What is the tragic irony in Frankenstein?

What seems to be the tragic irony is that the audience knows that William will eventually die, when the preface says, " Or the literary death of little William could express her anxiety over the real baby William, or a wish to dispose of her half-brother William, her own younger sibling, or her father" (pg. xxi).
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Where is there irony in Frankenstein?

' The monster kills Victor's bride, Elizabeth, on their wedding night as the last and most hateful act of revenge on Victor. Victor refuses to give the monster a bride, so the monster takes away Victor's. The irony here is that Victor has changed the nature of the family itself.
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What is an example of tragedy in Frankenstein?

Deaths are also present in other ways: just before Frankenstein leaves for Ingolstadt to complete his education, his mother dies from illness, and his father later dies of grief and shock after Elizabeth's death and the harrowing incidents haunting Frankenstein's life.
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What is situational irony in Frankenstein quotes?

Situational Irony: An example of situational irony occurs at the beginning of the novel when Victor spends years devoted and obsessed over a creation he ends up despising with every ounce of his being when it is brought to life, "the beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart' (70).
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What is ironic in Chapter 18 of Frankenstein?

Nature is the one thing that restores happiness within all the characters. This is ironic because he's creating monsters-it's not natural. It's ironic too because Victor's original quest for happiness came from creating artificial life.
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In on a secret? That's dramatic irony - Christopher Warner

What is an example of dramatic irony in Frankenstein?

Because she confessed to the crime, the spectators believe Justine is guilty. However, Victor, as well as the reader, is aware of her innocence. This difference in understanding is an example of dramatic irony.
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What is the irony in Chapter 24 of Frankenstein?

Irony in Frankenstein Chapter 24

Victor chases after the monster seeking revenge, but the monster wants Victor to chase after him. The monster leaves messages and hints for Victor, so that Victor can stay on his trail. The fact that Victor is chasing the monster for revenge is an example of irony, or a contradiction.
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What is the central irony of the novel Frankenstein?

Highly ambitious, Victor Frankenstein channels his extensive scientific knowledge in order to create a “new and improved” version of man. However, the exact opposite occurs, as he creates a degraded version of man instead. In a twist of fate, Victor ends up repelled by his creation.
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What was the irony of the tragedy?

Tragic irony is when the audience is aware in advance that tragedy will occur. It is a form of dramatic irony, in which the audience is given more information than the character. But in this particular subtype, that lack of information leads to tragedy.
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What is the irony in Chapter 21 of Frankenstein?

Shelley uses irony in Chapter 21 to support the villagers' belief that Frankenstein is Clerval's murderer by having Frankenstein express his own guilt and remorse over the deaths of both Clerval and his brother, William, despite being innocent of Clerval's murder.
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What is the tragic flaw in Frankenstein?

Victor seeks to use science for the greatest human good: to conquer death, but his tragic downfall is brought about by his all too human flaws, or hamartia. He's ambitious and proud, tampering with forces beyond his control, presuming to violate the laws of nature and the authority of God.
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Why is Frankenstein considered a tragedy?

Frankenstein is simultaneously the first science-fiction novel, a Gothic horror, a tragic romance and a parable all sewn into one towering body. Its two central tragedies – one of overreaching and the dangers of 'playing God', the other of parental abandonment and societal rejection – are as relevant today as ever.
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What are the elements of tragedy in Frankenstein?

In Mary Shelly's Frankenstein, the author employ's several different themes to suggest a tone of tragedy. Those include abandonment, tragic flaw, and the punishment exceeds the crime. The two main characters, Victor Frankenstein and his monster, are deemed as tragic heroes in Shelly's novel.
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What is the irony in Chapter 11 of Frankenstein?

He wants to introduce himself to these people but knows that in previous encounters with humans—he was met with screams and shouts. (irony). He shares all human emotion but is not human. The Creature desires to know more about the family.
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What is the irony in Chapter 4 of Frankenstein?

The irony of his ambition versus self-isolation from loved ones is prevalent throughout Chapter 4. While most seek higher education in hopes to better themselves, Shelley uses Victor's location in this chapter to show the dangers of knowledge.
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What is verbal irony in Frankenstein?

-After being created, the monster exclaims "You are my creator, but I am your master; obey” (154 Shelley). This is ironic because the Victor created the monster expecting the roles to be reversed. He expected to be the monster's master, but the monster does not want it like that.
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What is the dramatic irony in novel Frankenstein?

A good example of dramatic irony in Frankenstein can be when Victor found out about the death of William. Everyone thought Justine murdered William, but Victor and we knew Pieces did and would rather let her be found guilty than ruin his name by testifying for her.
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Is tragic irony the same as dramatic irony?

Within dramatic irony, there is only one subtype: tragic irony. The difference between these two types of irony is slight but it's an important distinction to make. Basically, tragic irony is dramatic irony with tragic consequences — it's as easy as that.
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What does tragic ironic mean?

tragic irony in British English

noun. the use of dramatic irony in a tragedy (originally, in Greek tragedy), so that the audience is aware that a character's words or actions will bring about a tragic or fatal result, while the character is not. Collins English Dictionary.
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What is the irony in the creature in Frankenstein?

The irony of Frankenstein is not that the creature seeks destroy a man, but that the creation seeks to destroy the very thing that created him. The creature hates the creator for creating him.
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How is Victor's mother's death ironic?

Expert-Verified Answer

The story of Victor's mother's death is ironic because it presents a contrast between what is expected and what actually happens. In the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, Victor's mother dies from scarlet fever while nursing Elizabeth back to health.
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What is ironic or unexpected about the creature's revenge on Frankenstein?

What is ironic, or unexpected about the creatures revenge on Frankenstein? The monster killed her. Frankenstein didn't build the creature a partner so the monster didn't let Frankenstein have a wife. They both devote themselves to revenge and the destruction on the other.
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What is the irony in Chapter 20 of Frankenstein?

The Monster. Irony- The irony is the fact that Victor tried desperately to find a way to create life, when he in fact destroys it. In the chapter both Victor and his monster grow extremely desperate for the improvement of there own lives.
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What are Victor's final words?

Frankenstein's final words are: “Farewell, Walton! Seek happiness in tranquillity, and avoid ambition, even if it be only the apparently innocent one of distinguishing yourself in science and discoveries. Yet why do I say this? I have myself been blasted in these hopes, yet another may succeed.”
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What happens to Frankenstein's monster at the end?

The boat captain finds his body and the monster who mourns Victor's death in the room. The Creature disappears from the boat to kill himself. Victor and the monster die in the end.
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