What Star Destroyer was Rey scavenging?

The Jakku scavenger Rey lived in a unique home – an AT-AT walker toppled near the outskirts of the Graveyard of Ships. The walker was once Hellhound Two, from the Imperial Star Destroyer Interrogator; Rey made a home for herself in its former troop compartment.
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What ship is Rey scavenging?

Rey's 690 light freighter was a freighter that crashed on Jakku sometime before the Battle of Starkiller Base. It was found by the scavenger Rey, who planned to repair it and sell it to Niima Outpost junk boss, Unkar Plutt.
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What was Rey scavenging?

Rey was a human scavenger on the planet Jakku who scavenged parts from various Imperial and New Republic vehicles and ships leftover after the Battle of Jakku. She exchanged parts with Unkar Plutt for portions of ration packs.
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What ship was Rey on?

Following Solo's death soon after, the Millennium Falcon became a Resistance vessel piloted by its new owner, Rey, throughout much of the First Order-Resistance War.
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How did Rey know how to fly the Millennium Falcon?

Rey was a gifted pilot, who developed her flying skills with nothing but a flight simulator program. Ten days later, the duo trailed Rey and discovered what she was working on, and offered to help her repair it in exchange for passage off of Jakku with her once it was finished.
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Star Wars millennium falcon

Is Rey more powerful than Luke?

Admittedly, Rey skills couldn't possibly be as developed as Anakin's or Luke's. Nevertheless, considering how fast of a learner she is, and how unique the powers she possesses are, it's not a stretch to say that Rey could be a more powerful Jedi than Anakin and Luke Skywalker.
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Is Rey really the last Jedi?

Following Palpatine's final defeat and her own resurrection, Rey adopts the name Rey Skywalker to honor her mentors and their family legacy and renounce her lineage. As the last remaining Jedi, she makes it her mission to rebuild the Jedi Order.
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Why is Rey's lightsaber yellow?

Traditionally, yellow lightsabers are associated with Jedi Sentinels, who balance their combat skills with a strong focus on exploration and practical application of the Force. This choice reflects Rey's well-rounded training and her determination to maintain balance in the Force.
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Does Rey have Ben's baby?

Affiliation(s) Zayne Skywalker, a Human male Force-sensitive, was the son of Ben Solo and Rey Palpatine, a dyad in the force as the great grandson of the Chosen One and the son of powerful force wielders, who later becomes a legendary warrior and hero for the galaxy in the decades after the Battle of Exegol.
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Who did Palpatine have a child with?

Rumor had it that his mother was Palpatine's Umbaran aide Sly Moore, who had impregnated herself using DNA from an undisclosed source. Regardless of the veracity of that report, Triclops was regarded as the true son of Palpatine, both by himself and the few high-ranking officials who were aware of his existence.
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Is Finn Force-sensitive?

Finn, formerly designated FN-2187 ("Eight-Seven"), was a Force-sensitive human male and former stormtrooper who served the First Order until his desertion and subsequent defection to the Resistance during the First Order-Resistance War.
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What does Rey eat on Jakku?

As a scavenger on Jakku, Rey frequently ate polystarch portion bread. A scavenger named Rey lived on Jakku and salvaged valuable parts from crashed ships to trade with Unkar Plutt for portions that included dehydrated polystarch.
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Was Rey's father Force-sensitive?

Miramir had a Force-sensitive child with Dathan, a daughter named Rey, who was born in 15 ABY. Though Miramir's husband lacked the ability to use the Force, Rey was born Force-sensitive as a result of her father's genetic connection to the Palpatine bloodline.
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What ship did Darth Revan fly?

The Ebon Hawk became instrumental in Revan's search for the Star Forge, transporting him and his crew to Dantooine, Manaan, Korriban, Kashyyyk, and Tatooine, in search of ancient Star Maps.
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Was Rey a Skywalker?

Rey is a palpatine and they planning to have her be the granddaughter of Obi wans younger brother from Stujohn so Rey is not a skywalker or biologically related to them. Although She is connected to the skywalker family through her grandfather Palpatine and her great uncle Obi wan Kenobi .
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Why did Ben kiss Rey?

The Rise of Skywalker novelization insisted the kiss was not romantic, explaining that it was “a kiss of gratitude, acknowledgment of their connection, celebration that they'd found each other at last”, but when looking at the context and what their connection was like since The Last Jedi, the kiss between Rey and Ben ...
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Who is the father of Rey Skywalker twins?

Summary. Rey's parents, Dathan and Miramir, have a Star Wars history tying them back to Emperor Palpatine and the Sith, but they have done the work to distance themselves from their past as much as possible.
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Was Ben In Love With Rey?

Ben and Rey kissing. Rey is the love of Ben Solo's life. Initially unknown to Ben, Rey forms a dyad in the Force with him. The dyad is an unbreakable Force-bond that makes them one in the Force, despite being born as two physically separated individuals.
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What is the rarest lightsaber color?

The black lightsaber, or Darksaber to give it its proper name, is one of the rarest lightsabers in Star Wars canon. Despite its rarity in canon, anyone who has seen the second season of The Mandalorian is likely to be familiar with the Darksaber.
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Why did Rey bury Anakin's lightsaber in sand?

Why Did Rey Bury the Lightsabers? Since Luke and Leia, her masters, have become one with the Force, this is her way of honoring them by putting their weapons to rest. It also shows that Rey is burying the past while carrying it with her — both in her spirit and in the lightsaber she now wields.
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How did Rey get Anakin's lightsaber?

He gave it to Luke Skywalker, who lost it when Darth Vader struck off his son's hand in Cloud City. The lightsaber then became part of Maz Kanata's collection of Jedi curios, where it called to the scavenger Rey. She wielded it in defeating Kylo Ren, then brought it to Ahch-To and offered it back to Luke.
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How is Rey related to Anakin?

Parents debate. Some fans have speculated Rey to be either the daughter of Luke Skywalker and another woman or daughter of Han Solo and Leia Organa, therefore the sister of Kylo Ren. She would also be the granddaughter of Anakin SKywalker and Padme Amidala.
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Who is Rey a clone of?

The Last Jedi took the stance that Rey's parents were nobody, and while this may have been true from a certain point of view, The Rise of Skywalker gave us the true answer to Rey's parentage. In the film, we learned that Rey was a Palpatine, and her father was a clone of the infamous Sith Lord.
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How did Leia know Rey was a Palpatine?

Luke's words confirm that Leia discovered Rey was a Palpatine during her lifetime, either before or during the time jump between The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker. If Luke found out through his Sith investigations, or while training Rey on Ahch-To, he undoubtedly would've passed on this knowledge to his sister.
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