What kind of economy is Star Trek?

In conclusion, the Star Trek economy is a well-defined general equilibrium production-exchange economy with a large government presence. It is, therefore, capable of analysis using the tools of neoclassical economics.
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Is Star Trek socialist or capitalist?

Nevertheless, despite the negative portrayal of capitalists, there is a more fundamental theme: individualism. Though Starfleet might fairly be called a Socialist utopia, it is not always a perfect one.
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What kind of society does Star Trek have?

Star Trek is the most famous example of the post-scarcity society. Saadia analysed the economics of Star Trek, based on various comments and observations related to this aspect as seen in various episodes of the show. He asks the readers "What would the world look like if everyone had everything they wanted or needed?"
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What is the monetary system in Star Trek?

Summary. Star Trek famously introduced a 'post-scarcity' future where citizens of the Federation no longer use money nor need to work in order to live. However, from the use of Federation credits to the Ferengi's favorite currency, latinum, the need for money in storytelling has confused this concept.
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Is Star Trek a moneyless society?

Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry set the series in a future where money is obsolete. A lot of science fiction shows present a darkly dystopian view of the future, where humans battle for limited resources, starkly divided between the haves and have-nots. But some views of the future are far more utopian.
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10 Important Star Trek Details That Are Almost Never Mentioned

Is there capitalism in Star Trek?

Unlike many classic works of sci-fi, Star Trek offered an optimistic vision of humanity's future — one where democracy triumphs, exploitation is ended, and everyone's material needs are met.
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Does Star Trek have an economy?

Webb contends that much of Star Trek's economy is held together by a barter system in which Federation citizens can trade for various things they really need, which might include said credits.
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Do Starfleet personnel get paid?

Unlike most military forces throughout history, Star Fleet pays quite well, considering that personnel receive food, shelter, clothing and medical care free of charge. Star Fleet, of course, is an elite force of explorers and scientists, and its members are paid accordingly.
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Does Earth have money in Star Trek?

Money was a common feature of life on Earth from the 16th century onward throughout the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries.
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How much did Leonard Nimoy get paid for Star Trek?

Leonard Nimoy's salary was $1,250 per episode. Adjusted for rampant 2020s inflation, that's almost $10,000/episode in today's dollars. He and William Shatner were the two highest-paid actors on the series; DeForest Kelley and James Doohan received $850 per episode, and everyone else was paid a bit less.
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Is Star Trek communist or socialist?

Star Trek Is Not Socialist

Star Trek presents the idea of a better future for humanity. But it's because of technological advances rather than redistributive government policies. It's a future where most needs and wants are no longer scarce and can be easily provided for.
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Is Star Trek LGBTQ?

Star Trek's original series did not have any explicitly LGBT characters, although in 2005 George Takei, who portrayed helmsman Lt. Hikaru Sulu, came out as gay. In October 2011, Zachary Quinto, who plays Spock in the rebooted feature film franchise, publicly came out as gay.
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What do you call people who like Star Trek?

A Trekkie or Trekker is a fan of the Star Trek franchise, or of specific television series or films within that franchise.
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Is there communism in Star Trek?

In fact, while it may be overly simplistic to say that Star Trek depicts a socialist society, its utopianism owes much to the ideas of Marx in that it imagines a future where collectivism triumphs, money is obsolete, and every material need is met.
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What is the ideology of Star Trek?

Following Gene Roddenberry's dream of a future society lacking prejudice and focused on inclusion, social and legal equality, and egalitarian post-scarcity economics, Trek is well-known for its strong moral compass and its progressive, even leftist values.
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Was Elon Musk a socialist?

Political parties and the US in general

He has described himself as a "socialist" but "not the kind that shifts resources from most productive to least productive"; he later clarified not to take this tweet too seriously.
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Do Star Trek actors get royalties?

As far as any potential royalties go, Shatner revealed on Twitter that “anything before 1973 (that includes Star Trek Original Series) doesn't pay a cent in Royalties. So please don't think you own me or I owe you something for watching.
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Why is there no money in Star Trek?

Among the societal element that the Federation eschews to reach this enlightened state is a conventional monetary system, with Jean-Luc Picard briefly explaining in Star Trek: The Next Generation that the need for currency has since been rendered obsolete.
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What class is Earth in Star Trek?

In the Star Trek universe, a Class M planet is one habitable by humans and similar life forms. Earth, Vulcan, Romulus, and Qo'noS are examples of Class M planets.
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How many hours is a Starfleet day?

The Starfleet standard day is 24 hours. The Bajoran day is 26 hours. Other races keep their standard days. 24 hours as Star fleet is headquartered on earth the Vulcans agreed it was logical to use earth time measurements for ships time and others simply agreed.
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What is the average age of Starfleet captains?

What is the average age of starship captains in the Star Trek universe? The Star Trek captains' ages range from 32 to 59 when they began their post, and there are two captains whose date of birth is unknown at this time.
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Who is the highest rank in Starfleet?

At the apex of this hierarchy lies the esteemed rank of Fleet Admiral, the highest position within Starfleet. Only a select few officers have ascended to this prestigious five-star rank throughout the Federation's history, underscoring its rarity and significance within the organization.
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Who makes more money Star Wars or Star Trek?

Despite the similar number of films, the profit made by the Star Wars film series exceeds the profit of the Star Trek film series by six times, while the entire Star Wars franchise surpasses Star Trek by four times.
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Is Jeff Bezos a Star Trek fan?

Jeff Bezos is a lifelong science fiction fan. As a child the Amazon founder spent his summers reading Asimov and Heinlein, and according to Christian Davenport, who profiled Bezos in his book The Space Barons, he's a hardcore Star Trek fan.
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