What was the message at the end of The Wizard of Oz?

In the “Wizard of Oz,” the film ends with Dorothy realizing that while Oz has shown her an entirely new and possible world that exists beyond her imagination, her heart still yearns for her home in Kansas.
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What is the meaning of the ending of The Wizard of Oz?

And regardless of the dream-or-real question, the ending represents fulfillment of Dorothy's Hero's Journey: returning home, safe and sound with people who love her. She's learned self-reliance from her experiences, and newfound appreciation for her family, who can be stern but clearly care a great deal about her.
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What was the real message in The Wizard of Oz?

Viewers were able to relate to a character, whether it was the Scarecrow in need of a brain, the Tin Man in need of a heart, or the Cowardly Lion, in need of courage. The obvious message of the story is that there is no place like home.
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What does Dorothy realize at the end of Wizard of Oz?

03/7​There is no place like home

Dorothy realizes that she does not need the Wizard to send her home; she holds the power all along to go back to the place she was born and the people she loves.
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What mental illness did Dorothy have in The Wizard of Oz?

Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD)

We're no shrinks, but it seems like Dorothy could be suffering from HPD, a disorder that manifests itself through attention-seeking behavior, intense theatricality, and a shallow array of emotions.
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Does "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" have a hidden message? - David B. Parker

What is The Wizard of Oz a metaphor for?

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz as a Metaphor

The story is an allegory for the rise of Populism that was occurring in the 1890s, as well as for the debate over whether to hold on to the gold standard for currency or to begin using silver.
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What does the Cowardly Lion represent in The Wizard of Oz?

the Cowardly Lion represented northern reformers; the Emerald City represented Wall Street, greenback colored; and. the Wizard represented the Money Power, whose influence rests on manipulation and illusion.
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What does The Wizard of Oz symbolize in Christianity?

Religious allegory

Christian sermons have discussed The Wizard of Oz's Biblical meanings, comparing Dorothy's song Over The Rainbow to the end of the tale of Noahfrom the book of Genesis, or claiming that the Emerald City represents “the heavenly city, the new Jerusalem”.
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What do the flying monkeys represent in The Wizard of Oz?

Winged Monkeys. According to some writers, the Winged Monkeys of Oz represent Native Americans in the West in the late 1800s. Baum himself had clear attitudes toward American Indians and some of his earlier writings about Indians are very similar to his descriptions of the Winged Monkeys found in Oz.
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Does the Wizard of Oz have a happy ending?

Dorothy bangs her head, dreams of the magical kingdom of Oz and wakes up at home, surrounded by loved ones and farm employees. Rashly, she announces that she'll never leave home again, and that's supposed to be a happy ending … except that Dorothy's problem hasn't gone away.
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Why did the Winged Monkeys not harm Dorothy?

They picked up the Lion and returned him to the witch's palace. The monkeys refused to harm Dorothy because she had the mark on her forehead left from where the Good Witch had kissed her.)
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What does Toto the dog represent in The Wizard of Oz?

Toto: a small dog that seems to go unnoticed, it is Toto who reveals what a fraud the Wizard is. It is thought that Toto also represents average Americans. Uncle Henry: Henry Cantwell Wallace was a well known farmer and editor for a leading farm magazine in the late 1800s.
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What happened to the flying monkeys at the end of The Wizard of Oz?

Glinda then ordered the winged monkeys to carry Dorothy's companions back to their new homes in Oz after Dorothy's departure, and then to simply cease to bother people and not play pranks on them anymore. She then gave the winged monkeys the cap as their own, breaking the curse and setting them free.
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What religion is shown in The Wizard of Oz?

Dorothy stands in as the would-be atheist. Toto is Dorothy's critical thinking ability. The Wicked Witch is the local church, focused on destroying anyone who opposes her, no matter how small. And Glinda, the Good Witch, is the learned atheist out to help along those who are just getting their feet wet with atheism.
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Is The Wizard of Oz a metaphor for God?

In the novel, Dorothy learned that God is a fraud created by man and that she is the one with power, not God. Events in Baum's personal life support this theory, and the events in the novel itself prove that the Wizard of Oz was actually an atheist allegory.
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Was The Wizard of Oz all a dream?

In the movie, Dorothy gets knocked out by a flying window during the cyclone scene. She eventually lands in Oz but by the movie's end, she wakes up in her bed with her family surrounding her. This reassures the viewer that the whole ordeal was simply a dream. In the book, however, there is no dream.
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What does the silver slippers represent in The Wizard of Oz?

In the book and the play the shoes are silver, not ruby as they were famously depicted in the 1939 film. In his reading of The Wizard of Oz, Littlefield believed that Dorothy was a stand-in for the average American, and that the magic silver shoes represented the late 1890s free silver movement.
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What does the Wicked Witch of the East symbolize?

The Witch represents eastern financial-industrial interests and their gold-standard political allies, the main targets of Populist venom.
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What does yellow brick road represent?

The Yellow Brick Road represents strategy—how you will get there; the path you identify as the best, smartest way to accomplish your goal. And each of the shiny yellow bricks in the road represents an action step—the smaller tactics that go into executing your strategy.
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What is the irony in The Wizard of Oz?

Situational Irony

The Scarecrow longs for intelligence, only to discover he is already a genius. Tin Man longs to be capable of love, only to discover he already has a heart. The Lion, who at first appears to be a whimpering coward, turns out to be bold and fearless.
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What does the ruby slippers represent in The Wizard of Oz?

All kidding aside, the slippers make for a pretty straightforward representation of Dorothy's own potential power. She has it, she just doesn't know how to use it yet, which is really why Glinda sends her off to see the Wizard.
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Who does Uncle Henry represent in The Wizard of Oz?

Uncle Henry represents popular farmer, journalist and political activist, Henry Cantwell Wallace. Wallace was the was editor of a leading farm magazine during the late 1800s and was commonly know as 'Uncle Henry. ' The Tin Woodman is a representation of the American industrial/steel industry during the early 1900s.
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What does Dorothy call Oz?

Even Dorothy had hope that "The Great and Terrible Humbug," as she called him, would find a way to send her back to Kansas, and if he did she was willing to forgive him everything.
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Why did the Monkeys have to obey the owner of the golden cap?

He explains that, as a joke, the rascally Monkeys once dropped Quelala, the fiancé of the princess and good sorceress Gayelette, in a river, dressed in all his finery. The prank angered Gayelette, and she punished the Monkeys by requiring them to obey three requests from each owner of the Golden Cap.
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Why did Dorothy throw water on the witch in the book?

She is killed when Dorothy throws a bucket of water on her, in attempt to put out a fire the witch bestowed on the Scarecrow. In the novel, Dorothy simply throws it on her in a fit of anger.
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