What problem did Cinderella face?

In “Cinderella”, Cinderella deals with some of those psychological problems such as; narcissistic disappointments, sibling rivalries, and gaining a feeling of self-worth. Cinderella's narcissistic problems all start with her step-mother…show more content…
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What challenge did Cinderella face?

She overcomes the adversity of her wicked stepmother and stepsisters, who treat her as their maid, so she can meet and dance with a very handsome prince, then hurry home before the clock strikes midnight and her carriage becomes a pumpkin again. But that's not the real Cinderella.
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What is the Cinderella problem?

In evolutionary psychology, the Cinderella effect is the phenomenon of higher incidence of different forms of child abuse and mistreatment by stepparents than by biological parents. It takes its name from the fairy tale character Cinderella, which is about a girl who is mistreated by her stepsisters and stepmother.
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What was the main problem or conflict in Cinderella?

Answer: Cinderella wants to go to the ball, but her stepmother prevents her from going by giving her more chores than she can complete, so her fairy godmother helps her. The conflict is external, Cinderella versus her step mother, so it is Man vs Man.
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What is the obstacle in Cinderella?

Even after Cinderella finishes her chores, she had no time to tailor her dress. This obstacle is overcome as she finds out the mice had done it for her. Then, when she put the dress on and was ready to leave, her stepsisters tore it apart, as they realized it was made of their discarded scraps.
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The Messed Up REAL Story Behind Cinderella

How did Cinderella overcome difficulties in life?

In the cinderella story how did she overcome difficulties in life​ Answer: In the classic Cinderella story, Cinderella overcomes difficulties in her life through her resilience, kindness, and inner strength.
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What happened to Cinderella in the story?

Cinderella marries the prince and forgives her two stepsisters, then marrying them off to two wealthy noblemen of the court. They all lived happily ever after. The first moral of the story is that beauty is a treasure, but graciousness is priceless. Without it, nothing is possible; with it, one can do anything.
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What is the problem faced by the main character in the story?

Conflict. Another element of the PLOT is the CONFLICT, or problem faced by the characters.
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What is the main problem conflict in the story?

To identify a central conflict in a story, ask yourself what the main character's biggest challenge is: what do they overcome by the end of the story? If the answer is themselves, the central conflict is internal (character vs. self).
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Why was Cinderella unhappy?

She was clever and kind, and she loved to tell jokes. But she was very unhappy. Her father and mother had died, and Cinderella lived with her stepmother and two stepsisters. Although they all lived in a big house, they were actually quite poor.
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What is the main message in Cinderella?

At the end of the story, Cinderella ends up with the prince, due to her lovely heart. He liked her even when she wasn't wearing her beautiful ball gown. Cinderella teaches us kindness is a form of beauty, which will eventually be recognized. The second is 'forgive others for doing you wrong.
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What is the summary of Cinderella?

Cinderella, the most popular of all fairy tales, is a time-less story of virtue rewarded. Sweet, beautiful Cinderella, cruelly mistreated by her evil stepmother and stepsisters, is helped by her magical fairy godmother, who sends her off to win the heart of a handsome prince and live happily ever after.
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Did Cinderella lose her left or right?

In the animated film, Cinderella loses her left slipper, while in the live-action film, she loses her right slipper.
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What is Cinderella's original name?

Tale Notes

Here, Cinderella's birth name, Ella, is mentioned. In this version, the stepmother and stepdaughters only show their cruel nature after Ella's father falls ill and passes away.
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What was Cinderella forced to do?

The Lowdown: Beautiful and good-natured, Cinderella is forced to act as a servant by her jealous stepmother. The Lowdown: Prince Charming immediately falls in love with Lucette and desperately tries to discover her true identity.
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What are the 3 conflicts in a story?

Classification. The basic types of conflict in fiction have been commonly codified as "man against man", "man against nature", and "man against self." Although frequently cited, these three types of conflict are not universally accepted.
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What are the 4 main conflicts in a story?

The opposing force created, the conflict within the story generally comes in four basic types: Conflict with the self, Conflict with others, Conflict with the environment and Conflict with the supernatural. Conflict with the self, the internal battle a lead character has within, is often the most powerful.
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What is problem or conflict?

Conflict and problem are two words that traditionally refer to negative situations or issues. A conflict is a disagreement or clash, which can be between two or more people or concepts. A problem is an issue or situation that is considered harmful or unpleasant. A conflict can be described as a problem.
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What is the ending of a story?

What is the ending of a story called? You might see the ending of a story referred to as its climax, conclusion, denouement, or simply ending. These terms are all slightly different in meaning although they are often used interchangeably.
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Who struggles against the main character in a story?

On the other hand, the antagonist is the character or force that opposes the protagonist. They tend to create conflict or obstacles that the protagonist must overcome in order to achieve their goals in the story.
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What is an example of a problem in a story?

A man's girlfriend gets pregnant, but he isn't ready to be a father. A child blames himself for his parents' divorce. An old woman wishes to reconnect with her family but is slowly losing her memory. A woman wishes to travel the world but is too scared to leave her home.
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How did they treat Cinderella?

The sisters are extremely jealous of Cinderella, as she is very beautiful and they are very ugly. In order to ensure no man will want to marry her, they reduce her to their maidservant and force her into waiting on them non-stop and doing all the dirtiest kitchen jobs.
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Why did Cinderella run away?

The clock strikes midnight

The Prince was so charming that Cinderella forgot all about the time until the clock began to strike twelve. She jumped up and fled from the room. The startled Prince raced after her. She managed to escape him, but in her haste she lost one of her glass slippers.
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Why is Cinderella called Cinderella?

His new wife seemed pleasant at first, but revealed herself to be unkind, and had two daughters just the same as her, who made his daughter do many hard chores and treated her unwell. They called her Cinderella or the cinder-maid, because she sat in the corner with the ashes after finishing her work.
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What does Cinderella lose?

In the case of Cinderella and her glass slipper, the story reaches its climax when her shoe falls off as she hurriedly exits the ball. So, whilst Cinderella's shoe should fit her perfectly, it is a plot device that drives the story towards the resolution.
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