What was Thorin greedy for?

Commentators have noted that Thorin is Old Norse both in name and character, being surly, illiberal, independent, proud, aristocratic, and like all Dwarves greedy for gold.
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How is Thorin Greedy in The Hobbit?

Once Thorin gets his hands on Smaug's treasure, he becomes irrationally greedy and obsessed with wealth, to the extent that he would rather wage a violent war than give the men from Lake Town their fair share of the treasure.
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What does Thorin desire?

His burning desire for gold and to return to the Lonely Mountain became too great and in T.A. 2841 he set out to return. Thorin, then aged ninety-five, was never to see his father again, as Sauron captured and imprisoned Thráin in Dol Guldur.
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Why was Thorin so selfish?

However, it was very dark when Thorin was underneath the gold curse, as he had limited trust among his friends. During the time of his gold sickness, Thorin became stubborn, greedy, and selfish. He refused to give what he owed the people of Lake-town or share the treasure with others in his company.
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What was Thorin searching for?

Following the death of Smaug at the hands of Bard in Lake-town, Thorin Oakenshield ordered the Dwarves and Bilbo Baggins to look for the Arkenstone within the halls of Erebor.
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The Hobbit - Thorin comes to his senses

What does Thorin Oakenshield want?

Thorin was determined to get the treasure back. He especially wanted the Arkenstone, the Heart of the Mountain, which was an heirloom of the dwarves' Kingdom.
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What was Thorin's request?

Thorin, leader of the party, asks Roac if he could inform his kin of their predicament, and ask them to bring reinforcements. The dwarves respond by exploring the caverns and building a blockade at the entrance of Lonely Mountain. Ravens bring them constant news of the coming armies.
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Why are the dwarves greedy in the hobbit?

It is plain to see, for example, that the Dwarves in The Hobbit are not driven by a desire for freedom from tyranny, or to create a utilitarian utopia, but are rather driven almost completely by greed, to recover the hoard of treasure guarded by the great dragon Smaug in the depths of the Lonely Mountain.
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Why does Thorin hate elves?

In The Hobbit films, Thorin gains a mistrust of Elves after Thranduil refused to help them seek a home.
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Why does Thorin hate Bilbo?

Why does Thorin dislike Bilbo? Thorin and Bilbo have worldviews that are diametrically opposed. Hobbits value the comforts of home and festivity, while dwarves seek riches and battle. Throughout their journey, Thorin continues to undermine Bilbo, despite Thorin's own lack of preparedness and clear leadership views.
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Who are the greedy characters in The Hobbit?

In fact, the novel seems to place greed in direct contrast to trust and cooperation, and every overwhelmingly greedy character lives in almost complete isolation: Smaug, Gollum, and, for a time near the end of the novel, Thorin.
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Did Thorin's bloodline end?

Their deaths and Thorin's did not end Durin's line, although did end the branch which had Thror, Thrain, and Thorin Oakenshield. Thorin's cousin, Dain Ironfoot, became King after Thorin's death. Dain's son, Thorin Stonehelm, became King after Dain died in the Battle of Dale. The line continued on after that.
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Does the Arkenstone cause dragon sickness?

The Hobbit film trilogy

Indeed, "Thrór named it 'The King's Jewel'" according to Old Bilbo. In the books, this greed is partly caused by possessing one of the Seven Rings of Power, but in the films it is the Arkenstone itself that causes 'Dragon sickness'.
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Did Thorin apologize to Bilbo?

Thorin apologizes to Bilbo, saying that the world would be a better place if only more folks were like him. He asks for Bilbo's forgiveness. He bids farewell, and dies. Bilbo cries over the loss of Thorin – but is so glad that he made it in time to say goodbye and to make amends before he died.
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What is the symbol of greed in the hobbit?

The Arkenstone is a valuable gemstone that begins as a symbol of family, but becomes a symbol of greed. 'For the Arkenstone of my father,' he (Thorin) said, 'is worth more than a river of gold in itself, and to me it is beyond price.
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Why does Thorin get so angry at Bilbo?

Later in their perilous journey in the Misty Mountains, Thorin risked his life to save Bilbo by swinging down and pushing up to their companions; however, he shortly berates Bilbo for nearly getting them both killed and gives him harsher words of not getting along.
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Why did Thorin become greedy?

Why did Thorin go crazy? Thorin fell victim to the sickness of greed. Dwarves are known for being greedy and proud, and when he realized the treasure of Erebor was his, including the Arkenstone, he became ill with Dragon Sickness. He began to value his wealth more than his friends, family, and own safety.
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Why does Thranduil hate Tauriel?

Although very little is known about the identity of Legolas' mother, she is referenced a few times in The Hobbit films, and a big part of the source of contention between Taurial and Thranduil is that she thinks him cold and unfeeling, and he thinks her naive and foolhardy.
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Why does Thranduil hate Dwarves?

While Thranduil didn't have a problem with Dwarves, he didn't care for a lot of Elves. In the book, Thranduil was an isolationist and with good reason. Thranduil was a Sindarin Elf, which meant that he had never been to Valinor, and he grew up in Doriath under the leadership of King Elu Thingol and Melian the Maia.
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How is greed a theme in The Hobbit?

Greed in The Hobbit

Greed leads to disagreement, self-destruction, and even calamity. The dwarves and the elves are blinded by greed and are unable to cooperate. The Master of Lake-town only cares for treasure, and he is shunned by his people when Bard takes his place as leader.
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Why do elves hate dwarves?

Elvish folk were originally created by the God of Tolkien's world, Ilúvatar, while the Dwarves were given life by the lesser Aulë. This intrinsically sets up the races as a superior and inferior species, since Ilúvatar didn't make the Dwarves out of choice, but merely allowed them to exist out of kindness.
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Is Smaug a metaphor?

Smaug. When describing Smaug, the dragon, the author uses both similes and metaphors. The following metaphor directly compares Smaug to a worm without using 'like' or 'as' to connect them. 'There was a most specially greedy, strong and wicked worm called Smaug.
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What were Thorin's dying words?

“Farewell, good thief,” [Thorin] said. “I go now to the halls of waiting to sit beside my fathers, until the world is renewed. Since I leave now all gold and silver, and go where it is of little worth, I wish to part in friendship from you, and I would take back my words and deeds at the Gate.”
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What is Thorin's war cry?

Thorin shouts Baruk Khazâd! Khazâd ai-mênu! at the Battle of Five Armies.
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What is Thorin's backstory?

Thorin II was born in TA 2746 to the Dwarf prince Thráin II in the city of the Lonely Mountain. Early in his youth, Thorin and the other Dwarves of the Lonely Mountain were forced to flee by the dragon Smaug, in TA 2770. While in exile, he quickly grew into a capable warrior.
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