What is Victor obsessed with?

Victor Frankenstein's obsession with creating life consumes him to the point of neglecting his health and well-being, and ultimately leads to his downfall. The physical and mental symptoms he experiences are a manifestation of his fear and anxiety at the monstrous creation he has brought to life.
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What does Victor become obsessed with in Frankenstein?

In Chapter 4 of Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley, Victor Frankenstein's obsession with science and with overcoming death finally culminate as he finishes his studies and starts his life's work. This lesson will focus on the summary of Chapter 4.
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What is Victor obsessed with finding?

Victor's Peculiar Interests

These two writers teach Victor more about science than school ever did, even though their work has been discredited by the time Victor stumbles upon it. Victor's interests in those years include looking for the philosopher's stone and the elixir of life, raising ghosts and devils, and death.
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What is Victor obsessed with in Chapter 4?

The mood of Frankenstein Chapter 4 is ominous or foreboding. Victor is obsessed with building his creation, and though he begins to question his work, he is blinded to the potential consequences.
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What is Victor most interested in?

In Frankenstein, Victor embodies the concept of unrestrained science. He is allured by the power and potential of science from a very young age. In spite of its lack of credibility, Victor develops a strong interest in alchemy, which focuses on harnessing the powers of science for personal gain.
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Frankenstein is More Horrific Than You Might Think | Monstrum

What did Victor become obsessed with in Chapter 3?

In his quest for glory, Victor begins to isolate himself, which sets an ominous tone for the rest of the novel. His obsession with natural philosophy leads him to neglect what used to be most important to him—his loved ones—which prompts the reader to wonder if his fascination is healthy.
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What is Victor's obsession with natural science?

Answer and Explanation:

Victor becomes fascinated with the power of nature and the study of science as a young boy, largely motivated by the death in childbirth of his youthful mother.
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Why does Victor become ill?

Victor Frankenstein is consumed by guilt almost constantly as the book progresses. Whenever something causes him to become exceptionally guilty, he becomes ill. The illness allows him to temporarily escape from any responsibility he has and also to talk about his guilt, soothing his conscience.
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What keeps Victor from killing himself in Chapter 9?

Summary: Chapter 9

After Justine's execution, Victor becomes increasingly melancholy. He considers suicide but restrains himself by thinking of Elizabeth and his father.
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What does Victor want to do chapter 24?

The chapter uses allusion (in the form of a reference to the hell) and irony, in that Victor wants to destroy the monster, but the monster wants Victor chasing after him, and he leaves clues and antagonizing messages. Themes of fate, death, and rage also appear in the final chapter of Frankenstein.
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What mental disorder does Victor have?

Victor's hallucinations are so powerful that he can even feel the monster attacking him. The fact that Victor suffers from hallucinations and is socially withdrawn point to him having paranoid schizophrenia. There is one more symptom that is common among schizophrenics, and that is delusions.
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Why is Frankenstein obsessed with creating life?

Why does Frankenstein create the Monster? Frankenstein believes that by creating the Monster, he can discover the secrets of “life and death,” create a “new species,” and learn how to “renew life.” He is motivated to attempt these things by ambition. He wants to achieve something great, even if it comes at great cost.
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What is the obsession and revenge in Frankenstein?

The theme of monstrosity appears as their hate-based obsession with revenge turns the creature and Victor both physically and psychologically monstrous. On his journey to kill the creature, Victor dies of pneumonia.
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What was Victor Frankenstein's desire?

Whether as a result of his desire to attain the godlike power of creating new life or his avoidance of the public arenas in which science is usually conducted, Victor is doomed by a lack of humanness.
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What does Victor's monster want from him?

One of the more contentious issues in Frankenstein is the creature's demand that Victor provide him a mate: “You must create a female for me, with whom I can live in the interchange of those sympathies necessary for my being.
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What keeps Victor from killing himself?

Victor believes he deserves to die for creating a dangerous creature and letting it loose to terrorize people. Victor ultimately concludes that to kill himself would be even more selfish because he would be leaving the monster to continue harming people.
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Who does Victor think killed his brother?

As he walks near the spot where his brother's body was found, he spies the monster lurking and becomes convinced that his creation is responsible for killing William.
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Why is Victor depressed in Chapter 9?

Victor feels extreme guilt for his part in the murder of William and the execution of Justine. He believes that both of these deaths are his fault. He is unable to sleep, he is restless, and he is tortured by guilt. Victor's father notices Victor is unwell and believes it is due to the loss of William and Justine.
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Why does Victor go to jail?

Victor is accused of murder. He is shown the victim's body and discovers it is Henry Clerval, his best friend since childhood and his recent traveling companion.
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What happens after Victor dies?

At the end of Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein dies wishing that he could destroy the Monster he created. The Monster visits Frankenstein's body. He tells Walton that he regrets the murders he has committed and that he intends to commit suicide.
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Why was Victor depressed?

Victor is overwhelmed with despair due to the horrific outcome of his actions, which he had once considered to be so high-minded. To avoid further memories, the Frankensteins flee to their holiday home at Belrive. Yet Victor's suicidal impulses remain and he is driven to seek vengeance on the creature.
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What did Victor set out to create?

Victor Frankenstein is a scientist who studies death and decay, and his curiosity led him to assemble a human-like creature from various dead body parts and reanimate the body. His procedure works, but when he sees his creation come to life, he is horrified and abandons the monster.
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Why does Victor's family take in Elizabeth?

Elizabeth Lavenza's Role in Frankenstein: Summary

In the original version of the novel, published in 1818, Elizabeth is Victor's maternal cousin, who the family adopts after her mother passed away and her father wanted to remarry.
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Who inspires Victor to continue with science?

In chapter three, a chemistry professor M. Waldman encourages Victor to pursue a broad education, which inspires Victor to gain knowledge on the secret of life and eventually create Frankenstein.
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Who brings Victor out of his sickness?

But, weakened by months of work and shock at the horrific being he has created, he immediately falls ill with a nervous fever that lasts several months. Henry nurses him back to health and, when Victor has recovered, gives him a letter from Elizabeth that had arrived during his illness.
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