What is the message of 13th?

In her documentary, DuVernay presents the issue of mass incarceration of black male persons as an American variant of modern slavery. In this context, the following topics should be discussed in their connection to each other: mass imprisoning, racism, the gender issue, and social bias.
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What is the main message of the movie 13th?

The film explores the demonization of minority poor through these decades to serve political ends, contributing to fears of minorities by whites and to problems of police brutality against minority communities.
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What is the main argument in the film 13th?

The documentary features interviews with several leading scholars, pundits, and activists working on the issue, as well as a host of other commentators, including journalists and politicians. The main argument at hand is that mass incarceration is an extension of slavery.
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What is the thesis of the documentary 13th?

The central focus of the film was about how the 13th amendment shaped this country and its prison system. The 13th amendment was the building block for mass incarceration and as time has gone on, new laws and amendments strengthened the process for more people to get incarcerated.
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What does the 13th say?

Note: A portion of Article IV, section 2, of the Constitution was superseded by the 13th amendment. Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
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13TH | FULL FEATURE | Netflix

Who wrote the 13th Amendment?

Background: In 1864, U. S. Senator Lyman Trumbull of Illinois co-authored and sponsored the 13th Amendment, which ended slavery. The Senate passed the proposed amendment on April 8, 1864 but it languished in the U. S. House.
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Who passed the 13th Amendment?

It was passed by the Senate on April 8, 1864, and by the House on January 31, 1865. The joint resolution of both bodies that submitted the amendment to the states for approval was signed by President Abraham Lincoln on February 1, 1865.
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Why is 13th called 13th?

The title refers to the 13th Amendment to the American constitution that was passed in 1864 and aimed to abolished slavery once and for all. What 13th sets out to expose is the centuries long political outcome, that has resulted in 'Mass Incarceration' mainly of black and coloured men in the USA.
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What is the general message of the documentary?

A documentary film or documentary is a non-fictional motion-picture intended to "document reality, primarily for the purposes of instruction, education, or maintaining a historical record".
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What is the main idea of the documentary?

Generally, documentaries are about something specific and factual and concern public matters rather than private ones. The people, places, and events in them are actual and usually contemporary. The second aspect--purpose/point of view/approach--is what the filmmakers are trying to say about the subjects of their film.
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What is the logos in the 13TH documentary?

Logos demonstrated in 13th is the mind-blowing statistics used for example the US containing “5% of the world's population but having 25% of the world's prisoners” (DuVernay) Combined with the fact that “1 in 17 of white people being prisoners for versus the 1 in 3 black people” (DuVernay).
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Who is the intended audience of the 13TH?

The target audience of this movie is the federal system, black communities, and the modern society. This movie seems to coincide with the Black Lives Matter movement that stormed the country in 2015 after the death of black males at the hands of police officers.
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How did you feel after viewing 13TH?

Many viewers, especially those aware of the issues discussed in the film, may feel a combination of emotions such as helplessness, inspiration, and a call to action after watching 13th. The documentary reveals the deep-rooted injustices faced by Black communities and the urgent need for change.
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What was the most surprising takeaway from the documentary 13th?

The Big Takeaways / Realizations
  • People, politicians especially, will cloak their real intents, so it's up to you to research how their actions will affect people in every community.
  • In the court, the prosecutors (95% of them are white) are the ones who sentences incarceration — not the judge.
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How do you cite the 13th documentary?

APA citation style:

Ava Duvernay & Jason Moran. (2016) 13TH . USA.
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How does 13th characterize the American criminal justice system?

Alexander describes the criminal justice systems as the “New Jim Crow,” a modern type of oppression for African Americans. Mass incarceration rate skyrocketed during the Drug War and many African American were jailed for several years for petty crimes, shown in the documentary 13th by Ava DuVernay.
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What is the concept of film?

A film, also known as a "movie" or a "motion picture," is a series of moving images shown on a screen, usually with sound, that make up a story.
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What is the main message of the documentary spent looking for change?

What's the film about? Spent: Looking for Change is a film about everyday Americans without the financial options most of us take for granted and the movement giving them renewed hope.
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What are the four negative values that have dominated our stage and film?

The four “disvalues” that have perniciously prevailed in our film and stage include: “White is Beautiful,” “Shows are the Best,” “Hurrah for the Underdog,” and “All Is Right with the World.” b.
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Why is Friday the 13th movie called that?

The concept for Friday the 13th began as nothing more than a title. A Long Night at Camp Blood was the working title Victor Miller used while he drafted a script, but Cunningham believed in his "Friday the 13th" moniker and rushed to place an advertisement in International Variety.
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Why was the 13th Amendment so important?

The 13th Amendment forever abolished slavery as an institution in all U.S. states and territories. In addition to banning slavery, the amendment outlawed the practice of involuntary servitude and peonage. Involuntary servitude or peonage occurs when a person is coerced to work in order to pay off debts.
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Did the 13th Amendment really end slavery?

The Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is recognized by many as the formal abolition of slavery in the United States. However, it only ended chattel slavery – slavery in which an individual is considered the personal property of another.
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Who opposed the 13th Amendment and why?

Democrats who opposed the amendment generally made arguments based on federalism and states' rights. Some argued that the proposed change so violated the spirit of the Constitution it would not be a valid "amendment" but would instead constitute "revolution".
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Who was the last state to free slaves?

Delaware prides itself on being “The First State” for ratifying the Constitution before any other, but it was among the last to ratify the 13th Amendment outlawing slavery, waiting until February 1901, more than 35 years after the end of the Civil War.
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