes as a reward. The silver shoes are incredibly powerful.
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What happens in the beginning of The Wizard of Oz?

Young Dorothy Gale and her dog Toto are swept away by a tornado from their Kansas farm to the magical Land of Oz, and embark on a quest with three new friends to see the Wizard, who can return her to her home and fulfill the others' wishes.
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What are some conflicts in The Wizard of Oz?

In the movie, the Wizard of Oz, based on the book written by L. Frank Baum, the conflict can be associated with person versus self, or Dorothy versus Dorothy, where both the protagonist and antagonist are Dorothy herself, whose goal is to reach home.
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How was the conflict resolved in The Wizard of Oz?

Conflict: The Wicked Witch of the West would not give Dorothy her silver shoes back or let her friends go. Resolution: Dorothy dumped a bucket of water onto the Witch and she melted.
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What was the main thing that happened in Chapter 1 of The Wizard of Oz?

Summary of Chapter 1 ~ The Cyclone

One day a cyclone picks up Dorothy's small one-room farmhouse with Dorothy and her small dog Toto still inside. Dorothy rides in the eye of the storm until she is completely exhausted. She then crawls into her bed and falls asleep as her house travels in the storm.
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The Wizard of Oz: The Meaning Of It All

What is the creepy scene in the Wizard of Oz?

One of the creepiest moments in the entire movie is when Miss Gulch, Dorothy's nemesis in Kansas, transforms into the Wicked Witch on her broom. It's a powerful moment for the girl and for those in the audience, as it shows just how far she has ventured from the world she thought she knew.
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What is the main problem conflict in the story?

To identify a central conflict in a story, ask yourself what the main character's biggest challenge is: what do they overcome by the end of the story? If the answer is themselves, the central conflict is internal (character vs. self).
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What is the conflict problem of the story?

Conflict is the dramatic struggle between two forces in a story. Without conflict, there is no plot. Conflict is a problem that must be solved; an issue between the protagonist and antagonist forces. It forms the basis of the plot.
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What is the conflict and solution of a story?

Every story has a conflict to solve. The plot is centered on this conflict and the ways in which the characters attempt to resolve the problem. When the story's action becomes most exciting, right before the resolution, it is called the climax. The solution to the problem is the way the action is resolved.
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What was the negative of the Wizard of Oz?

The Snow Was Made From Asbestos

The "snow" was actually just chrysotile asbestos, otherwise known as carcinogens (or cancer-causing substances). Substances surrounded the cast that, if inhaled, could increase the risk of several serious diseases, including lung cancer.
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What are one to two major themes of the Wizard of Oz?

Oz has been a way to explore themes of friendship between strangers; of journey and home; of human flourishing against the odds.
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Who is the villain in the Wizard of Oz?

The Wicked Witch of the West is a fictional character who appears in the classic children's novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1900), created by American author L. Frank Baum.
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Why is Dorothy upset in the beginning of the movie?

The movie opens on a country road in rural Kansas. Dorothy is running home, frazzled and upset. The neighbor Miss Gulch just hit her beloved dog Toto when she found him in her garden. When Dorothy gets back home to the farm, she shares her troubles with the three farmhands — Zeke, Hickory, and Hunk.
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Why is Dorothy upset in the beginning of the movie *?

She feel sad because she missed her trip home to Kansas. I would feel sad for not being able to go home. Explain why she feels this way. She feels this way because she really desired to go home to her aunt and her uncle.
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What is the opening chapter of The Wizard of Oz?

Summary: Chapter I: The Cyclone

The story begins by introducing Dorothy, an orphan who lives with her Uncle Henry and Aunt Em in the middle of the Kansas prairie. Their simple house, in the middle of nowhere, is surrounded by treeless land and open sky.
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What introduces the conflict or problem in the story?

The Beginning, also known as the Exposition, introduces the setting (time and place), characters and plot. The Beginning also includes a statement of the problem. This is also known as the Conflict. The problem is usually the challenge the main character has to face.
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What is the first event that starts the conflict called?

Inciting incident - this event creates the central conflict or struggle.
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What are the 3 conflicts in a story?

Classification. The basic types of conflict in fiction have been commonly codified as "man against man", "man against nature", and "man against self." Although frequently cited, these three types of conflict are not universally accepted.
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What are two major conflicts in the story?

There are two basic kinds of conflict: external and internal, which have been further categorized and codified in many different ways over time.
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What are the 4 main conflicts in a story?

The opposing force created, the conflict within the story generally comes in four basic types: Conflict with the self, Conflict with others, Conflict with the environment and Conflict with the supernatural. Conflict with the self, the internal battle a lead character has within, is often the most powerful.
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What is the most common conflict in a story?

Person against person

This is the most common type of conflict both in fiction and in life, and it can form the basis of the main conflict in your novel. Alternately, you might have a series of smaller person against person conflicts that may or may not be part of the larger conflict.
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What is the main point of The Wizard of Oz?

Viewers were able to relate to a character, whether it was the Scarecrow in need of a brain, the Tin Man in need of a heart, or the Cowardly Lion, in need of courage. The obvious message of the story is that there is no place like home.
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What message does The Wizard of Oz represent?

The story is an allegory for the rise of Populism that was occurring in the 1890s, as well as for the debate over whether to hold on to the gold standard for currency or to begin using silver.
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What is the moral of The Wizard of Oz movie?

The Wizard of Oz has an explicitly stated moral for the protagonist and each of her allies. I don't think there's any need to dig further. The morals are: you already have a heart; you already have a brain; you already have courage; there's no place like home.
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