What is the real ending of Cinderella?

Cinderella's stepfamily pleads for forgiveness, and Cinderella agrees. Cinderella had hoped her step-family would love her always. Cinderella marries the prince and forgives her two stepsisters, then marrying them off to two wealthy noblemen of the court. They all lived happily ever after.
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What is the original ending of Cinderella?


In the oldest versions of the story, the slightly more sinister Cinderella actually kills her first stepmother so her father will marry the housekeeper instead. Guess she wasn't banking on the housekeeper's six daughters moving in or that never-ending chore list.
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What was the real story of Cinderella?

The earliest recorded tales is by Strabo a Greek who recorded the story of Rhodopis between 7 BCE and 23 CE. She was a young Greek courtesan who attracted the attention of the Pharaoh when an eagle flew off with her sandal and dropped it in his lap.
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What happens at the end of Disney's Cinderella?

Cinderella and the Prince are married, and share a kiss as they set off in a carriage for their honeymoon.
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What is the true ending of Snow White?

While the film ends with the prince awakening Snow White with a kiss and taking her to his castle, the original story sees the evil queen attend the subsequent wedding where she is recognised by the prince and made to dance, quite literally until she drops, in a pair of red-hot iron slippers.
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The Messed Up REAL Story Behind Cinderella

What is the dark and original story of Cinderella?

But do you know what the original story was like? If you thought the story started the same as Disney made it, then you are right! Cinderella's mother dies and then her father marries her evil stepmother, adding her and Cinderella's evil stepsisters to the family. Lucky for Cinderella, her father doesn't die.
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What is the darkest Disney story?

Although The Hunchback of Notre Dame is already considered Disney's darkest animation for its themes of sin and lust, the original novel by Victor Hugo looms with despair persistently.
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What was Cinderella's real name?

Tale Notes

Here, Cinderella's birth name, Ella, is mentioned. In this version, the stepmother and stepdaughters only show their cruel nature after Ella's father falls ill and passes away.
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What is the Brothers Grimm version of Cinderella?

The Brothers Grimm version of Cinderella tells the story of a kind and pious young girl who loses her mother and struggles with her father remarrying an unkind woman with two awful daughters who treat her poorly.
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What happens to Cinderella's original step mother?

After the curse thrown by the Evil Queen, it was explained that Lady Tremaine lives plausibly (it was not the case) with her daughters in Storybrooke and has cut any ties with Cinderella.
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Was the original Little Mermaid a dark story?

But the Little Mermaid's fate wasn't the only dark plotline that featured in the Danish author's tale. In the original novel, the sea creatures are not innocent. The mermaid's sisters boast about luring sailors into the water and ultimately their deaths.
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How old is Cinderella in real story?

In the original story of "Cinderella," which dates back to the 17th century, the age of the main character is not specified. However, in most modern retellings of the story, Cinderella is portrayed as a young woman, typically in her late teens or early twenties.
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Is Ever After a Cinderella story Based on a true story?

While the story is fictional, it involves several historical figures, places and events.
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What is the dark story of the little mermaid?

In the original tale, mermaids have no souls and must earn one by getting a human to fall in love with them, leading to a tragic ending. The sea witch's home in Andersen's story is even more sinister, filled with hybrid creatures and made of human bones, adding to the darkness.
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What happens in the grimm version of Cinderella?

Tale Summary

In the Grimm Brothers' version of Cinderella, she had a hazel bush where a white dove makes any of Cinderella's wishes come true. She leaves behind a small golden slipper at the ball and her two stepsisters try cutting off a toe or a heel to fit into the small shoe.
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What happened to Cinderella's stepmother at the end?

After Lord Tremaine passed away from an illness, Lady Tremaine married Cinderella's father, Sir Richard, seeking that she needed help in keeping her daughters under control. At the chateau however, Lady Tremaine and her daughters were forced into servitude under Sir Richard and Cinderella.
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How does the original Cinderella differ from today's version?

the father died in disney's version but did not die in Grimms version, there was no fairy godmother in Grimm's version but there was in Disney's, and in the original version the stepsisters cut their heels and toes off so it would fit in the slipper but in the Disney version they did not.
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What does the hazel tree symbolize in Cinderella?

What is the symbolic meaning of the tree? In the versions I know that use the tree Cinderella plants, it represents the spirit of her dead mother. Sometimes it's even planted on the grave and the branch functions in place of the fairy godmother. It becomes the thing that guides and helps Cinderella.
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How many versions does Cinderella have?

But Cinderella is not just one story; more than 500 versions have been found—just in Europe! The tale's origins appear to date back to a Chinese story from the ninth century, “Yeh-Shen.” Almost every culture seems to have its own version, and every storyteller his or her tale.
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Why does Ella call herself Cinderella?

Eve Yes. Cinderella is a nickname she received from her stepsisters and stepmother because she would be so worn out at night she would fall asleep by the fireplace, covering herself in ashes and cinder. Her given name is Ella.
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What does cinder mean in Cinderella?

"Cendrillon" > "Cinderella". Both names evoke "cinders" (ashes) because in older versions of the story she was abused by her mother-in-law in many ways, including forcing her to sleep in the kitchen, without blankets, and she was forced to sleep on the ashes of the fireplace to warm herself through the night.
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What movie almost ruined Disney?

In 1985, a single movie almost killed Disney animation. With an announced budget of $25 million—later accounts place it closer to $40 million— The Black Cauldron was at the time the most expensive animated film ever made.
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What Disney movie was almost deleted?

Toy Story 2 almost got deleted from Pixar's servers, but a new mom who worked from home saved the film.
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What is the scariest movie Disney made?

The Black Cauldron (1985) Of Disney's animated films, The Black Cauldron just might be the scariest (which is probably why it gets less attention than more kid-friendly fare like The Little Mermaid or Frozen).
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