What is the moral dilemma of Hacksaw Ridge?

Despite being a pacifist and refusing to carry a weapon, Doss becomes a hero by saving 75 soldiers during the brutal battle at Hacksaw Ridge. Desmond Doss faces a genuine moral dilemma as he grapples with his personal conviction against taking human life and his desire to serve as a medic to save lives.
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What was the message of Hacksaw Ridge?

The central message of the film Hacksaw Ridge is that true faith requires unwavering commitment and the courage to stand up for one's beliefs, even in the face of adversity and opposition.
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What was the point of Hacksaw Ridge?

The site's critical consensus reads, "Hacksaw Ridge uses a real-life pacifist's legacy to lay the groundwork for a gripping wartime tribute to faith, valor, and the courage of remaining true to one's convictions."
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What is the conflict of Hacksaw Ridge?

The film's primary narrative conflict is the juxtaposition between Doss's enlistment in the U.S. Army and his refusal to touch, let alone fire, a weapon. Doss (Andrew Garfield) wants to serve his country, but he insists on doing so in a nonviolent manner.
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What is the conclusion of the Hacksaw Ridge?

In the final scene, we see Doss being carried off the battlefield, wounded but alive, as he hears the sounds of his fellow soldiers singing "We're Marching to Zion." The film ends with real-life footage of Doss receiving his Medal of Honor from President Harry S. Truman.
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Overcoming Evil With Good | What Hacksaw Ridge Is Really About (Film Analysis)

What are the key ideas of Hacksaw Ridge?

"'Hacksaw Ridge' is about conflicts of many kinds: duty to God versus duty to country, individual freedom versus communal responsibility, healing versus killing, love versus hate, and so on," wrote Brett McCracken for Christianity Today.
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What is Hacksaw Ridge summary and analysis?

The film " Hacksaw Ridge" tells the heroic and poignant story of a field orderly named Desmond Doss, who picked up a rifle only once in the entire film (he did not pick up a weapon because of his deep beliefs), but despite this, managed to receive the highest U.S. A military award for heroism and courage.
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How true is Hacksaw Ridge?

Real-life hero Desmond Doss saved 75 soldiers in WWII without firing a shot, as depicted in the 2016 biographical war film Hacksaw Ridge, directed by Mel Gibson. Despite some minor changes to the story, Hacksaw Ridge was praised by Doss's son for its historical accuracy.
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How many died at Hacksaw Ridge?

About 2,500 Americans lost their lives and nearly twice as many Japanese troops. In the movie Hacksaw Ridge, they show Japanese soldiers killing wounded American soldiers. Is this portrayal accurate? Not only captured military prisoners, but also civilians.
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Who won the war at Hacksaw Ridge?

His iron determination and unflagging courage resulted in at least 75 lives saved that day, May 5, 1945, his Sabbath. Eventually, the Americans took Hacksaw Ridge.
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Does Hacksaw Ridge glorify war?

Unlike many war films that glorify combat, this movie focuses on the courage and resilience of an individual who chooses a path of non-violence. Desmond Doss's moral courage in the face of adversity is nothing short of inspiring, and his story offers a fresh perspective on heroism during wartime.
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Why is Hacksaw Ridge so good?

Overall, Hacksaw Ridge is a film that will leave audiences in state of emotion that describes the horrors of war, the bravery of Doss and his army and a sense of thankfulness to our past ancestors who had lived in a time to fight for freedom and peace when the world was divided.
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What is a fun fact about Hacksaw Ridge?

Mel Gibson said that the battle scenes were influenced by nightmares he had during his childhood, when his father Hutton Gibson, a World War II veteran who served in Guadalcanal in the Pacific theater, described the horrors he witnessed as bedtime stories.
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What is the thesis statement of Hacksaw Ridge?

The message of “Hacksaw Ridge” is that true bravery is not about how many punches you throw, but rather from how you respond when what you value most is under attack. In the case of Doss, pacifism was his display of bravery.
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What was the purpose of taking Hacksaw Ridge?

The escarpment, nicknamed Hacksaw Ridge for the treacherously steep cliff, was key to winning the battle of Okinawa. The mission was thought to be near-impossible, and when Doss's battalion was ordered to retreat, the medic refused to leave his fallen comrades behind.
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What is the central idea of the real Hacksaw Ridge?

Explanation: The central idea of "The Real 'Hacksaw Ridge' Soldier Saved 75 Souls Without Ever Carrying a Gun" is the bravery and heroism of a soldier who saved lives without using a weapon.
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Did the Japanese target medics?

The Japanese liked to target corpsmen and Army medics, as well as doctors. They knew if they hurt or killed someone with medical training, they wouldn't be able to help other wounded Marines or soldiers.
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How bad was Hacksaw Ridge?

The first half of the movie is lighter and really good. It explains how he meets his wife and they get married and his training at the army camp. This part of the movie could pass for an even PG-13 rated movie but the second half gets a lot more intense. The violence is very intense, graphic, violent and gory.
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What is the bloodiest battle in history?

The Most Deadly Battle In History: Stalingrad

The figures for the Battle of Stalingrad battle are shocking even by the standards of the other campaigns on this list. Running from August 23, 1942 to February 2, 1943, Stalingrad led to 633,000 battle deaths.
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Why didn't they cut the rope at Hacksaw Ridge?

Originally Answered: After watching "Hacksaw Ridge", my question is why didn't the Japanese just cut that rope ladder? This question has been answered in a documentary starring the actual Desmond Doss. The japanese didn't cut the rope because that was the only entrance to the battlefield.
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How does Hacksaw Ridge end?

Doss is eventually wounded by a grenade blast, but the battle is won. Doss descends the cliff, clutching the Bible Dorothy gave him. The film switches to archival photos and footage showing that Doss was awarded the Medal of Honor by President Harry S. Truman for rescuing seventy-five soldiers at Hacksaw Ridge.
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How bloody is Hacksaw Ridge?

I really liked how realistic and sad this movie can be at times but the downside is that it is really bloody and to the point where you see open flesh, people in half, and people missing limbs. You will also see a soldiers backside.
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What is the moral lesson of Hacksaw Ridge?

Moral values that the writer found from this movie are moral values of being, such as honesty, courage, peace ability, self-discipline, self reliance and potential, and moral values of giving, such as loyalty, respect, love, and unselfishness.
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What is the conflict in Hacksaw Ridge?

Desmond's father being a veteran of World War One and still suffering from the memories associated with its horrors caused continual turmoil in the Doss household. Tom Doss (Hugo Weaving) opposed the second World War, but his sons still chose to enlist despite his opposition.
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Who won Hacksaw Ridge?

To defend the escarpment, Japanese troops hunkered down in a network of caves and dugouts. They were determined to hold the ridge, and decimated American platoons until just a few men remained. Much of the fighting was hand-to-hand combat and particularly ruthless. The Americans finally took Hacksaw Ridge on May 6.
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