What literary device does Frankenstein use?

Mary Shelley uses figurative language in her novel Frankenstein in the form of personification, symbolism, simile, and metaphor.
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What kind of literary devices are used in Frankenstein?

Frankenstein Literary Devices
  • Allegory 1 key example.
  • Allusions 7 key examples.
  • Dramatic Irony 1 key example.
  • Foreshadowing 3 key examples.
  • Frame Story 1 key example.
  • Genre 1 key example.
  • Imagery 2 key examples.
  • Irony 2 key examples.
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What literary form is Frankenstein?

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein falls under two different genres of literature: Gothic novel and science fiction. As a Gothic novel, Frankenstein embodies many of the setting and plot elements associated with the genre.
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What literary allusion is Frankenstein?

Mary Shelley's title is an allusion to Prometheus, a Greek god who created humans and shared fire with them. He is condemned to suffer because he has betrayed Zeus in providing fire for them, much like Victor is condemned to suffer for betraying his god and creating the monster.
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What is the literary analysis of Frankenstein?

Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus is most frequently read and interpreted as a Gothic horror on the dangers of the unbridled optimism of science. Gothic horror is a subset of romanticism as a genre that thrives on the excitement and terror of the mystery of nature and the supernatural.
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What is the metaphor in Frankenstein?

In Chapter 4, Victor uses a metaphor of light to describe his reaction after discovering the secret to life: Life and death appeared to me ideal bounds, which I should first break through, and pour a torrent of light into our dark world.
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What are the literary influences in Frankenstein?

The single biggest influence on Shelley's writing of the novel is of Milton's Paradise Lost, which on some level Frankenstein is in conversation with. The creature learns to read from Milton's work, and likens himself to Lucifer, created but ultimately rejected by God.
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How is imagery used in Frankenstein?

What imagery does the author use in Frankenstein? Mary Shelley uses imagery throughout her novel. She uses vivid descriptions of the Swiss Alps, the ice that traps Walton's ship, and most importantly, of Frankenstein's creature.
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How is foreshadowing used in Frankenstein?

Immediately after the monster comes to life, Victor has a nightmare involving a vision of Elizabeth lying dead, and then transforming so that “I thought I held the corpse of my dead mother in my arms.” This vision foreshadows that Elizabeth will die, and that her death is in some way connected to the monster.
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What narrative techniques does Frankenstein use?

In Frankenstein, Mary Shelley starts with a framing narrative (Walton's letters to his sister), before moving to the main narrative (Victor's story) and then contained within this is the Monster's story of survival and how he learns from the De Lacey family.
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What two literary movement would Frankenstein be associated with?

The form of Frankenstein is a novel – a long work of fiction. The genre. Fiction and non-fiction are two examples of different genres. of fiction to which Frankenstein belongs may be defined as Romantic or Gothic – two separate but linked genres.
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How is irony used in Frankenstein?

' The monster kills Victor's bride, Elizabeth, on their wedding night as the last and most hateful act of revenge on Victor. Victor refuses to give the monster a bride, so the monster takes away Victor's. The irony here is that Victor has changed the nature of the family itself.
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What are the hyperbole in Frankenstein?

Mary Shelley's use of hyperbole can be seen in paragraph 1 on page 126 of Frankenstein: “A fiendish rage animated him as he said this; his face was wrinkled into contortions too horrible for human eyes to behold; but presently he calmed himself and proceeded…”
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What is the personification in Frankenstein?

Examples of figurative language in the novel include: Personification: When an author gives human-like qualities to an idea or an object. One example of personification from Frankenstein is: ''He had partially unveiled the face of Nature, but her immortal lineaments were still a wonder and a mystery.
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Is Frankenstein an allegory?

Frankenstein is an allegory, a work that conveys a hidden meaning—usually moral, spiritual, or political—through the use of symbolic characters and events. Victor Frankenstein's creation of the Monster is an allegory for the creation story from the Book of Genesis, in which God creates Adam.
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What is an example of suspense in Frankenstein?

Shelley uses her writing to make it more suspenseful by having it be a conversation. An example is, “ I avoided explanation and maintained a continual silence concerning the wretch I had created. I had a persuasion that I should be supposed mad, and this in itself would forever have chained my tongue” (Shelley).
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What are examples of symbolism in Frankenstein?

In Frankenstein, light symbolizes knowledge, discovery, and enlightenment. The natural world is a place of dark secrets, hidden passages, and unknown mechanisms; the goal of the scientist is then to reach light. The dangerous and more powerful cousin of light is fire.
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Does the author use imagery or figurative language in Frankenstein?

Mary Shelley uses imagery throughout her novel. She uses vivid descriptions of the Swiss Alps, the ice that traps Walton's ship, and most importantly, of Frankenstein's creature.
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What are some examples of gothic imagery in Frankenstein?

Mary Shelley uses many gothic elements in Frankenstein. She incorporates the destruction of family via revenge and the blurring of the line between life and death. She also ties in secrets threatening to be revealed and horror elements such as corpses, reanimation, and dark scientific experiments.
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What makes Frankenstein a literary classic?

In other words, part of what makes Frankenstein a classic novel is that its experimental narrative structure has been so influential. One thing that's regularly not included in Frankenstein adaptations is its frame narrative, the outer story that serves as a means for the central story to be told.
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How is juxtaposition used in Frankenstein?

Two incongruous ideas appearing side by side. For instance, in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, the creature in the story learns English from John Milton's Paradise Lost. Because of this, his elevated and intelligent language is juxtaposed with his grotesque appearance.
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What type of irony is in Frankenstein?

Situational Irony: An example of situational irony occurs at the beginning of the novel when Victor spends years devoted and obsessed over a creation he ends up despising with every ounce of his being when it is brought to life, "the beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart' (70).
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What are the literary techniques?

Metaphor, metonymy, hyperbole, simile, personification, assonance, alliteration, consonance, onomatopoeia, etc. These devices have a powerful impact as they work on our senses to strengthen the subject matter of the text. You will find specific examples of the above techniques throughout this toolkit.
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What is the poetic device of imagery?


Share: Imagery, in a literary or poetic sense, is the author's use of description and vivid language, deepening the reader's understanding of the work, by appealing to the senses. There are different types of imagery.
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What is the tone of Frankenstein?

The tone of Frankenstein is largely bleak and despairing. The tone begins with optimism from the perspective of Captain Walton who is excited and hopeful about his Arctic voyage.
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