What super serum did Bucky get?

This was the real beginning of Bucky Barnes' transformation into Hydra assassin Winter Soldier, as the fall not only resulted in Bucky losing his arm and getting the vibranium replacement on his left side, but also Zola giving him Hydra's version of the Super Soldier Serum.
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What was in the super soldier Serum?

Evidence Vibranium Is The Secret Ingredient In MCU's Super Soldier Serum. The MCU's super-soldier serum has been notoriously difficult to replicate, which could be down to one secret ingredient in Erskine's original formula. One theory suggests that the secret ingredient in the MCU's super-soldier serum is vibranium.
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Did Hydra give Bucky the serum?

While stationed at the Austrian HYDRA Weapons Facility, Zola used Allied prisoners of war who could no longer perform labor as test subjects in his quest to recreate the serum. One of the prisoners, James "Bucky" Barnes, was injected with Zola's version of the serum and survived.
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How did Bucky get super strength?

Enhanced Strength: The Winter Soldier has strength that is equal to that of Captain America. Bucky's strength was greatly boosted by a serum given to him by HYDRA scientists. The Winter Soldier's physical strength is enhanced to superhuman levels.
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Does Bucky have super healing?

Slayers. Slayers could recover from severe injuries in short periods of time in comparison to average humans. Usually, Buffy Summers was completely healed within 24 hours of being injured,[citation needed] though more serious injuries took at least a few days.
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Did Bucky ever get the super soldier Serum?

Yes, Buck did have the super soldier serum. It's implied that Dr. Zola injected his version of the serum into Buck during his captivity from HYDRA during World War II, more exactly the events of The First Avenger.
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Can Bucky feel with his Vibranium arm?

The fact of the matter is, the arm still functions as a part of his body. The superpowered enhancements do not change the fact that he will still naturally experience pain when his body is put under such stress, especially when the arm is attached to so many nerves that could've been damaged from losing his actual arm.
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Why Bucky killed Tony's parents?

In 1991, Barnes was thawed out and sent to retrieve Howard Stark's new attempt at the Super Soldier Serum. The assassin forcibly crashed the car with Howard and Maria inside and stole the samples, killing Tony Stark's parents in the process.
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Is Bucky as strong as cap?

Usually, Captain America is considered the best fighter in the Marvel Universe, but on this occasion Bucky beat him fair and square, even using Steve's own shield to deliver the final blow. The power levels of Marvel characters vary greatly according to writers' preferences and story needs.
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Is Bucky weaker than cap?

In the MCU, with his Winter Soldier mindset, Bucky is as strong as Captain America. If we're talking about the comics, it's because Bucky never received a version of the super soldier serum. He's still a highly trained man with a metal arm, but most of him is ordinary human.
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Why is Bucky weaker in Falcon and Winter Soldier?

Bucky Barnes' Fight Tactics Have Changed

In The Falcon and Winter Soldier, the weapon was gone, and Bucky relied almost entirely on his vibranium arm. He even made a point of not shooting Baron Zemo when he had a chance. That cuts down on his perceived power because fewer people are dying at his hands.
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Who gave Bucky the serum?

This was the real beginning of Bucky Barnes' transformation into Hydra assassin Winter Soldier, as the fall not only resulted in Bucky losing his arm and getting the vibranium replacement on his left side, but also Zola giving him Hydra's version of the Super Soldier Serum.
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How did Bucky get free from HYDRA?

November 1943- Bucky Is Rescued By Rogers Steve Rogers leads a breakout of the Hydra facility, having become enhanced thanks to the Super Soldier Serum. Rogers also rescues Barnes, who had been experimented on by Hydra scientist Arnim Zola.
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Why didn t Sam take the super-soldier Serum?

Sam also knows that Captain America (the proper one) is an exception, not the rule. Super soldier serum amplifies the qualities of those who take it, so unless the recipient is an absolute bastion of moral fortitude like St. Steve, the effects can be unpredictable.
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Is Bucky's serum the same as Steve's?

Bucky Barnes was a second successful attempt at a super soldier, injected with serum similar to Rogers' while he was a prisoner of HYDRA in 1943. The serum enabled him to survive the fall from the HYDRA train in 1945, but was not potent enough to prevent the loss of his left arm.
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Did Luke Cage get super-soldier Serum?

Luke Cage. During his time as an inmate, Luke Cage was experimented on to recreate the Super Soldier Serum that gave Captain America his abilities by Doctor Noah Burstein.
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Is cap the weakest avenger?

Similarly, Iron Man, Thor, and the Hulk have also proven to be more physically capable than Captain America in terms of sheer strength, meaning out of all of them, Captain America is, in fact, the weakest.
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How did Bucky not age?

Bucky owes his youthful appearance to repeated cryo-freezes orchestrated by the Russians. He possesses no super powers and never received a form of the Super Soldier Serum as many assume, but continues to operate at peak human ability.
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Is Steven stronger than Bucky?

Bucky is revived and restored by the Infinity Formula, the same chemical used on Nick Fury during World War II. This increases Bucky's vitality and physical abilities, though to a lesser degree than Steve Rogers.
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Did Tony forgive Bucky?

However, while Tony did make amends with Steve, he wasn't able to do so with Bucky. In fact, they didn't even get to have any interaction before Iron Man's death.
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How did Bucky survive 70 years?

Bucky Survived Through Cryogenic Freezing And The Super-Soldier Serum. After surviving his fall from the train, Bucky would be kidnapped by a HYDRA cell in the Soviet Union, and then placed in the same super-soldier experimentation that Steve was.
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Did cap know Bucky killed the Starks?

Even though the MCU's Captain America knew that Iron Man's parents were killed at the hands of Bucky Barnes, a.k.a. Winter Soldier, he didn't tell his fellow Avenger before the events of Captain America: Civil War.
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What did Ayo say to Bucky?

What Ayo actually says is "Bast damn you, James," in English. According to Wakanda's origin story, Bast is the panther goddess who led the very first Black Panther to the Heart-Shaped Herb that granted him his superhuman powers.
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Did Nebula steal Bucky's arm?

James Gunn explained on social media that Nebula got Bucky's arm by going to Earth and stealing it from him. However, it was never explained - on film or on social media - what Rocket did with Bucky's arm after he finally got it.
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Why did Bucky's arm disappear?

The fact that Bucky did wear the arm is why it disappeared according to the Russo brothers (via Comicbook), as they stated anything that was part of someone's identity would disappear when snapped.
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