What is Vision's real name?

Vision's (Paul Bettany) name has always canonically been The Vision in the Marvel comics, but the MCU changed that. During his introduction in Avengers: Age of Ultron, his creator Tony Stark initially referred to him as The Vision, but the MCU eventually shortened his name to just Vision.
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Is Vision Ultron's son?

The character is an android (sometimes called a "synthezoid") built by the villainous robot Ultron created by Hank Pym. Originally intended to act as Ultron's "son" and destroy the Avengers, Vision instead turned on his creator and joined the Avengers to fight for the forces of good.
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Is Vision Ultron's Brother?

Not his biological brother, of course, but Ultron used Simon Williams' brain patterns as the basis for the Vision's, kind of making him the twin brother Wonder Man never had. Simon does have an actual brother, too: Eric Williams, who became the Grim Reaper to avenge his sibling's “death” at the hands of the Avengers.
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Is Vision really Jarvis?

No. Jarvis is an A.I. created by Tony Stark to make his day to day life simpler and could only perform tasks that Tony's programming allowed it to do. Vision is a combination of Jarvis' core programming and Ultron's original programming before it interacted with the Mind Stone and became self aware and malicious.
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Why is he called Vision?

Vision was created by Ultron as a weapon against his own creator, Hank Pym. Pym's wife Jan is the one who coined the name "Vision," after encountering him and describing him as--you guessed it--"a vision."
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Why is Vision so weak?

Vision Was Damaged (& Distracted) In Infinity War

But before they got a chance to settle, Thanos' henchman Corvus Glaive arrived and pierced Vision's chest with his blade. Since Vision was caught off-guard, he didn't have time to phase through the blade, and his synthezoid body began to malfunction.
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How old is Vision in human years?

The most commonly accepted number for Visions age is 3, since he was “created” in Age of Ultron, but it depends what you consider his birth, his consciousness is said to be nearly equal parts Tony's input, Banner's input and the Mind Stone, but Banner and Tony were writing the code for Vision before the events of Age ...
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Why did Vision say he is not Jarvis?

After gaining a physical body, J.A.R.V.I.S. (as Vision) considers himself to not be J.A.R.V.I.S. anymore, but to simply be Vision.
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Why can Vision lift Mjolnir?

Infinity Stone > Mjölnir

The strongest, most logical theory why Vision can lift it with relative easy is due to the fact he is created with an Infinity Stone – the one found within the gem of Loki's scepter.
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Is Vision dead or alive?

Vision is killed by Thanos when he removes the Mind Stone to complete the Infinity Gauntlet in order to initiate the Blip. Years later, Vision's body is reactivated via Wanda's magic, albeit initially without his memories and with a different appearance.
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Can Vision impregnate Wanda?

Because Vision is an artificial being known as a Synthezoid, he's not actually capable of fathering biological children of his own. In response, Wanda magically creates two twin sons to complete their nuclear family. They were born in 1986's The Vision and the Scarlet Witch Vol.
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Who is Ultron's child?

Created by the evil sentient robot Ultron with DNA from his human mother, the Latin American Victor Mancha is the cybernetic immaculate child—a teenaged boy programmed to infiltrate the Avengers and destroy them, that is until Victor resists his programming and joins the Super Hero team, the Runaways.
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Who is Vision's daughter?

Viv Vision is a teenage hero who wants to be ordinary, except she is extraordinary! Created by her father Vision, she's a synthezoid or android capable of incredible power. In her pursuit of being more like humans, she joins the teen team the Champions and is willing to sacrifice herself for the greater good.
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Who can lift Thor's hammer?

Other than Thor and Odin, certain other individuals have proven worthy of lifting Mjolnir in the primary continuity:
  • Roger "Red" Norvell (a deliberate ruse by Odin)
  • Beta Ray Bill.
  • Buri (also known as Tiwaz, Thor's great-grandfather)
  • Captain America in his "The Captain" role.
  • Eric Masterson.
  • Bor (Thor's grandfather)
  • Loki.
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Who is the strongest Avenger?

Thor. Thor, the god of Thunder, was undoubtedly the most powerful member of the original Avengers. His power continues to grow in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
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Who can lift Stormbreaker?

Meanwhile, MCU Phase 4 saw Stormbreaker being wielded by Thor, Gorr the God Butcher, Love, and anyone else who was strong enough to actually lift and swing it. This is because of the respective origins of both legendary Asgardian weapons.
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Can Superman lift Thor hammer?

Yes, as a shock to many, Superman has briefly lifted the mighty hammer in a phenomenal crossover with Marvel and DC Comics.
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Has Tony Stark ever lifted Mjolnir?

Tony Stark was the second one to try, even joking about ruling Asgard if he lifted the hammer and what he would do as king, but his always overly-confident attitude quickly changed when he realized he couldn't lift the hammer.
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What does Friday stand for Iron Man?

(Female Replacement Intelligent Digital Assistant Youth) is a fictional artificial intelligence appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics, usually depicted as the personal assistant and ally of the superhero Iron Man (Tony Stark).
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Why did Ultron turn evil?

What Makes Him Pure Evil? He betrayed his creator Pym mere moments after being created, quickly deemed humanity as flawed and has made numerous attempts to wipe out the entire race. He attempted to destroy any of his own creations, such as Vision and Jocasta, when they rebelled against him.
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Does Stark put Jarvis in a body?

When Tony Stark and Bruce Banner realized they could still use the unfinished form for good, they incorporated Tony's JARVIS operating system into the body. Thor added the final piece of the puzzle by bringing his mystic lightning down to finally bring the creation to life.
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Who is the oldest avenger?

While Steve Rogers gets the title of the oldest human avenger, Thor Odinson, as the mighty Asgardian God of Thunder, has a much longer life span than any of his Earth-born friends.
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How old was vision when he died?

So, Vision was only 3 years old when Thanos killed him in Infinity War - but the Synthezoid's corpse is actually 8 years old by the time Wanda stole it from S.W.O.R.D. and magically resurrected him within The Hex in Westview, New Jersey before WandaVision began.
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How old was gamora?

Gamora is based on the character of the same name from the 2008 issue of the Guardians of the Galaxy teammates. The Peter and Gamora relationship is referred to as "Starmora". If following the actors age, Gamora is approximately thirty-five years old (in human years), but is actually twenty-five in Zehoberei years.
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